I'm no PMLN fan but i support Pakistan against worst treason in its history as a patriotic Pakistani
PMLN nawaz has behaved as a king and mishandling many things, has killed many MQM workers as well in 1990s and im no nawaz or PMLN fan but im backing the government because i'm patriotic pakistan and i am supporting the state
the vermin have totally paralyzed the state and caused it 5 trillion rupees damage and it carries on
every patriotic pakistan disregard for politics should back the Pakistan government in fight against the worst treason in its history
not liked PMLN's strategy ti use violence but i believe that the vermin also resorted to what was coming to them, they invited violence and did violence themselves as well
the government has bigger hand on this mess but it all got started by ego boost of imran and qadri
if you ask me whats the right side, even though i despise PMLN but being a patriot i would without hesitation choose the govt, the lose of writ of government would inflict a very huge damage on the state
if MQM had done what PTI has done, entire MQM would have been persecuted as indian agents
how ever bad is punjab or pakistan police, still you just cannot go openly traitorous against the institution and openly use curses and bad tongue
a big guy who has many followers claims to be of millions openly uses his powers against not PMLN but pakistan and this is very damaging for a nuclear state like pakistan, entire world has got bad reputation about pakistan