رضیہ غنڈوں میں
U UETAIN MPA (400+ posts) Jun 11, 2012 #2 Pakistan is a failed state, From General to sipey, President to counciler, from secretery to peon, aalim to molvi, teacher to student, industrialist to marchent, every one is corrupt. Only solution is replace the system and make people accountable.
Pakistan is a failed state, From General to sipey, President to counciler, from secretery to peon, aalim to molvi, teacher to student, industrialist to marchent, every one is corrupt. Only solution is replace the system and make people accountable.
K Killthecorrupts Senator (1k+ posts) Jun 11, 2012 #3 کیا اینکر حضر ا ت ایک د و سرے کے خلا ف ا لزا ما ت کو منطقی ا نجا م تک پہنچا ئے گے یا سیا ست د انو ں کی طرح مک مکا کر لیں گے
کیا اینکر حضر ا ت ایک د و سرے کے خلا ف ا لزا ما ت کو منطقی ا نجا م تک پہنچا ئے گے یا سیا ست د انو ں کی طرح مک مکا کر لیں گے
S sadia_gul Senator (1k+ posts) Jun 11, 2012 #4 Pakistan desperately needs leadership of Imran Khan, otherwise be ready to turn into Somalia... Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharief can't give anything to this nation.......Let IK come and see what he has with him to deliver to the nation.
Pakistan desperately needs leadership of Imran Khan, otherwise be ready to turn into Somalia... Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharief can't give anything to this nation.......Let IK come and see what he has with him to deliver to the nation.
Bilal_Mushi Minister (2k+ posts) Jun 11, 2012 #5 Now or never .................. please stand-up and join hands to save our motherland.
Bilal_Mushi Minister (2k+ posts) Jun 12, 2012 #6 Killthecorrupts said: کیا اینکر حضر ا ت ایک د و سرے کے خلا ف ا لزا ما ت کو منطقی ا نجا م تک پہنچا ئے گے یا سیا ست د انو ں کی طرح مک مکا کر لیں گے Click to expand... Lets see............
Killthecorrupts said: کیا اینکر حضر ا ت ایک د و سرے کے خلا ف ا لزا ما ت کو منطقی ا نجا م تک پہنچا ئے گے یا سیا ست د انو ں کی طرح مک مکا کر لیں گے Click to expand... Lets see............