جب اسماء بلتاجی کو شہید کیا گیا


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
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MPA (400+ posts)
اللهم اغفـر لها وارحمها و اعف عنها واكرم نزلها ووسع مدخلها
واغسلها بالماء والثلج والبرد
و نقها من الخطايا كما ينقى الثوب الابيض من الدنس
و أبدلها دارآ خيرآ من دارها و أهلآ خيـرآ من أهلها و زوجآ خيـرآ من زوجها
و قها فتنة القبر وعذاب النار
انا لله وانا اليه راجعون


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Ok, now i think is the time to learn a long forgotten lesson " Never confront an armed force, never ever, never, never". Hide in ur rat holes when u see an army especially when it is the national army of ur country.

Anf if u morons cant comprehend to do this simple and logical task, then dont come here whining like sissies. Because it was ur sheer stupidity which resulted in ur useless death. Gosh, idiocy has once again darkened the middle earth(east)!


Minister (2k+ posts)
Ok, now i think is the time to learn a long forgotten lesson " Never confront an armed force, never ever, never, never". Hide in ur rat holes when u see an army especially when it is the national army of ur country.

Anf if u morons cant comprehend to do this simple and logical task, then dont come here whining like sissies. Because it was ur sheer stupidity which resulted in ur useless death. Gosh, idiocy has once again darkened the middle earth(east)!

so when ppl come out with guns to face the army then we put labels of terrorist on them and when they come out like this to protest then we should call them stupid instead of criticizing army for shooting protesters ??? Right don't you think we have some serious issue with Word Islam ? if Liberals come out to protest then it is fine but if Muslim brotherhood come out to protest then shoot them coz they are stupid morons...


Minister (2k+ posts)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
so when ppl come out with guns to face the army then we put labels of terrorist on them and when they come out like this to protest then we should call them stupid instead of criticizing army for shooting protesters ??? Right don't you think we have some serious issue with Word Islam ? if Liberals come out to protest then it is fine but if Muslim brotherhood come out to protest then shoot them coz they are stupid morons...

If any unarmed man will confront armed taliban, i will still call him moron. As far as raising arms against an organized national army (ie Kashmir, Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan, Yemen, Israel ) by rag tag militias(jihadis, taliban, Hamas, Hizbullah et al) is concerned; it is like climbing up to an ultra high level of stupidity. That`s why i call all these jihadis as piglets.

U did not get anything for the last 70 years by this so called fassad and will get nothing in the coming 700 years except getting urself killed and ruining ur future generations.

For the time being it is my humble request to just not get urself killed. One Karbala should have been enough for us thick skulled morons.


Minister (2k+ posts)
If any unarmed man will confront armed taliban, i will still call him moron. As far as raising arms against an organized national army (ie Kashmir, Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan, Yemen, Israel ) by rag tag militias(jihadis, taliban, Hamas, Hizbullah et al) is concerned; it is like climbing up to an ultra high level of stupidity. That`s why i call all these jihadis as piglets.

U did not get anything for the last 70 years by this so called fassad and will get nothing in the coming 700 years except getting urself killed and ruining ur future generations.

For the time being it is my humble request to just not get urself killed. One Karbala should have been enough for us thick skulled morons.

I agree to some extent but not completely, i believe on freedom and getting killed for a cause is better then living a life of slave or just except whatever imposed on you. We always blame these group but never look into the reasons of their existence. Do you think ppl who are killed in Egypt, their loved ones will just forget everything and live a normal life ? I think "NO" this can go from street protests to armed resistance coz of army stupidity...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I agree to some extent but not completely, i believe on freedom and getting killed for a cause is better then living a life of slave or just except whatever imposed on you. We always blame these group but never look into the reasons of their existence. Do you think ppl who are killed in Egypt, their loved ones will just forget everything and live a normal life ? I think "NO" this can go from street protests to armed resistance coz of army stupidity...

Ok, just tell me the end result of the "army`s stupidity". The worst case scenario: Current Pakistan. Well i dont know the name of any Lt General who have been killed by TTP for the last 13 years. I see more developed Cantt areas, DHA`s; more lavish army bungalows; expansion of army golf clubs; more power in the hands of generals in comparison to 90`s etc.

I mean what can Egyptian army and its policy makers generals lose even in the worst case scenario??? It is a win win situation for generals, only MB and its blind supporters will rot in this worldly hell and i dont see them getting any hores in the hereafter also for their utter unislamic, illogical way if they choose to raise arms.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Ok, now i think is the time to learn a long forgotten lesson " Never confront an armed force, never ever, never, never". Hide in ur rat holes when u see an army especially when it is the national army of ur country.

Anf if u morons cant comprehend to do this simple and logical task, then dont come here whining like sissies. Because it was ur sheer stupidity which resulted in ur useless death. Gosh, idiocy has once again darkened the middle earth(east)!

What a LOGIC masha ALLAH, You mean to say that Hazrat Imam Hussain ra and People with him
who Sacraficed there Lifes for JUST Cause, were ALSO did the Wrong THING ????


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
What a LOGIC masha ALLAH, You mean to say that Hazrat Imam Hussain ra and People with him
who Sacraficed there Lifes for JUST Cause, were ALSO did the Wrong THING ????

How many Imam Hussains(A.I) and Karbalas u want to repeat??? How many Karbalas we have faced during last 70 years since this modern jihad started. Every day is a new Karbala in muslim world.

Why not Fattah -e- Makkah, Fattah -e- Khyber, Fattah-e-Iran now and then??? And dont forget to give me the number of times u want to repeat Karbala.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
How many Imam Hussains(A.I) and Karbalas u want to repeat??? How many Karbalas we have faced during last 70 years since this modern jihad started. Every day is a new Karbala in muslim world.

Why not Fattah -e- Makkah, Fattah -e- Khyber, Fattah-e-Iran now and then??? And dont forget to give me the number of times u want to repeat Karbala.

No questions dear,
Was the ACT of Hazrat Imam Hussain ra was JUST or Not against the army of Yazeed ???


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
It was JUST, no questions about it. But why u want to repeat Karabala again and again when u can repeat Fattah-e-Makkah???

Thanks, Never stop to Follow JUST,
let the People of Egypt WIN against American Paid Army,
Then we will Discuss that after FATAH they repeated FATAH e Makkah or Karbala.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Thanks, Never stop to Follow JUST,
let the People of Egypt WIN against American Paid Army,
Then we will Discuss that after FATAH they repeated FATAH e Makkah or Karbala.

Seeing the track record of muslim religio-political parties globally i dont see any Fattah. Secondly MB is no way akin to Qafila-e-Hussain(A.I). Qafila-e-Hussain did not consist of a buch of narrow minded idiots who want to kill shias and burn churches if Imam Hussain (A.I) did not get power. Honestly if u ask me the world cant afford to give muslim religio-political parties any power. Even if u give them power 1000 times, they will show u losing it 1000 times in minimum possible duration with their stupid acts.

However, my sincere wishes are that MB dont raise arms against Army and try to deescalate the situation in the coming days. It is better to do same thing now which u will have to do after getting 100,000 killed.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Muslmano k Qatlai aam par media ki munafiqat

جناب میڈیا کی تمام جوئیں امریکی قوم کے ٹیکس یعنی "امریکی خون " پر
پالتی ہیں اور یہ وہیں رینگتی ہیں جہاں " باپ " کا مفاد ھو
