نماز تراویح کے اہم ترین ایس او پی پر عمل درآمد نہ ہو سکا


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
لگتا ہے کہ اب سخت لاک داون کا وقت آگیا ہے کیوں کہ بہت تیزی سے کرونا پھیلنے لگا ہے۔


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I predicted it earlier on this forum that it wouldn’t be possible that people acted upon the agreement between government and ulema. My question is to both government and Ulema. What was the need to sign the agreement? Why can’t the so-called ‘muttaqee’ Moulvies and their staunch followers offer prayer at home during the time of crisis? What is biting them from inside which can’t allow them to offer prayer at home during the time of fear and pandemic ?

I fail to understand what Islam Pakistani people follow which we don’t see in rest of the Muslim World. The only reason that comes to my mind is that Pakistan is the only country in the world where Moulvis are not under any state restriction. They are a state within state. All our governments are helpless in front of them.
