فریحہ ادریس اور معید ، حجاب پر آمنے سامنے


Minister (2k+ posts)
Fariha it's all about women. They wear it then it's a problem if not then as well. Without women this world would be empty. In current society when boy born the parents are more happier then girls and from that day they gave that boy extra edge over girls. Islam teaching are way above of what we practice. If we follow the teachings we will get to a society which have so much benefits to humans. Islam is the best and the only religion which give you enjoyment of life. And you are right in today world liberal wants freedom to see other girls in sexy clothing and if they not look attractive or hide their beauty they criticize. They start calling anyone following Islam Taliban. Without knowing Taliban actually not following Islam and only took few things and ad so many of their own.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
bhiiiii. If you can go out with revealing dress and nothing happens, then keep on wearing it. if something happens, just start wearing hijab to look pious.
That's it.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
حجاب سے جو پریشان ہیں وہ قرآن کی حجاب والی آیات کو پہلے قرآن سے نکلوا دیں اس سے پہلے ہم حجاب کو اگر لازم نہیں سمھتے تو ضروری تو سمجتے ہیں


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
حجاب سے جو پریشان ہیں وہ قرآن کی حجاب والی آیات کو پہلے قرآن سے نکلوا دیں اس سے پہلے ہم حجاب کو اگر لازم نہیں سمھتے تو ضروری تو سمجتے ہیں
Please wear Burqa, can't stand your ugly face anymore