To make proper sense of message in the quran a person has to learn sense how to make proper sense of things. Only after having learned sense of making proper sense of things one can be able to understand message of the quran and thereby deen of islam. This is why people who claim to be muslims must educate each other as well as others. It is because most of humanity is ignorant, illiterate, uneducated and untrained to think properly therefore it is not possible for such people to be rational or logically consistent. This is why to convince such people about the truth is very difficult if not possible.
Many people adopt one sect or religion then another and then yet another but they do not realise the fact that all sects or religions are man made and are based upon very same illogical or nonsense beliefs or ideas. People do not realise conflicts and contradictions in their beliefs and practices. People have wrong idea or criterion about judging the truth about a belief system or practice so they keep going in circles without realising it.
What is the truth and how can we know it is the truth is explained in detail
HERE and
People look at God as someone who is supposed to work for them by fulfilling their lists of demands as if God is their servant instead of looking at God as their creator and sustainer who has created them for his purposes. They think by flattering God by means of their praises they can get God to fulfil their demands. They have little or no idea that such a thing has nothing at all to do with what God has created human being for according to his revealed messages. Till people try to realise the purpose for which they have been created by God they will remain confused through adopting religious beliefs and practices which in actual fact lead them away from fulfilling purposes of God.
So people who are interested in understanding the God revealed scripture must go through the provided links to see where they go wrong and how they wrong themselves.