....میاں صاحب کی تیسری حکومت ہے اور آج بھی


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)


Zia Hydari

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

جس طرح تیسری بیوی قابو نہیں آتی ہے، اسی طرح تیسری حکومت میاں صاحب کے قابو نہیں آرہی ہے۔


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Nawaz Dakoo can re-inaugrate roads.Moral and finacial corruption is a big problem in Pakistan but he fails to acknowledge this.Far reaching reforms are needed in every sector.The police,health service,education agriculture and tax collection are in urgent need of reforms.The electoral system is one of the most corrupt in the world.The industry needs revival.He has not taken any steps to make any changes.All he is doing is re-inaugurating projects initiated by previous governments.In the last elections he was boasting he made Pakistan a nuclear power,I guess in the next election he will claim that he initiated CPEC.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
عزیز من ان سڑکوں نے تیسرے دور میں شہر ملانے شورع کر دیے ھیں تو نورے نے جغرافیہ پڑھانا شورع کیا ھے نا
تم خاں صاحب سے کہو باقی سارے سبق پڑھا دیں - پچھلے چار سال سے کے پی کے میں ان سبقوں میں لاکھوں کو پی ھچ ڈی نکال چکے ھیں


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Sir your superficial rant sounds very Garma Gurm. However if you can please enlighten me with a single revolutionary proposal that khan sahib and his team has given in Electoral reforms committee. When it comes to the real work your khan sahib shows utmost incompetency.
And what is wrong if nawaja boasts on CPEC in next election. It is his era when this century old concept got out of books and in two years emerged as reality. You have any doubt about it ????
And let me tell you that Khan sahib's politics has already been crushed under CPEC trucks. You will see the corps in next election. At this moment it is not visible to you.

Nawaz Dakoo can re-inaugrate roads.Moral and finacial corruption is a big problem in Pakistan but he fails to acknowledge this.Far reaching reforms are needed in every sector.The police,health service,education agriculture and tax collection are in urgent need of reforms.The electoral system is one of the most corrupt in the world.The industry needs revival.He has not taken any steps to make any changes.All he is doing is re-inaugurating projects initiated by previous governments.In the last elections he was boasting he made Pakistan a nuclear power,I guess in the next election he will claim that he initiated CPEC.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
نواز شریف تو تبدیلی نہیں لا سکا ، ان صاحب کو دیکھیں اور ان کی لائی ہوئی تبدیلی دیکھیں :lol:


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Sir your superficial rant sounds very Garma Gurm. However if you can please enlighten me with a single revolutionary proposal that khan sahib and his team has given in Electoral reforms committee. When it comes to the real work your khan sahib shows utmost incompetency.
And what is wrong if nawaja boasts on CPEC in next election. It is his era when this century old concept got out of books and in two years emerged as reality. You have any doubt about it ????
And let me tell you that Khan sahib's politics has already been crushed CPEC trucks. You will see the corps in next election. At this moment it is not visible to you.

I don't support Khan or his party.PTI has no power anyway.Nawaz is in a position to initiate far reaching reforms but we know he is not interested.He is in politics to enrich himself and his family through corruption.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Oo Okay that one -- thanks
I don't support Khan or his party.PTI has no power anyway.Nawaz is in a position to initiate far reaching reforms but we know he is not interested.He is in politics to enrich himself and his family through corruption.


Minister (2k+ posts)
​اخلاقیات اور دیانت داری کا سبق جہانگیر ترین جیسے ٹھگ کا پالتو لودھی پڑھائے گا ، اللہ سے دعا ہے انساپی نوسر بازوں کے شر سے قوم اور ملک کو محفوظ رہیں

Jalil Malik

Senator (1k+ posts)
In one tenure NS makes few roads and in his next tenure roads broke down and he starts again making same roads. Nation stands at same position in decades.
