شیعہ کافر، آئی ایس آئی ظالم


MPA (400+ posts)
پورے پانچ سال تک شیعہ کو کافر قرار دینے والے اور شیعہ کے خلاف بیانات داغنے والے مختلف علمائے کرام حسب سابق اس الیکشن میں بھی شیعہ کے بھائی بن گئے ہیں، اسی طرح شیعہ کے علاوہ دیگر فقہ کو کافر قرار دینے والے شیعہ بھی حسب سابق سنیوں کے بھائی بن گئے ہیں،اور یہ سب ڈرامہ اور دوغلا پن صرف اور صرف ووٹ لینے اور ووٹر کو جہنم کی طرف ،، یعنی اپنے ووٹروں کی ذہنی آبیاری کر کے،،، دکھیلنے کی کوشش ہے، الیکشن کے دوران شیعیوں پر حملے نہیں ہونگے اور نہ ہی سنی علمائے کرام پر حملے ہونگے ،الیکشن کے بعد یہ سلسلہ اگلے پانچ برس تک چلے گا، اللہ کی لعنت ان پر جو اللہ کی مخلوق کو دھوکہ دیتے اور دین کو بیچتے ہیں۔
پاکستان کی آئی ایس آئی بھی اس وقت بہت سے منافقین کے نشانوں پر ہے حتی کہ لاہور ہائیکورٹ کے موجودہ جج نے بھی آئی ایس آئی کو نشانے پر لے لیا ہے، اس کے علاوہ پپلز پارٹی اور مسلم لیگ نے آئی ایس آئی کو بہت پہلے نشانے پر لیا ہوا ہے لیکن برُا ہو اس فاقہ کش قوم کا جو آئی ایس آئی کو تباہ کرنے کی کسی سازش میں شریک ہونے سے انکار کرتی آ رہی ہے۔
سوال یہ اٹھتا ہے کہ جو لوگ دین کو دنیا کے لیئے بیچنے کو تیار ہوں کیا وہ ایک بائیس کروڑ افراد کو امریکہ،یورپ اور جاپان و سنگاپور بنا سکیں گے جیسا دینی جھتہ دعویٰ کرتا آ رہا ہے؟
دوسرا سوال یہ اٹھتا ہے کہ اگر آئی ایس آئی کو مسلم لیگ اور پپلز پارٹی کی عین خواہش کے مطابق ختم کر دیا جائے تو کیا آصف زرداری بلاول کو اور شہباز شریف و نواز شریف ببلو اور حمزہ کو کسی کلبوشن یادیو کو گرفتار کرنے کے لیئے بھیجیں گے؟
یہ سب اداروں کو کہتے ہیں کہ ملک کو دہشت گردی سے بچاؤ اور انہی اداروں کے بارے میں کہتے ہیں کہ ان اداروں کو ختم کردو۔
ملک پاکستان اس وقت کئی بیرونی ممالک اور درجنوں ملکی منافقین کے ہاتھوں خطرے میں گھرا ہوا ہے،ہمیں ایسے منافقین کو منافقین مکہ کی طرح برباد کرنا ہوگا اور اس کا ہمارے لیئے بہترین طریقہ اور موقع اس وقت یہ ہے کہ ان کو ووٹ نہ دیں تاکہ منافقین ووٹ لے کر پاکستان کے بیرونی دشمنان کے ہاتھ مزید مظبوط نہ کریں۔


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Before jumping to conclusions on Justice Siddiqui’s sudden outburst everyone is advised to keep in mind that a Reference against Justice Siddiqui is pending in Supreme Judicial Council over alleged misuse of authority. The outburst against Army-Judiciary is meant to make any order against him controversial and become a martyr. Former director of the Capital Development Authority (CDA), Muhammad Anwar Gopang, filed a reference against Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui. The contents of reference are as follows:

i) On the instructions of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, the judge was allotted House No 91-H in Sector F/6-3 of Islamabad. After sometime, the judge used his connections to find a better place to live, and got allotted House No 1-A, in Sector F/7-3. However, the honorable judge was not satisfied even with that house.
ii) His private secretary wrote a letter to the department concerned demanding change of residence for the third time. Eventually, he got House No 2-A in Sector F/7-4, which was on the pool of the PWD.
iii) The judge shifted his residence thrice in search for a ‘better’ abode. He then compelled the CDA to renovate his existing residence despite the fact that the house was the property of the Public Works Department (PWD) and PWD was responsible for its renovation. CDA spent Rs 12.1 million to renovate the house. Engineering Wing of the CDA had initially estimated a cost of Rs 8 million for the renovation work. However, it swelled to more than Rs 12 million in the end.
iv) The judge pressurized the CDA to construct a special cage for his pigeons on the rooftop of his official residence. The amount spent to construct the cage was, however, not shown in the final bills.
v) On the insistence of Justice Siddiqui, the renovation work was carried out by the CDA, which cost the national exchequer more than Rs 12 million.
vi) The documentary evidence showed that to conceal the total cost of renovation, the officers of CDA revised the tenders thrice. Although the job was awarded to three different firms but actually the work was completed by one contractor.
vii) The CDA also constructed the cage for Justice Siddiqui’s pigeons on the rooftop, but that amount was not shown in the bills.
viii) Justice Siddiqui had very close terms with CDA Director Manzoor Hussain Shah and had ordered the CDA to allot a plot to him. The CDA allotted Plot No 1014 in Sector 1-8/4 to Shah, but he refused to accept it and demanded either Plot No 395 or 396 in Sector I/8-2 be allotted to him. He resubmitted the application in the court and Justice Siddiqui issued the order to allot Plot No 396 to the CDA director. The estimated market value of the first plot was Rs 10 million whereas the plot which the officer got on his choice was worth Rs 50 million.
ix) Another assistant director of CDA, Shahid Singha, who was said to be a close friend of Justice Siddqui for many years, also took undue advantage of his relations.The son of Shahid Singha was a temporary employee on a project. On the application of Singha, Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui first issued stay order and then issued the orders to confirm the services of Singha’s son Nabeel Singha in (BPS-16) despite objections raised by the CDA.
x) In the same way, Shahid Singha’s daughter-in-law was recruited as research associate in Islamabad High Court on a monthly salary of Rs 80,000 on the orders of Justice Siddiqui. He later transferred her to his own office.
xi) According to the reference, Shahid Singha fell ill and admitted to a private hospital. On the orders of Justice Siddiqui, the CDA had to pay for his medical treatment that cost the authority Rs 377,986.
xii) Moreover on the intervention of Justice Siddiqui, the CDA allotted him a house from its pool and gave a Suzuki Cultus car to him.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
In Sha Allah..Pak Army ke ye sab dushman K ki Tarah zaleel o Ruswa ho gein.. Ye wrong no judge Shoukat Sadiqi bhi zaleel ho ga..just wait the election day to finish..local and international Mafias is in desperate situation..They are in fear that they will have to run away from Pakistan..


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Agencies games are hashed now,
We know they manipulate judiciary too.
Judge is victim here as he mentioned the Name of agency who interfere
