عمران خان بُزدل ہے وہ کشمیریوں کی جنگ نہیں لڑ سکتا، مریم قطری


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
اب منیرا کنجر ،مختارا کنجر اور صفد را مہا کنجر اپنے رحیم یار کے بروتھل سے ڈبل شفٹ لگا کر کشمیر کی جنگ لڑیں گے

جیسی جنگ ایک امرتسری کنجر دلے ہاراں والے کی اولاد نواز شریف نے اپنے چالیس سال کی حکومت میں لڑی
جب کشمیر جل رہا تھا تو وہ نطفہ حرام اپنی ۔۔۔کے خصم کو اپنے گھر بلا رہا تھا
پاکستان کے دشمنوں دہشت گردوں کو وہ مختارے کنجر کی مدد سے اپنی شوگر ملوں میں چھپا کر رکھتا تھا
اجیت ڈیول اور دہشت گردی کے ماسٹر مائینڈ کو وہ بغیر ویزے کے خفیہ میٹنگ اور پاکستان کے خلاف بات چیت
کے لئے مختارے کنجر کی سہولت کاری میں ملک دشمنی کر رہا تھا
اس وقت بھی وہ دنیا کا بہادر ترین کشمیر آزاد کرانے والا نطفہ حرام جو اپنی بہادری اپنے پچھواڑے میں ڈال کر مختارے اور منیرے کنجر کی سرپرستی میں بھاگا۔ ہوا ہے
جس نطفہ حرام نے انڈیا جاکر کشمیری مجاہدین کے لیڈروں کو۔ ملنے سے انکار کر دیا تھا


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
PML`N`generally and this coloured poster Mariam Nawaz in Particular are so illetrate and stupid, and they are so scared of Imran Khan that they just keep throwing sense less words from their filthy mouths without even thinking in hope that may be any thing will work and make them look saviors of Pakistan, and they may get one more chance that they will make the last and destroy Pakistan to increase their wealth and take revenge against the authorities who dared questioning them for accountibility, who dared naming them criminals for the crime they have done and tried to treat them as criminal (though the authorities have not yet treated them as criminals so far).
This illetrate , failiure in her life is calling IK coward, where as the world is parising his bold and daring decisions through out his like that helped him succeed in every field that he steped in and specially ever since he become Prime Minister from his first speech in UN till now, various international journalists and channels have interviewed him and many are still in line to do so, all they want to see a glimse of hesitation or fear in his speech when they ask about Pakistan and US future relations and this mard e momin have not changed patriotic reply that we will be friends in peace but never in war.
And she dare calling this man a coward who spoke openly against Islamophobia, who openly said we are muslims and if cornored LA ELAHA ILLALLAH we will go on war. And he said it without reading from a peace of paper, it was extempore as his every speech and interview has been.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
PML`N`generally and this coloured poster Mariam Nawaz in Particular are so illetrate and stupid, and they are so scared of Imran Khan that they just keep throwing sense less words from their filthy mouths without even thinking in hope that may be any thing will work and make them look saviors of Pakistan, and they may get one more chance that they will make the last and destroy Pakistan to increase their wealth and take revenge against the authorities who dared questioning them for accountibility, who dared naming them criminals for the crime they have done and tried to treat them as criminal (though the authorities have not yet treated them as criminals so far).
This illetrate , failiure in her life is calling IK coward, where as the world is parising his bold and daring decisions through out his like that helped him succeed in every field that he steped in and specially ever since he become Prime Minister from his first speech in UN till now, various international journalists and channels have interviewed him and many are still in line to do so, all they want to see a glimse of hesitation or fear in his speech when they ask about Pakistan and US future relations and this mard e momin have not changed patriotic reply that we will be friends in peace but never in war.
And she dare calling this man a coward who spoke openly against Islamophobia, who openly said we are muslims and if cornored LA ELAHA ILLALLAH we will go on war. And he said it without reading from a peace of paper, it was extempore as his every speech and interview has been.
اس لئے کہ یہ پورا ٹبر ہی فلط کی پیداوار ہے جنکا جنم امرتسر ہیرا منڈی ک بازارحسن والے انکے پردادے دلے ہاراں والے ولد نامعلوم افراد سے ابتدا ہوئی ہو یہ فلتھ کی پیداوار ہیں


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
یہ کس منہ سے کشمیر کی باتیں کرتے ہیں جب انہوں نے ہمیشہ کشمیر کاز کو نقصان پہچایا ان کے مودی جندل میتل کے ساتھ فیملی تعلاقات کون نہیں جانتا یہ کس منہ سے کشمیریوں سے ہمدردی کرتے ہیں
