Absent Mind
MPA (400+ posts)
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We know that you are a takferi deobundi.میں بریلوی نہیں ہوں ویسے
پورے مسلک کو گالی دینا ٹھیک بات نہیں
Why is your email showing as [email protected]??
We know that you are a takferi deobundi.
Without going into the content of your topic (because of sensitivity), you've put a good video.سر یہ www.facebook.com/Oceainadrop ہے. لگتا مجھ سے غلط لکھا گیا ہے.
Why is your email showing as [email protected]??
تم ٹائم نکال کر ٹی بی کی دوائی لو ,,,,, فرقے کا ماما نہ بنوسر یہ www.facebook.com/Oceainadrop ہے. لگتا مجھ سے غلط لکھا گیا ہے.
Yeah man, I was like "that's it, the one website I want; it exists"It was so obvious right :P .. lets say.... an epic fail!
Yeah man, I was like "that's it, the one website I want; it exists"
[hilar] I did too man, I did too.You wanted that website ?? I already checked :lol: But bad luck, does not exists :(
[hilar] I did too man, I did too.
Seems like great minds think alike.
[hilar] I did too man, I did too.
Seems like great minds think alike.
Why is your email showing as [email protected]??
Its not BRELVI OR DEO BANDI but prooblem is with Mullahism.
یہ ملاں ازم بھی نہیں ہے, اسٹبلشمنٹ ازم ہے
اسٹبلشمنٹ ہی ملاوں کو پالتی پوستی ہے اور مذہبی انتہا پسندی کو فروغ دیتی ہے