Sniper Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Sep 7, 2014 #1 Featured Thumbs https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-OJ6P-n3NvlI/VAyVd8xylKI/AAAAAAAAAD8/UdaYVwLkR_E/w960-h720-no/supreme_court_of_pakistan_building-1.jpg
F forzeb Minister (2k+ posts) Sep 7, 2014 #2 تاریخ پہ تاریخ، تاریخ پہ تاریخ تاریخ پہ تاریخ، تاریخ پہ تاریخ تاریخ پہ تاریخ، تاریخ پہ تاریخ
J Jshah Minister (2k+ posts) Sep 7, 2014 #3 There is no justice in Pakistan. (omg) What to do for justice? Where to go for justice? I used to hear, "wakeel matha jeya karlao, bas judge noun pehey la deyo", case jit jao gey.:) Its now practice everywhere.
There is no justice in Pakistan. (omg) What to do for justice? Where to go for justice? I used to hear, "wakeel matha jeya karlao, bas judge noun pehey la deyo", case jit jao gey.:) Its now practice everywhere.
R ranaji (50k+ posts) بابائے فورم Sep 7, 2014 #5 Khawaja sra apni auqat dikha rahay hain nooray Butt ki namak halali karr ke