Mir Imran Khan Zanikhel (MIKZ) lost hope in KPK. Want to break KPK Provincial Assembly to create crisis from PML N led Federal Government. Teeli Khattak is main hurdle, refused to act on MIKZ directive. MIKZ working hard with Jamat i Islami, Sherpo and PPP, to help him in change of KPK CM. New CM will brake KPK Assembly to create Egypt like situation in Pakistan, taken over by Army and PTI/JI recommended care taker set (Goldsmith has already selected) for fresh elections in Pakistan. Plan will be launched soon Government opted for dialogue with Khawarjeen. What a Naya KPK and what a strategic thought by MIKZ.
Mir Imran Khan Zanikhel (MIKZ) lost hope in KPK. Want to break KPK Provincial Assembly to create crisis from PML N led Federal Government. Teeli Khattak is main hurdle, refused to act on MIKZ directive. MIKZ working hard with Jamat i Islami, Sherpo and PPP, to help him in change of KPK CM. New CM will brake KPK Assembly to create Egypt like situation in Pakistan, taken over by Army and PTI/JI recommended care taker set (Goldsmith has already selected) for fresh elections in Pakistan. Plan will be launched soon Government opted for dialogue with Khawarjeen. What a Naya KPK and what a strategic thought by MIKZ.
Mir Imran Khan Zanikhel (MIKZ) lost hope in KPK. Want to break KPK Provincial Assembly to create crisis from PML N led Federal Government. Teeli Khattak is main hurdle, refused to act on MIKZ directive. MIKZ working hard with Jamat i Islami, Sherpo and PPP, to help him in change of KPK CM. New CM will brake KPK Assembly to create Egypt like situation in Pakistan, taken over by Army and PTI/JI recommended care taker set (Goldsmith has already selected) for fresh elections in Pakistan. Plan will be launched soon Government opted for dialogue with Khawarjeen. What a Naya KPK and what a strategic thought by MIKZ.
Take a screenshot of ur statement. We will see after 5 years. What is going to happenMir Imran Khan Zanikhel (MIKZ) lost hope in KPK. Want to break KPK Provincial Assembly to create crisis from PML N led Federal Government. Teeli Khattak is main hurdle, refused to act on MIKZ directive. MIKZ working hard with Jamat i Islami, Sherpo and PPP, to help him in change of KPK CM. New CM will brake KPK Assembly to create Egypt like situation in Pakistan, taken over by Army and PTI/JI recommended care taker set (Goldsmith has already selected) for fresh elections in Pakistan. Plan will be launched soon Government opted for dialogue with Khawarjeen. What a Naya KPK and what a strategic thought by MIKZ.
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