ایک سچ جو لوگوں کو کڑوا لگتا ہے


Senator (1k+ posts)


Senator (1k+ posts)
There are some more donkeys also ..

end per mulk ke mohafzon ko hi ana pehry ga .... :13:


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Honestly, I do agree, if we were not having few military generals we won't be having Bhutoo's, Sharif's and Chauhdrie's of gujrat but army isn't forcing politicians to rig elelctions and do corruption its the genes (Urdu word Keera).
Thats how Army think. Bloody civilians!


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Army select and launch politicians which they can handle. the Corrupt politician are easy to black mail.
Rigged elections: the election were always manipulated by army. but they are getting better and better. these elections were better than ever before. and hopefully next elections will be better, but perfections is not be guaranteed.
Honestly, I do agree, if we were not having few military generals we won't be having Bhutoo's, Sharif's and Chauhdrie's of gujrat but army isn't forcing politicians to rig elelctions and do corruption its the genes (Urdu word Keera).


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
The fairness of election process would b a slow evolution. Do election reforms like you did before elections 2013. some of the loop holes will still b there. u will witness them after elections.
The quick way would be keep on doing elections and before transfer of power let the loosing party nominate 4 constituency for complete audit redo the elections and finally when the elections processes is flawless then transfer power to the a party.

Shortcuts seldom work.

Honestly, I do agree, if we were not having few military generals we won't be having Bhutoo's, Sharif's and Chauhdrie's of gujrat but army isn't forcing politicians to rig elelctions and do corruption its the genes (Urdu word Keera).
