Haris Abbasi Minister (2k+ posts) Sep 15, 2017 #1 Featured Thumbs https://www.thenews.com.pk/assets/uploads/akhbar/2017-01-22/l_180978_062416_print.jpg
chandaa Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Sep 15, 2017 #2 That is right as Judges are also human beings and it is their duty to differ between right and wrong. I request SC to make volume 10 public.
That is right as Judges are also human beings and it is their duty to differ between right and wrong. I request SC to make volume 10 public.
T thinking Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Sep 15, 2017 #3 But Nawaz Zardari ke Lia sab adaro ka andha hona zarori ha...
P Pakistan2017 Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Sep 15, 2017 #4 اگر ججز اندھے نہیں تو ان کو جعلی کاغذات کیوں نظر نہیں آے؟ کیوں مریم نواز کو سزا نہیں دی؟
desan President (40k+ posts) Sep 15, 2017 #5 A social welfare state behaves like a mother, but don't expect that from a corrupt to the core Godfather...
A social welfare state behaves like a mother, but don't expect that from a corrupt to the core Godfather...