ہمیں اب یہ عادت چھوڑ دینی چاہیےپنڈت جی آپ نے کمال کر دیا بہت بڑہیا لکھا ہے آپ نے مگر ایک گلہ ہے کہ یہ شرک کی عادت ہمیں بٹوارے میں آپ سے ملی ہے
ایک ہندو کی نظر میں ہندو مسلمان ایک ہیں،
فیصلہ مسلمان خود کریں
ہمیں اب یہ عادت چھوڑ دینی چاہیے
There are many customs and rituals which have become prevelant in the Muslims of subcontinent because of spending so many years with them... but the matter the fact is that ... Islam is not what muslims do... Actually there are so many bad things which are prevelant in muslims and some of them are shirkia as well but it doesnt mean that hinduism and islam are same ... yes to some extent it is true that muslims and hindus are doing same things... but it isnt the logic or reasoning to compare islam with hinduism.... and another point is that if hindus are doing all these things, they are on the right path but on the other hand if muslims are doing all these things, it is obivious and clear that they are on the wrong path !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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