ملک کی بقا سخت لاک ڈاؤن میں ہے، پمز ہسپتال کے ڈاکٹروں کی پریس کانفرنس


Minister (2k+ posts)
I don’t understand why doctors are giving press conferences everywhere in Pakistan, doesn’t happen anywhere else in the world.

this is the job of the government to make these decisions, and they have to look at the best interest of everyone rather than just one sector. These fucking media assholes are full of shit, creating stupid issues.

Raja Farooq

Senator (1k+ posts)
what a rubbish nation we r everybody iz telling khan how to run the country i request khan to resign and let all these people to run pak iz so called educated doc r telling khan what to do nonsense


Minister (2k+ posts)
He wants to lose 50,000 people to starvation cause 10 million job losses 20 billion dollar damage to the economy by implementing a complete lockdown. does he know how hard it is to create 10 million jobs? especially when retards liek the PTI is in power?


President (40k+ posts)
They would have been fired a long time ago in any other civilized country by doing such a stupid and political briefing...
