آمر کا پیغام جمہور کے نام


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
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(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
پرانا یار ہے تمہارا یار
جممت نے اس نمک کھایا چھ سات سال ، کچھ تو اس نمک ہلالی کا خیال رکھو
اسی لے تو لوگ جماعت کو ووٹ نہی دیتے کہ کوئی دین یمان ہی نہی اس کا​


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Musharraf is great and will ever remain Great for Pakistan.Only wise can understand,for stupids just enjoy enjoy (Zardari+Nawaz+Taleban Khan+Altaf+Wali+Shujaat+Fazlu+Aitezaz+Ch Iftikhar) till 2018 without any let down.
Musharraf must show patience watch these till 2018 inshahallah non of them with shalwar or paints.He left with full dignity still he is watched and seen by international media more than current rulers and politicians.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
پرانا یار ہے تمہارا یار
جممت نے اس نمک کھایا چھ سات سال ، کچھ تو اس نمک ہلالی کا خیال رکھو
اسی لے تو لوگ جماعت کو ووٹ نہی دیتے کہ کوئی دین یمان ہی نہی اس کا​
جماعت کو میں نہیں بھی کبھی ووٹ نہیں دیا، آپ خام خواہ غلط فہمی کا شکار ہیں


Senator (1k+ posts)
Musharraf is great and will ever remain Great for Pakistan.Only wise can understand,for stupids just enjoy enjoy (Zardari+Nawaz+Taleban Khan+Altaf+Wali+Shujaat+Fazlu+Aitezaz+Ch Iftikhar) till 2018 without any let down.
Musharraf must show patience watch these till 2018 inshahallah non of them with shalwar or paints.He left with full dignity still he is watched and seen by international media more than current rulers and politicians.
2018: kyon darate ho. Zardari se jad as jald jaan chootne chaiyee


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
True Thank Less Nation....what you talk about...this nation kill all it's Mohsin....started from Quaid-e-Azam to Hakeem Sayed....this is worst nation on the face of earth and will be wipe out with Zardari and Nawaz Democracy......where 100 donkeys are better than one human being.......


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
True Thank Less Nation....what you talk about...this nation kill all it's Mohsin....started from Quaid-e-Azam to Hakeem Sayed....this is worst nation on the face of earth and will be wipe out with Zardari and Nawaz Democracy......where 100 donkeys are better than one human being.......

This one human type being is more than 100 donkeys.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Democracy in this type of system people are able to test different leadership , if not found good will be replaced after 5 years ,

No one as unlimited power in this system , it takes some time to establish a system.
