القاعدہ کمانڈر کی زیادتی کا انکشاف


MPA (400+ posts)

شام میں سکو جبتھہ النصرہ کے مرکزی کمانڈر نے زیادتی کا نشانہ بنایا، غاحتہ عولیس۔ فوٹو: فائل

دمشق: الجریزہ ٹی وی کی خاتون رپورٹر واینکر پرسن غاحتہ عولیس کی شام میں القاعدہ کی

ذیلی شاخ جبھتہ النصرہ کے اہم کمانڈروں کے ہاتھوں عصمت دری کا انکشاف ہواہے۔

ایک بین الاقوامی خبر رساں ادارے کی اطلاع کے مطابق الجزیرہ ٹی وی کی خبرنگار اور اینکر

پرسن غاحتہ عولیس شام کے حالات کی کوریج کیلیے قطر سے روانہ ہوئی۔ چند روز بعد اس کے

بارے میں عرب ذرائع ابلاغ میں یہ خبر گردش کرنے لگی کہ غاحتہ عولیس کو شام میں عسکریت

پسندوں نے ہوس کا نشانہ بنایا لیکن الجزیرہ ٹی وی نے ان اطلاعات کی تردید کردی۔ جب غاحتہ

عولیس کو شام سے قطر منتقل کیا گیا تو خاتون اینکر پرسن نے الجزیرہ ہیڈ آفس میں شکایت کی کہ

شام میں سکو جبتھہ النصرہ کے مرکزی کمانڈر نے زیادتی کا نشانہ بنایا۔



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
اصل سوال یہ ہے کہ کیا جنگ کی رپورٹنگ کرنے والی صحافی خواتین کو بطور مال غنیمت لونڈی بنایا جا سکتا ہے، جبکہ یہ یقین ہو کہ مذکورہ صحافی مخالف فریق کے حق میں رپورٹنگ کر رہی ہو؟؟ مفتوح آبادی کی خواتین کے بارے میں تو سعودی علماۓ کرام کا بڑا ہی واضح فتویٰ آ چکا ہے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
الجزیرھ ٹی وی کے منتظمین کے خلاف کارواکی کرنی چاھیے کہ ایک لڑکی کا ریپ ھوا اور یہ امریکی اشاروں پر ناچنے والا ٹی وی چھپاتا رھا کہ اس خبر کو ظاھر کرنے سے کراے کے جھادیز کو سخت نقصان ھوتا


Minister (2k+ posts)
What she was doing in these dogs area? Arabs are now worse than dogs and Saudi are mad dogs. They are fighting with each other for many many years now.

Abdul Allah

Minister (2k+ posts)
اصل سوال یہ ہے کہ کیا جنگ کی رپورٹنگ کرنے والی صحافی خواتین کو بطور مال غنیمت لونڈی بنایا جا سکتا ہے، جبکہ یہ یقین ہو کہ مذکورہ صحافی مخالف فریق کے حق میں رپورٹنگ کر رہی ہو؟؟ مفتوح آبادی کی خواتین کے بارے میں تو سعودی علماۓ کرام کا بڑا ہی واضح فتویٰ آ چکا ہے



MPA (400+ posts)
اصل سوال یہ ہے کہ کیا جنگ کی رپورٹنگ کرنے والی صحافی خواتین کو بطور مال غنیمت لونڈی بنایا جا سکتا ہے، جبکہ یہ یقین ہو کہ مذکورہ صحافی مخالف فریق کے حق میں رپورٹنگ کر رہی ہو؟؟ مفتوح آبادی کی خواتین کے بارے میں تو سعودی علماۓ کرام کا بڑا ہی واضح فتویٰ آ چکا ہے

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Senator (1k+ posts)
اصل سوال یہ ہے کہ کیا جنگ کی رپورٹنگ کرنے والی صحافی خواتین کو بطور مال غنیمت لونڈی بنایا جا سکتا ہے، جبکہ یہ یقین ہو کہ مذکورہ صحافی مخالف فریق کے حق میں رپورٹنگ کر رہی ہو؟؟ مفتوح آبادی کی خواتین کے بارے میں تو سعودی علماۓ کرام کا بڑا ہی واضح فتویٰ آ چکا ہے

To hell with Saudi Ulemas and their Fatwas.
These are same Ulemas who 30 years ago said its Haram for women to drive and now after 30 years say Now its Halal. Same Ulemas who, in 60s said Television Channels even for Islamic purposes are Haram and when Shah Faisal came back from Egypt after his exile, same Ulema said Television for Islamic purposes is Halal. Just because that Imam-e-Ka'aba was Uncle of Shah Faisal.
Same Saudi Ulemas now very wickedly have announced that women can be BOUGHT by the will of their Walli. Now whats happening in Saudi Arab? Rich Saudis who can give highest bid can get the Beautiful and Virgin girls by throwing money to their fathers or brothers (so called Wallis), then divorce them after couple of years Ayaashi then girls come back to Wallis and then this exploitation goes on and on. Every Saudi woman is now at least 4 or 5 times married and divorced. Its the only country in the world where they dont let any social surveys to be conducted.
These Devil-Ulemas never said that saving money in Western Banks is Haram. They never say that in Iraq Iran war 30 billion dollars Saudi Aid to Iraq to continue War was Haram. They never said that Saudi Invasion on Bahraini people, last year, was Haram. They never say that indirect sale of Oil to Israel is Haram. They never say that Saudi invasion on Syria, through America, is Haram because its gonna kill thousands of Muslims of either side or that side.
******* Saudi Ulemas!


Minister (2k+ posts)
Will you be OK if someone take your sister or mother or daughter as londee? In places like Syria its not easy to protect your family if city falls in hand of some saudi group they take females as londees I am totally against this stupid thing, but if you OK with that then its warning to your sisters and mother and daughters
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Minister (2k+ posts)

I am not sure if you ok with it that JI win the election in your area and they take all females as londees, OH you do not like work election, so replace it takeover, by force even
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I am not sure if you ok with it that JI win the election in your area and they take all females as londees, OH you do not like work election, so replace it takeover, by force even

I have no political association with any party. Do not try to give wrong meanings to my post. Go and do research before you start saying amanna sadaqna on anything posted here. Mehwish bibi who belongs to the group I am talking about was just caught lying about a news item. I just do not believe everything that is posted and specially after I see rafdis start abusing all Muslims. I hate taqayyah.


Senator (1k+ posts)
یہ ساری ایک سوچی سمجھیتحریک ہے ایران کی طرف سے اور جتنے آج کل مسلمانوں کے ھمدرد اس فورم پر آرہے ہیں وہ صرف اور صرف عربوں کو گالیاں دیتے ہیں۔ ایران والے کیونکہ امام کی ناجائز اولاد ہیں اسلئے متعہ کی پیداوار کے خلاف کچھ نہیں کہنا۔ ایک اور پوسٹ میں مہوش خالہ بھی لگی ہوئی ہیں۔
زیادہ دل پر لینے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے۔۔۔۔۔۔
بات عرب یا ایران کی نہیں۔۔۔۔۔۔بات اس مسلکی تعصب کی ہے جو تمہاری آنکھوں پر بھی بندھی ہوی ہے۔۔۔۔۔۔مسلمان ان نجدی خارجی وہابیوں اور رافضیوں کی فرقہ وارانہ لڑای سے بیزار ہے۔۔۔۔دونوں ہی مسلمانوں کے دشمن ہیں۔۔۔۔
محمد عربیpbuh ہمارے آقا و مولی ہیں۔۔۔۔۔ابو بکر رض ،عمر رض عثمان رض اور علی رض ہمارے لیے سر چشمہ ہدایت ہیں۔۔۔۔۔
بد قسمتی یہ ہے کہ اس وقت حجاز مقدس پر وہ وہابی نجدی فرقہ اور قبیلہ حکومت کر رہا ہے جس نے جنگ عظیم اول کے زمانے میں برظانیہ کے ساتھ مل کر خلافت عثمانیہ کے خلاف بغاوت کی اور حجاز مقدس پر قبضہ کر لیا۔۔۔۔اور آج یہ آل سعود دولت کے نشے میں دھت کبھی مصر کبھی شام کے مسلمانوں پر حملہ کرنے والوں کا ساتھ دے رہا ہے۔۔۔۔۔اس نجدی فتنہ کو ضرور اپنے اعمال کا حساب دینا ہو گا۔۔۔اللہ سب دیکھ رہا ہے۔۔۔۔
اور ہاں میرے بھای تاریخ کا مطلعہ بھی کر لیا کرو۔۔۔۔


My Dear Brother! Now get ready for the facebook Mullas. they will kill you to the electronic death.[hilar]
Iqbal had rightfull said about such people

Jin ko aata nahin dunya mein kayee fun, tumho
Nahin jiss qaum ko parvaey nasheman, tum ho

they dnt even know about their country and going to talk about international politics.


Khuram Shehzad Jafri

Minister (2k+ posts)
اصل سوال یہ ہے کہ کیا جنگ کی رپورٹنگ کرنے والی صحافی خواتین کو بطور مال غنیمت لونڈی بنایا جا سکتا ہے، جبکہ یہ یقین ہو کہ مذکورہ صحافی مخالف فریق کے حق میں رپورٹنگ کر رہی ہو؟؟ مفتوح آبادی کی خواتین کے بارے میں تو سعودی علماۓ کرام کا بڑا ہی واضح فتویٰ آ چکا ہے
Al-Jazeera TV to Shuru sy he Janibdar ek Side ki reporting kar raha hai.. inn k mutabiq tu Sham ko mujahdeen ney 2011 k decemeber men fatah kar lia tha... :D

Kabi inn ki reporting dhekoo ja kar.... but sawal yeh hai apnay he group ki larki ko bhi nahi bhaksa in so called jahadion ney...

Khuram Shehzad Jafri

Minister (2k+ posts)
I have no political association with any party. Do not try to give wrong meanings to my post. Go and do research before you start saying amanna sadaqna on anything posted here. Mehwish bibi who belongs to the group I am talking about was just caught lying about a news item. I just do not believe everything that is posted and specially after I see rafdis start abusing all Muslims. I hate taqayyah.

Lolxx... You do support TTP , so what is that ? is not that a Political Group ? supported by USA / Isreal to destabilize pakistan


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Yaar main Hairaan hoon hamaray Forum kai Shiaa Dostoon ko Shikayat rehti hai kai
Humaray khilaaf Firqa Warana Munafrat Pehlai jati hai
Jab kai Main 2 Saal sai daikh raha hoon SHIAA dostoon ko kai

Bashaar ABLEES ki Safai main rozana kai Hisaab sai Shiaa Dostoon ki taraf sai
kam az kam 4 paanch Thread banai jati hain

Kia ZULM sirif Yaqtarfa ho raha hai ????
Bashaar Aasmaan sai Utra howa farishta hai ????
Iran nai SHAAM, Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudia, Behrain, Turkey main KIA Kia GANDH nahi daali ???
AAL e Saud aur AAL e Iran doonoon ka Kirdaar GHANHONA hai, laikin Iran bikul Masoom aur Saudi Gunahagaar.

Khuda rah Ummat banna hai tow EEMAN walay bano pehlay
Haq Baat karnay ki HIMMAT tow paida karo.
Nahi tow Lafazi sirif Lafazi hi hoti hai, DALEEL kabhi nahi ban sakti.

Apna QIBLA o KAABA jab tak ham Quran o Sunnat ko nahi Banain gai
us WAQT tak Martay aur Maartay hi rahain gai.

Samjh jao Manba e Noor Quran o Sunnat hain
Na Kai
AAL e SAUD ya AAL e Iran.


MPA (400+ posts)
Tum log zindagi bhar PROPAGANDA phelatay rehna. Yeh Tweet FAKE tha aur iski wazahat bohat pehlay ho chuki hai.

You guys are so stupid that you dont even realize that this fake tweet (which is clearly photoshopped) could not have been posted because it consists of MORE characters than allowed by twitter for a post!




Minister (2k+ posts)
I dont understand why Saudis , UAE and Qatar are so against the shias in the world .These three countries have no moral values that "SHIAS" are also muslims and are our brothers and sisters why muslims are after muslims to kill them .Is that kind of Islam they are preaching in the world . How can some arab countries are so cruel against their own muslim countries , are they custodians of islam and do they control the hell and heaven .Do they know what kind of "Ayashi" and drinking and prostitution going on with foreign girls right where millions of people go there to perform "HAJ". They have made that place the biggest "RED AREA" in the world where people worship God in millions .Allah is watching them .These three countries are now alligned with the enemies of islam but when the time is ripe , they will grab these three countries by the neck and choke them to death. Just wait for the time, whichever muslim country is friend of them , they paid the price later on.I dont understand the logic of our arab countries going after the arabs just to be the policeman of the region whereas they will be kicked by Israelis and US very often .US have already got control of their oil installations and militarily , arabs are 'ZERO", US can just slap them anytime and thats it, then they will realize their follies and it will be too late. To me ,I dont want Saudis ,UAE , Qatar to fight their proxy war with Iran in Pakistan .Its pakistan's innocent childrens ,men and women are bleeding and dying . we dont need their blood money to kill our people .why they dont do this in their own countries so they know when their mothers and sisters will cry on the roads for their dead and have problems with stability. why making pakistan a scapegoat.I will tell the govt of Pakistan to freeze the bank accounts of all the madrassas in punjab and fata area and watch the funding very closely.Watch the bank accounts of JUI-F chief, i have lots of suspicion about him and he goes SA a lot. NS have to play a role of pakistani not saudi, be patriotic please. People have enough of it and it should be stopped.Maulvis in all the madrassas should be changed and new staff be recruited with other subjects and also teach some skilled jobs so those students can get a job when they finish their schools. Teaching only religous education is not enough, they are brain washed and they go straight to "Jihadis" which is dangerous for the nation.NS ,please do something about it otherwise people can go on the streets against you too, do something and fast. Pakistanis have cried enough but not anymore.
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Councller (250+ posts)
To hell with Saudi Ulemas and their Fatwas.
These are same Ulemas who 30 years ago said its Haram for women to drive and now after 30 years say Now its Halal. Same Ulemas who, in 60s said Television Channels even for Islamic purposes are Haram and when Shah Faisal came back from Egypt after his exile, same Ulema said Television for Islamic purposes is Halal. Just because that Imam-e-Ka'aba was Uncle of Shah Faisal.
Same Saudi Ulemas now very wickedly have announced that women can be BOUGHT by the will of their Walli. Now whats happening in Saudi Arab? Rich Saudis who can give highest bid can get the Beautiful and Virgin girls by throwing money to their fathers or brothers (so called Wallis), then divorce them after couple of years Ayaashi then girls come back to Wallis and then this exploitation goes on and on. Every Saudi woman is now at least 4 or 5 times married and divorced. Its the only country in the world where they dont let any social surveys to be conducted.
These Devil-Ulemas never said that saving money in Western Banks is Haram. They never say that in Iraq Iran war 30 billion dollars Saudi Aid to Iraq to continue War was Haram. They never said that Saudi Invasion on Bahraini people, last year, was Haram. They never say that indirect sale of Oil to Israel is Haram. They never say that Saudi invasion on Syria, through America, is Haram because its gonna kill thousands of Muslims of either side or that side.
******* Saudi Ulemas!

AAj to mere dil ke baat likh de aap ne. Can't put it in better words then urs. (clap) . Yahuud Al-Saud worst FITNA on UMMAH right now. These Same Molvis gave Fatwa asking Syrian Women to let Jihadis Rape them and this will be help in Jihad -- ***** aesay molvioin per. Same molvis gave fatwas asking their followers to rape women if women come drive or come out to work. Don't forget the molvis( famous TV Preacher ) who raped his own 5 year old daughter and killed her, later described her as fahsha and gave money to his wife as Diyah ( the blood money ). Whole Story can be read following the link http://omaimanajjar.wordpress.com/2013/01/30/islamic-preacher-getaway-with-a-murder/ .

Allah in molvio se bachae.
