افغانستان میں پاکستانی سفارت خانے پر مشتعل ہجوم کا دھاوا


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

افغانستان میں مشتعل ہجوم نے پاکستانی سفارت خانے پر دھاوا بول دیا۔

ایکسپریس نیوز کے مطابق افغانستان کے دارالحکومت کابل میں واقع پاکستانی سفارت خانے پر پاکستان آنے کے خواہش مند مشتعل افغان شہریوں نے دھاوا بول دیا، سفارت خانے کے باہر موجود سیکیورٹی اہلکاروں نے صورت حال کو قابو میں کرلیا۔

سفارت خانے پر دھاوا بولنے والے افراد جلد اور فوری ویزہ جاری کرنے کا مطالبہ کر رہے تھے، مشتعل افراد کے حملے میں سفارت خانے کی عمارت یا عملے کو کسی قسم کا نقصان نہیں پہنچا۔ افغان سیکیورٹی فورسز نے مشتعل افراد کو منتشر کردیا۔

پاکستانی وزارت خارجہ کی جانب سے افغانستان کے حکام کو کابل میں پاکستانی سفارتخانے کے عملے کی حفاظت کو یقینی بنانے کے لیے رابطہ کیا گیا ہے جب کہ افغان حکام نے بھی
ایسے واقعات کے تدارک کی یقین دہانی کرائی ہے۔

سفارتی ذرائع کے مطابق کابل میں پاکستانی سفارت خانہ روزانہ کی بنیاد پر 2 ہزار ویزے جاری کرتا ہے جس کے لیے سفارتی عملہ دن و رات تندہی سے کام کرتا ہے اس لیے ویزہ ملنے میں تاخیر کا بہانہ بنا کر سفارت خانے میں دھاوا بولنا قابل مذمت ہے۔


latif mk

MPA (400+ posts)
It’s the time to send back afghan refugees back tighten the border as everyone knows that afghanis prefer India on Pakistan. Not loyal people


MPA (400+ posts)
These Afgans are similar to Punjabi pendoos like you who illegally go to Europe to do odd jobs there and to become European nationals ?
So not much difference between Punjabis and Afghans.
Actually not only Europe but your mates are rotting in Saudi jails as well for illegally staying there. Some 300 of your village mates were freed by Malaysian government a few days ago.
Next time think twice before insulting a human race!

Bhai I'm unable to understand why are you dividing us Pakistanis by saying Punjabi only i myself say People from all other provencies out side Pakistan doing Odd jobs and trying hard to earn bread and butter for their loved ones. The PM of Pakistan IK himself praising them and asking them to send money home through Bank as our Country Pakistan depend on their remittances $20 Billion comes to Pakistan through these Odd jobs guys.... If you cannot show some respect for them then you should not raise any voice.

You should learn to respect your country fellow.



Voter (50+ posts)
It seems that my reply has hit the target. Well you were mocking at the Afghan people who in your opinion seek Pakistani visas as if Pakistan is some European country, so I thought I should show you your auqaat, as I bet only a punjabi pendoo can have such words for a neighbouring poor nation. Then I pointed out a fact that Punjabi villagers go to Europe 'illegally' by paying human traffickers who take them to Iran via Balochistan, from Iran they go to Turkey and then Greece and there the Punjabi-heaven awaits these illegal immigrants that your demigod Imran Niazi is so proud of.
ایسا لگتا ہے تمیں پیار سے سمجھانے والا بیوقوف ہے تم لاتوں کہ بھوت پیار کی زبان نہیں سمجھتے، تیری باجی کی پھدی میں اپنا پنجابی لن ڈال کر اس کہ منہ سے نکالوں کسی افغان طوایفہ کہ حرامی پلے- اب مجھے امید ہے کہ تمھاری ماں کی چوت میں ٹھنڈ پڑ گی ہو گی ہا ہا ہا


MPA (400+ posts)
It seems that my reply has hit the target. Well you were mocking at the Afghan people who in your opinion seek Pakistani visas as if Pakistan is some European country, so I thought I should show you your auqaat, as I bet only a punjabi pendoo can have such words for a neighbouring poor nation. Then I pointed out a fact that Punjabi villagers go to Europe 'illegally' by paying human traffickers who take them to Iran via Balochistan, from Iran they go to Turkey and then Greece and there the Punjabi-heaven awaits these illegal immigrants that your demigod Imran Niazi is so proud of.

Bhai first of all i'm a not supporter of any political part, if you read again i used the word "PM of Pakistan" not my leader. Secondly you didn't hit any target you feels that only Pakistani Punjabi is entering illegally in Europe and from Pakistan, moreover Punjabi's are the one who are travel illegally. Anyhow I didn't mock Afghan either, from the past +40 years its Pakistani people who is nourishing and supporting Afghan with the grace of Allah. Now don't say US attacked Afghanistan from Pakistan this was the decision of government for which people of Pakistan protested against this decision and supported our Afghan brother and sisters and still supporting till date.

I still don't want to publish names of people who are taking refuge abroad while they had ruled Pakistan for decades. We are Muslims and Pakistani we love our country and nation, only a Non-Muslim and Non-Pakistani can raise such comments which divides the nation. If you are Muslim and Pakistani then i'm sure you will agree with me.

