مشرق وسطی میں زعفرانیوں کے خلاف شدید ردعمل


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Chaddis are worst creatures over face of earth, narrow gutter minded were ruled for centuries by different cultures which is why their thinking and IQ never developed. They even treat their own hindus from lower cast very badly, this shows what type of creatures they are.

Shuja Baba

Councller (250+ posts)

یہ ساری ڈارامے بازیاں ہیں
آل ہنود اور آل سعود اور جملہ عربیوں کے مفادات آل یہود کی پشت پناہی سے یکجا ہیں۔
سوشل میڈیا اور جعلی بیانات پر کھڑے کئے گئے ڈرامے کر کے یہ ثابت کر رہے ہیں کہ باقی دنیا بھی ان جیسی شوتیا ہے۔
سعودی عرب سے لیکر قطر تک اور قطر سے لیکر دبئی، ابو ظہبی، شارجہ، عمان تک ہندؤں کیساتھ اربوں ڈالرز کےکاروباری معاہدے ہیں۔
چپڑاسی سے لیکر چیف ایکگزیکٹوز تک ہر ادارے اور بزنس میں ہندو بھرے پڑے ہیں
ان لعنتی کردار عربیوں کو ڈوب مرنے کیلئے گئو موتر کی شیشی بھیجو
پلید حرامی منافقون کی اولادیں

Shuja Baba

Councller (250+ posts)

حقائق تصوریروں میں









(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
زعفرانیوں سے پہلے ان کے دیسی ہمدرد موجود ہیں

yankee babu

Senator (1k+ posts)
Saffron terrorists are biggest danger for humanity.
These bastards must be eliminated
Please all of you don't use the word saffron for them, saffron does provide health benefit and has a very good aroma they are yarqani (jaundice) color terrorist they will be decimated by themselves that's why they are wearing a yarqani kafan.

Dream Seller

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
These terrorists are security risk to the world peace...the most extremists nation...
Minorities are in danger there


Minister (2k+ posts)
This actually what india is ...what RSS has done is just unmasked its hypocrisy....Had india been not this...how could BJP (RSS) and internationally recognised terrorist..the ultimate Islamophobic is chosen as PM (twice)...see their bollywood movies , how they present Arabs and muslims in there...India is like this...(few are certainly an exception) but majority are like this they hate muslims and islam...there is no discrimination in muslim and arab countries against indians/hindus at state level (majority corona virus patients in Qatr are hindus, but aytain free mediation without any discrimination and rightly so...bcz this is wht our religion/Deen taught us), but the case is completely reverse in india...they kill muslims for caw trading but india is the biggest exporter of beef...beef export companies have muslim names but hindu owners...this is what India is...its cunning, treacherous, sneaky and poisonous...they are making alliances to cut muslim root (its their choice to do it) but muslims must not fall pray to them...understand the game...observe the hate...they wont learn any lesson unless retaliated by muslims...they dont understand love and respect...India is a snake in Muslims cloths...they have ruined muslims minority in india..occupied Kashmir force ably...the kashmiris ar under lock down since several months....muslims continue seeping...let is be...Allah help those who help themselves....