البغدای کی سابقہ بیوی، الدلیمی، کا کہنا ہے کہ ابو بکر البغدادی دہشتگرد گروه کا سربراه بننے سے پہلے ایک "عام آدمی" تھا اور بات چیت سے زیاده "حکم دینے" کو پسند کرتا ۔
ISIS leader al-Baghdadis escaped ex-wife says he was a normal family man
The leader of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was a normal family man before he became the leader of the terror group, his ex-wife has said.
Saga al-Dulmaimi who managed to escape described a shallow marriage to a normal family man who spoke little other than to give orders.The 28-year-old Saga told Expressed in an interview that she married him in 2008 as he was working as a university lecturer, teaching religion and Sharia.However, she said it was later revealed to her that her husband was active in extremist groups.I married a normal person who was a university lecturer.
At the time his name was Hisham Mohammad, Al-Dulaimi said, adding that He was a family man. He went to work and came home to his family. He didnt even take part in the resistance movement.How he then became Emir of the most dangerous terrorist organisation in the world is a mystery to me, Al-Dulaimi added.
Having a bounty of $ million on his head, al-Baghdadi is one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.His voice was last heard in a 24-minute audio message released in December 2015, claiming his organisation was thriving despite the international forces arrayed against it.

ISIS leader al-Baghdadis escaped ex-wife says he was a normal family man
The leader of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was a normal family man before he became the leader of the terror group, his ex-wife has said.
Saga al-Dulmaimi who managed to escape described a shallow marriage to a normal family man who spoke little other than to give orders.The 28-year-old Saga told Expressed in an interview that she married him in 2008 as he was working as a university lecturer, teaching religion and Sharia.However, she said it was later revealed to her that her husband was active in extremist groups.I married a normal person who was a university lecturer.
At the time his name was Hisham Mohammad, Al-Dulaimi said, adding that He was a family man. He went to work and came home to his family. He didnt even take part in the resistance movement.How he then became Emir of the most dangerous terrorist organisation in the world is a mystery to me, Al-Dulaimi added.
Having a bounty of $ million on his head, al-Baghdadi is one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.His voice was last heard in a 24-minute audio message released in December 2015, claiming his organisation was thriving despite the international forces arrayed against it.
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