مزہب سے مزاق تک

dangerous tears

Senator (1k+ posts)
سنی تحریک والے ابھی اپنا کرتب ختم کر کے واپس پہنچے ہی ہیں کہ باقی مذہبی جماعتوں کو جوش آ گیا ہے۔ سنی تحریک والے بزرگوں کی دوڑ اور ترلے دیکھنے والے ہیں جو اب وہ دہشت گردی والی دفعات میں ماخوذ ہونے کے بعد کر رہے ہیں۔ کارکنان خیر سے کافی ابھی اندر ہی ہیں۔ کچھ رلتے ہوئے کراچی پہنچ گئے ہیں واپس۔ ایک آدھ پیر صاحب نے اپنے زور بازو سے کم اور زبان دانی کی مہارتوں سے اپنی ٹکور کا اہتمام بھی کر لیا۔

اتنا سب کچھ ہونے کے باوجود قائدین جوش میں آئے ہوئے ہیں۔ قوم کو نظام مصطفی کے نعرے کے پیچھے گھیرنے کی تیاریاں ہیں۔ مولانا فضل الرحمن مذہبی گھرانے میں پیدا ہونے والے سراپا سیاستدان ہیں۔ وہ اچھی طرح سمجھ چکے ہوں گے کہ ان تلوں میں پھر تیل نہیں ہے۔ صاف بچا لے جائیں گے وہ اپنی جماعت کو۔ سرکار کو یرکا کر اپنی سیاسی پاور بیس کو بھی راضی کر لیںگے اور پارٹی کے لئے بھی کوئی دال دلیہ کر ہی لیں گے۔

ایمانداری تقوی دیانت کافی حد تک شرافت کے نشان ہوتے ہوئے بھی کسی نے سیاسی مفلسی دیکھنی ہو تو صالحین کے امیر سراج الحق کو دیکھ لے۔ ہماری بدقسمتی ہے کہ وہ پارلیمانی سیاست میں کامیاب ہوئے۔ اب اسی کامیابی کے زور پر اپنی جماعت کا زبردستی بیڑہ غرق کر رہے ہیں۔ یہ دن بھی ہمیں دیکھنا تھا کہ ایک امیر جماعت اپنی صدی پرانی تحریک اور نظرئیے کو ایک جنازے پر وارنے نکل پڑا تھا۔

ہم کپتان کو روتے ہیں کہ وہ اپنے شاندار سیاسی نعرے تبدیلی کی تشریح نہیں کرتا۔ لوگوں کو سمجھانے میں بری طرح ناکام ہوتا جا رہا کہ تبدیلی لائے گا کیا۔ بار بار اس کے امیدوار ووٹر مسترد کر رہے ہیں۔ اس سب کو اپنی آنکھوں کے سامنے ہوتا دیکھ کر بھی مذہبی جماعتیں پاٹے پرانے نعروں کے ساتھ اٹھی ہیں۔

اندازہ کریں نظام مصطفی کا نعرہ لے کر میدان میں اترنے والی ساری مذہبی جماعتیں وہ ہیں جو پارلیمانی سیاست کرتی ہیں۔ ہمارے مذہبی راہنما سیاسی پلان دینے کو اپنا منہ کھولتے ہیں، ووٹر ڈھیروں ڈھیر ان سے بھاگ جاتا ہے۔ ہر بار سب سے پہلے اقلیتیں بھاگتی ہیں۔ اس بار حقوق نسواں بل کو مسئلہ بنایا ہے ۔ ہماری آدھی آبادی خواتین پر مشتمل ہے اور آدھے ووٹ بھی ان کے ہیں۔ خواتین کو مخالف بنا کر گھر سے چلے ہیں ۔ اس کے نتائیج کیسے ہوں گے کچھ کہنے کی ضرورت نہیں ۔ راہنماؤ آپ کے پاس نوجوانوں کے لئے کیا ہے۔ کوئی پیغام ہے جو آپ انہیں دینا چاہتے ہوں۔ ایسا پیغام جسے سن کر وہ آپ کے پیچھے چل پڑیں۔

مذہب کے نام سے جب بندوق اٹھائی گئی مسلح تحریک چلی سوال مذہب ہی پر کھڑے ہوئے۔ سیاسی تحریک چلاتے ہیں منہ کی کھاتے ہیں متنفر پھر مذہب سے کرتے ہیں۔ کرتوت اپنے ہیں نشانہ مذہب بن جاتا ہے۔

آپ جب بھی مذہب کا نام لیں گے ہر سوچنے والا ذہن آپ لوگوں کے کردار کا موازنہ رسول پاک صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وصلم اور ان کے اصحاب کے ساتھ کرے گا ۔ یہ کوئی موازنہ ہی نہیں ہے۔ ایسا نہیں کہ اس معیار کو پانا انسانی بس نہیں۔ اگر ایسا ہوتا تو اہل مذہب کا کوئی کیس ہی باقی نہ رہتا۔ آپ نے اگر مذہبی تحریک اٹھانی ہے تو آپ کا کردار ہی اس تحریک کا فیصلہ کرے گا۔

مذہبی جماعتیں اگر اپنی سمجھ کا اسلام اور نظام بھی اگر نافذ کرنا چاہتی ہیں تو مثال اور معیار رسول پاک صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وصلم کی سنت ہی بنے گی۔

رسول پاک صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وصلم نے دس سال صرف دس سال میں پر امن رہتے ہوئے بغیر کسی جانی نقصان کے مدینہ میں اسلامی ریاست قائم کر دکھائی تھی۔ دس سال بہت ہوتے ہیں کسی بھی تحریک کی کامیابی کے لئے۔ طریقہ کار سامنے ہے اور کردار بھی۔ نہ کہیں موقف سے انحراف کیا گیا، نہ کہیں جذباتی اشتعال دلا کر وقتی فائدہ اٹھایا گیا۔ واضح مقاصد تھے جن کے لئے جدوجہد کی گئی دکھ جھیلے گئے۔ معاشرہ بدل دیا گیا۔

ہمیں مذہب کا نام لینے والی سو سو سال پرانی جماعتیں نصیب ہوئی ہیں۔ کوئی پر امن جدوجہد پر یقین رکھتا ہے۔ کسی نے خلافت لانی ہے پرامن طریقے سے۔ کوئی بندوق لے کر نکلا ہوا۔ تھک رہے ہیں، مر رہے ہیں مار رہے ہیں۔ منزل کا کوئی پتہ نشان نہیں۔ قدم ان کے آگے بڑھتے ہیں فتح ان کے دشمنوں کی ہوتی ہے۔ مسلمان عذاب میں ہیں، وجہ عذاب ہمارے مذہبی راہنما ہیں جو بے سمت ہیں۔

مذہبی جماعتوں پر، مذہب پر بات کرنے سے ہمیں گریز ہی رہتا ہے۔ کریں بھی تو کیا کریں۔ کب تک چپ رہیں؟ مذہبی راہنماؤں کو خود بھی اور مذہب کو بھی مذاق بناتے دیکھیں


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
:حاصل تحریر
رسول پاک کی سیرت بھی سامنے ہے، طریقہ کار بھی اور منزل بھی. لیکن سیکولر لبرل ہونے کے ناطے نا ہمیں سیرت سے غرض ہے نا طریقے سے نا منزل ہے. کیونکہ ہم سیکولر لبرل جمہوریت نافذ کرنا چاہتے ہیں


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
:حاصل تحریر
رسول پاک کی سیرت بھی سامنے ہے، طریقہ کار بھی اور منزل بھی. لیکن سیکولر لبرل ہونے کے ناطے نا ہمیں سیرت سے غرض ہے نا طریقے سے نا منزل ہے. کیونکہ ہم سیکولر لبرل جمہوریت نافذ کرنا چاہتے ہیں
:حاصل تحریر
رسول پاک کی سیرت بھی سامنے ہے، طریقہ کار بھی اور منزل بھی. لیکن ملا ہونے کے با وجود نا ہمیں سیرت سے غرض ہے نا طریقے سے نا منزل ہے. کیونکہ ہم اپنی دہشت گردوں کی حکومت نافذ کرنا چاہتے ہیں جیسے صفورا چوک میں کیا


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
:حاصل تحریر
رسول پاک کی سیرت بھی سامنے ہے، طریقہ کار بھی اور منزل بھی. لیکن ملا ہونے کے با وجود نا ہمیں سیرت سے غرض ہے نا طریقے سے نا منزل ہے. کیونکہ ہم اپنی دہشت گردوں کی حکومت نافذ کرنا چاہتے ہیں جیسے صفورا چوک میں کیا
.لبروں نے بنی کی سیرت پر انگلیاں اٹھانے سے گریز نہیں کیا، ان کے طریقہ کار اور منزل کو فرسودہ کہہ کر مخالف سمت اختیار کر لی. ملا کی کیا اوقات ہے لبروں کی کیا حیثیت جو ان کی سنی جائے


Senator (1k+ posts)
Well well well

Another twist of facts..

"Misaali Islami Riyasat in Medina"????

Fact is.... Even after 23 years of " preach" Islam could not spread outside Medina.

Even after 23 years of preach of Prophet SAW himself...

Majority of Meccans "Rejected Exemplary Islamic State of Medina" even back then...

At last after 23 years, Muslims attacked Mecca, conquered it and Islam crossed the tiny boundaries of Medina.

Had Muslims not invaded and conquered Mecca, Islam would've died within the boundaries of that little city called Medina.

And what kind of "Exemplary State" was it by the way?

Where Jews were "expelled". Including little kids and women

Where Non-Muslims had to pay special tax called Jaziya to live

Where women were made slaves

Where extremely hard capital punishment were exercised

Where men and women slaves were traded


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
.لبروں نے بنی کی سیرت پر انگلیاں اٹھانے سے گریز نہیں کیا، ان کے طریقہ کار اور منزل کو فرسودہ کہہ کر مخالف سمت اختیار کر لی. ملا کی کیا اوقات ہے لبروں کی کیا حیثیت جو ان کی سنی جائے

صفورا گوٹھ کے دہشت گرد لبرے تھے یا ہندو تنظیم کے تھے ؟؟؟


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Well well well

Another twist of facts..

"Misaali Islami Riyasat in Medina"????

Fact is.... Even after 23 years of " preach" Islam could not spread outside Medina.

Even after 23 years of preach of Prophet SAW himself...

Majority of Meccans "Rejected Exemplary Islamic State of Medina" even back then...

At last after 23 years, Muslims attacked Mecca, conquered it and Islam crossed the tiny boundaries of Medina.

Had Muslims not invaded and conquered Mecca, Islam would've died within the boundaries of that little city called Medina.

And what kind of "Exemplary State" was it by the way?

Where Jews were "expelled". Including little kids and women

Where Non-Muslims had to pay special tax called Jaziya to live

Where women were made slaves

Where extremely hard capital punishment were exercised

Where men and women slaves were traded
جا یار اپنی کمیونٹی میں جا کر بات کر
یھاں تیری کوئی نہی سنتا ، اب تیری مرضی ہے جتنا مرضی بھونکتا رہ ، کوئی سنے گا نہی
فکر نہ کر
بہتر ہے کہ اپنے لوگوں میں بات کرو

جا میرا یار ...شاباش

dangerous tears

Senator (1k+ posts)
Well well well

Another twist of facts..

"Misaali Islami Riyasat in Medina"????

Fact is.... Even after 23 years of " preach" Islam could not spread outside Medina.

Even after 23 years of preach of Prophet SAW himself...

Majority of Meccans "Rejected Exemplary Islamic State of Medina" even back then...

At last after 23 years, Muslims attacked Mecca, conquered it and Islam crossed the tiny boundaries of Medina.

Had Muslims not invaded and conquered Mecca, Islam would've died within the boundaries of that little city called Medina.

And what kind of "Exemplary State" was it by the way?

Where Jews were "expelled". Including little kids and women

Where Non-Muslims had to pay special tax called Jaziya to live

Where women were made slaves

Where extremely hard capital punishment were exercised

Where men and women slaves were traded

یار آپ اپنے نظریات کا پرچار مزہب کو برا بھلا کہے بغیر بھی کرسکتے ہیں


MPA (400+ posts)
نا یہ نا وہ - بات کہنے کی نہں

دوا مولوی نا لبرل کے ہاتھ میں ہے

حکم ہے تمہارہ کام صرف پیغام پہنچانا ہے

نتیجہ حاصل کرنا نہں

مولوی اس حکم سے رو گردانی کرتا ہے

وہ بندوق اٹھا لیتا ہے

اور وہ کچھ کرنا چاہتا ہے جس پر صرف اور صرف قطعی طور پر خدا کی عملداری ہے

اس طرح وہ خدا کے معاملات میں دخل اندازی کے گناہ اور جرم کا ارتکاب کرتا ہے

سب سے بڑھ کر خود خدا امتحان میں ڈالتا ہیں ان کو جو اسے پسند ہوتے ہے

وہ بے شک فرد ، افراد ، یا اقوام ہوں

امتحان کی کی شکلیں ہیں - خوف یا آج کے دور کی طرح دہشت ، بھوک یا افلاس ، اموال یا جانوں کا ضیاء یا جو کچھ تم حاصل کرنا چاہتے ہو

اس آگ کے دریا سے گزر جاؤ گے تو تم اس دنیا میں کامیاب ہو یا نا ہو تم آنے والی دنیا یعنی موت کے بعد کی دنیا میں کامیاب ہو جاؤ گے

دوسروں کے ساتھ معاملات میں ان کی فلاح یا بلا تفریق مذھب ، زبان ، نسل ، علاقیت وغیرہ سب کی خدمت اور رواداری اور فولادی انصاف - اجتماعی اور انفرادی زندگی کا معمول ہونا چاہے

مخلوق کے معاملات میں خدا مذھب ، زبان ، نسل میں تفریق نہں کرتا

بلکہ اس دنیا میں ان کو زیادہ نوازتا ہے جو اس کے نہں ہوتے

اپنوں کو کہتا ہے تمھاری جان ، مال وغیرہ میں نے آخرت کے بدلے میں خرید رکھے ہے اور تم نے ایسی زندگی گزارنی ہے جیسے ایک قیدی پس از دیوار زنداں


Senator (1k+ posts)

یار آپ اپنے نظریات کا پرچار مزہب کو برا بھلا کہے بغیر بھی کرسکتے ہیں

راز کے فارمولا پر عمل کرو اس کو جواب دو گے تو یہ آگے سے اور بونگیاں مارتا رہے گا اس لیے اگنور کر

Abdul Allah

Minister (2k+ posts)
Well well well

Another twist of facts..

"Misaali Islami Riyasat in Medina"????

Fact is.... Even after 23 years of " preach" Islam could not spread outside Medina.

Even after 23 years of preach of Prophet SAW himself...

Majority of Meccans "Rejected Exemplary Islamic State of Medina" even back then...

At last after 23 years, Muslims attacked Mecca, conquered it and Islam crossed the tiny boundaries of Medina.

Had Muslims not invaded and conquered Mecca, Islam would've died within the boundaries of that little city called Medina.

And what kind of "Exemplary State" was it by the way?

Where Jews were "expelled". Including little kids and women

Where Non-Muslims had to pay special tax called Jaziya to live

Where women were made slaves

Where extremely hard capital punishment were exercised

Where men and women slaves were traded

Read Red Marked entries and then GREEN word again and again

and then think

that your logic of Rejected by Meccans or others make sense ??

and also think about the Reason of REJECTION ??


Minister (2k+ posts)
Well well well

Another twist of facts..

"Misaali Islami Riyasat in Medina"????

Fact is.... Even after 23 years of " preach" Islam could not spread outside Medina.

Even after 23 years of preach of Prophet SAW himself...

Majority of Meccans "Rejected Exemplary Islamic State of Medina" even back then...

At last after 23 years, Muslims attacked Mecca, conquered it and Islam crossed the tiny boundaries of Medina.

Had Muslims not invaded and conquered Mecca, Islam would've died within the boundaries of that little city called Medina.

And what kind of "Exemplary State" was it by the way?

Where Jews were "expelled". Including little kids and women

Where Non-Muslims had to pay special tax called Jaziya to live

Where women were made slaves

Where extremely hard capital punishment were exercised

Where men and women slaves were traded

Islam was spread with sword, thats what you all have to say with this comment. i wouldnt get into why jews were expelled and how come meccans ignored the message of islam. you just tell me one thing that, which muslim warrior INVADED, currently the biggest muslim country of the world?? I mean here indonesia.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
صفورا گوٹھ کے دہشت گرد لبرے تھے یا ہندو تنظیم کے تھے ؟؟؟
جو بھی تھے تنظیم اسلامی کا ان سے کوئی تعلق نہیں تھا
;) اسامہ بن لادن کے میزبان سہولت کار ہندو تھے یا لبرے؟
Last edited:

I Love Muhammad (PBUH)

Senator (1k+ posts)
Well well well

Another twist of facts..

"Misaali Islami Riyasat in Medina"????

Fact is.... Even after 23 years of " preach" Islam could not spread outside Medina.

Even after 23 years of preach of Prophet SAW himself...

Majority of Meccans "Rejected Exemplary Islamic State of Medina" even back then...

At last after 23 years, Muslims attacked Mecca, conquered it and Islam crossed the tiny boundaries of Medina.

Had Muslims not invaded and conquered Mecca, Islam would've died within the boundaries of that little city called Medina.

And what kind of "Exemplary State" was it by the way?

Where Jews were "expelled". Including little kids and women

Where Non-Muslims had to pay special tax called Jaziya to live

Where women were made slaves

Where extremely hard capital punishment were exercised

Where men and women slaves were traded

Islam was not spread by sword at all . The battles Muslims have to fought were purely defensive and for the sake of survival. You are picking all these things from anti Islam websites and with out out due consideration posting it hear .

Give me the name of one muslim who was forced to accept Islam during the 23 years of Prophet Muhammad pbuh .

Lastly if it was a fake religion then Meccans would have easily destroyed them as they tried many a times , How this was possible that 313 poor and not properly armed men defeated 1000 plus strong army in battle of Badr?


Senator (1k+ posts)
Islam was spread with sword, thats what you all have to say with this comment. i wouldnt get into why jews were expelled and how come meccans ignored the message of islam. you just tell me one thing that, which muslim warrior INVADED, currently the biggest muslim country of the world?? I mean here indonesia.

I have posted about it.

Indonesia was formally a part of Hindu Empire Majapahit. It was conquered by a Muslim King whose name I'm forgetting right now and then after that victory the name of present day Jakarta was changed. City was renamed as "Jakarta" meaning the Big Victory.

If you read history of Jakarta, you'd know it all : )

I wish I could copy paste my post about "Islam in Indonesia" which I wrote in response of Raaz's objection that Islam dint spread by sword at least in Indonesia. I gave him all the facts and references and in return he gave me lots of "profanities and indignities".

Anyway, and even if there's one or two regions where Islam dint spread with the hell of Sword, yet we cannot claim that Islam spread without Sword.

Please communicate without being abusive. That's the way of gentlemen.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Islam was not spread by sword at all . The battles Muslims have to fought were purely defensive and for the sake of survival. You are picking all these things from anti Islam websites and with out out due consideration posting it hear .

Give me the name of one muslim who was forced to accept Islam during the 23 years of Prophet Muhammad pbuh .

Lastly if it was a fake religion then Meccans would have easily destroyed them as they tried many a times , How this was possible that 313 poor and not properly armed men defeated 1000 plus strong army in battle of Badr?

Islam was not spread by sword at all . The battles Muslims have to fought were purely defensive and for the sake of survival. You are picking all these things from anti Islam websites and with out out due consideration posting it hear .

Give me the name of one muslim who was forced to accept Islam during the 23 years of Prophet Muhammad pbuh .

Lastly if it was a fake religion then Meccans would have easily destroyed them as they tried many a times , How this was possible that 313 poor and not properly armed men defeated 1000 plus strong army in battle of Badr?

Thank you for asking those questions

1. First 9 Caravan attacks were purely for the purpose of looting and getting food and scaring Meccans. The first war Badar was a result of this looting when Abu Sufyan was coming back from Syria with a big Trade Caravan and Muslims set out to loot it.

Have you not read the background and reasons of War of Badar?

Also before that Muslims had killed innocent traders while looting Caravans. Amr Bin Kharami was killed by Muslims when they tried to loot that trade Caravan at Nakhla.

Please read about Raid of Nakhla and the killing of Amr Bin Kharami.

What was worst about this looting and killing?
Because it took place in the "sacred" month of Rajab when all of Arabs including Muslims were to rest and establish peace. When Muslims feared consequences of this looting and killing and also the rage of Meccans... As usual Quran "revealed" and "endorsed' all this..

Read how Quran endorsed this act of looting and murder..

Sorah Baqra
Ayah 217

They ask you about the sacred month - about fighting therein. Say, "Fighting therein is great [sin], but averting [people] from the way of Allah and disbelief in Him and [preventing access to] al-Masjid al-Haram and the expulsion of its people therefrom are greater [evil] in the sight of Allah . And fitnah is greater than killing." And they will continue to fight you until they turn you back from your religion if they are able. And whoever of you reverts from his religion [to disbelief] and dies while he is a disbeliever - for those, their deeds have become worthless in this world and the Hereafter, and those are the companions of the Fire, they will abide therein eternally.

Now brother, does this verse of Quran qualify to be a"sacred" or a "moral" order, by any standards of morailty or ethics in the world?

"Fitna is greater than killing"? Which Fitna?

Could a Book of God be so lame? Does it make an excuse?

Quran had also endorsed the act of breaking " Agreement of Hudaibiya"

Remember, all this looting and killing was done by Muslims BEFORE Badar. When Meccans hadnt shown any aggression.

Hope it answers your question that Muslims fought defensive wars. Not AT ALL

Your second question....who were Forced to become Muslims...

There's many names but the foremost of all is the husband of Prophet's own daughter Zainab "Abul As Ibn Rabi". He was forced to become Muslim. When Zainab refused to emigrate to Medina along with Prophet SAW, Prophet SAW did his best to separate the two but couldn't succeed. Zainab straightforwardly refused.

Read about them. I can quote other names too who were Forced to become Muslims. At invasion of Mecca everyone was forced to convert.

Read Abu Sufyan and Safwan Bin Umayya Bin Khalaf.

Your third question is interesting. Interestingly, Meccans were very civilized and cultured folks. They never aimed at destroying followers of Mohammad SAW. If they had, they could easily do it. Opposition of Meccans had different phases and a these phases are described in detail by Ibn Ishaq and Ibn Hisham.

Prophet was originally a Military Leader. He fought and he won. Meccans fought wars and they lost. We have to admit that Prophet SAW policy of aggression and preemptive strike bore fruit.
If Meccans were preemptive and aggressive, they'd have definitely defeated Muslims.

Among other things, strategy of Prophet SAW to kill Chief Meccans who were very Anti- Islam, one by one through covert operations, which we call target killing now a days, was very successful. It harassed opposition of Islam.

Sahih Bukhari

Volume 4, Book 52, Number 270:
Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah:

The Prophet said, "Who is ready to kill Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf who has really hurt Allah and His Apostle?" Muhammad bin Maslama said, "O Allah's Apostle! Do you like me to kill him?" He replied in the affirmative. So, Muhammad bin Maslama went to him (i.e. Ka'b) and said, "This person (i.e. the Prophet) has put us to task and asked us for charity." Ka'b replied, "By Allah, you will get tired of him." Muhammad said to him, "We have followed him, so we dislike to leave him till we see the end of his affair." Muhammad bin Maslama went on talking to him in this way till he got the chance to kill him.

Similarly Prophet sent assassins for many other respectable Meccans who opposed Him.

It's all mentioned in Sahih Ahadith.

Don't hesitate to ask me more questions in this regard .

That was a long post I'm on my cell. Ignore errors, if any


Minister (2k+ posts)
I have posted about it.

Indonesia was formally a part of Hindu Empire Majapahit. It was conquered by a Muslim King whose name I'm forgetting right now and then after that victory the name of present day Jakarta was changed. City was renamed as "Jakarta" meaning the Big Victory.

If you read history of Jakarta, you'd know it all : )

I wish I could copy paste my post about "Islam in Indonesia" which I wrote in response of Raaz's objection that Islam dint spread by sword at least in Indonesia. I gave him all the facts and references and in return he gave me lots of "profanities and indignities".

Anyway, and even if there's one or two regions where Islam dint spread with the hell of Sword, yet we cannot claim that Islam spread without Sword.

Please communicate without being abusive. That's the way of gentlemen.

So what should I expect further?? You have no evidence supporting your arguement.


Senator (1k+ posts)
So what should I expect further?? You have no evidence supporting your arguement.

Even in Indonesia, Islam came by Sword. I told you to read history of Jakarta.

What evidence do you expect from me?

If I get some time, I'll also quote name of the Muslim King who invaded last Hindu King of Indonesia


Senator (1k+ posts)
Read Red Marked entries and then GREEN word again and again

and then think

that your logic of Rejected by Meccans or others make sense ??

and also think about the Reason of REJECTION ??

Reason of rejection was simple. Chiefs of Mecca had long ago figured that it was a power struggle.

That's off topic though. Topic revolves around the fact that even after 22 years of preach, Prophet Mohammad SAW could not succeed in spreading Islam outside the boundaries of a tiny city Medina.

If you wanna counter this argument, you're welcome. I hope you'd quote Authentic sources if you oppose the argument : )