Don't you think more than any thing, the guilty should be the people who authorized the subsidy if not due, and not the people who received it? OR if it was mili-bhagat, then both parties are responsible.ٹھیک کہتا ہے کیا کوئی جہانگیر ترین پر ہاتھ ڈال سکتا ہے ؟ چودھری اپنے بیٹے مونس کو کیا جیل جانے دینگے - یہ وہی مونس ہے جو این ایل سی سکینڈل میں پھنس گیا تھا اور چالیس گو ا ہوں نے گوائی بھی دی مگر چودہری اس وقت کی حکومت زرداری سے مل گئے اور چالیس کے چالیس گواہ مکر گئے اور تو اور خسرو بختیار کی بھی قربانی نہیں دی جائیگی -
Let us see what happens in next report. I am smelling that army is involved in it and they used Wajid Zia again. It could only be a conspiracy theory and has nothing to do with reality but there is a chance of it. Army was not happy with some people in government and therefore they let this happen. There will be another report and then long process in court and nothing will happen in the end. There is a chance that if deal is done with everyone then second report may clear these people.Don't you think more than any thing, the guilty should be the people who authorized the subsidy if not due, and not the people who received it? OR if it was mili-bhagat, then both parties are responsible.
Well I am not so sure army being behind all this but every thing is possible in Pakistan . I heard Asad Umar saying that the cabinet approved to export sugar in the first place as we needed the foreign exchange and then also approved the subsidy. He specially mentioned Khusro Bakhtiar asking that he be exempted to attend that cabinet meeting discussing the subsidy as it it will be conflict of interest on his part. And he did not attend.Let us see what happens in next report. I am smelling that army is involved in it and they used Wajid Zia again. It could only be a conspiracy theory and has nothing to do with reality but there is a chance of it. Army was not happy with some people in government and therefore they let this happen. There will be another report and then long process in court and nothing will happen in the end. There is a chance that if deal is done with everyone then second report may clear these people.
Yes subsidy is not a new thing; any government who want to bring prices down for any item, then they do that. The question is why floor and Sugar disappeared from market and then sold at higher prices. I have not read full report therefore don't know if it is covered in report or not. What highlights I have saw on media were calling these three people as beneficiaries. It will be hard to prove this though in court. I am afraid therefore courts may clear them on the benefit of doubt. The case will buried for ever soon.Well I am not so sure army being behind all this but every thing is possible in Pakistan . I heard Asad Umar saying that the cabinet approved to export sugar in the first place as we needed the foreign exchange and then also approved the subsidy. He specially mentioned Khusro Bakhtiar asking that he be exempted to attend that cabinet meeting discussing the subsidy as it it will be conflict of interest on his part. And he did not attend.
Now if the whole cabinet made a mistake how can they punish all cabinet members? Or the mill owners?...unless the government can prove that the mill owners gave them the wrong figures on which they based their decision.
In this scenario I see some sort of a plea bargain, the mill owners giving back all or a part of the subsidy and the case is closed. Hahaha. To give sugar subsidy is not a new thing? PTI only did it this time in the tune of 3 arab whereas PPP and PMLN did it in the tune of 22 arab.
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