سندھ حکومت نے وفاق کے يکساں نصاب کا فيصلہ ماننے سے انکار کرديا

There is only 1

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
لوگوں کی ذہن سازی کیے بغیر کوئی قانون اچانک نہیں لاگو کیا جا سکتا ، خاں صاحب اس بات کو سمجھتے نہیں

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Zardaku High Court oops I mean Sindh High court to pooray mulk pe hukam jari kerne se guraiz to nahi kerti.

BC this Zardaku clan knows if that the people get educated their reign of waderaism will end and in turn their hold on sindh. Hence they wil fight tooth and nail to prevent this and keep the sindhis ignorant and uneducated.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
SO he means to say that the current curriculum of Sindh is better than what the govt is proposing?

Also weren't Sindh onboard when they were doing this activity?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Sindh has to be freed from corrupt PPP mafia.If it continues to rule Sindh then it will take it back to middle ages.The next eletions will be make or break for Sindh.All patriotic Sindhis must form a front against PPP and defeat it if they want a future for their generations.
