PMLN, Jamat-e-Islami, Terrorism and the Millions of Dollar Embezzlement...
The So-Called Jamat-e-Islami is an Anti Social Rouge Element which since its inception not only obstructed but also harmed the whole of Pakistan Movement, declared Pakistan as Na-Pakistan and Quaid-e-Azam as Kafir-e-Azam.
Not Only their Leader Moulana Moudoodi declared himself an "AALIM" but also this group itself declared as the Most Loyal Post Independence Group and Sit on the laps of Army/ISI.
During Afghan War More then 3 Million Pakhtoons were killed on their agitation. They embezzled Millions of Dollars Granted by U.S. to fight against USSR. Their close relations with the U.S. State and Foreign Affairs Departments are open secrets.
These relations came to an end when U.S. after defeating USSR evacuated Afghanistan and halted all Financial Aids not only to Afghan War Lords but also to Jamat-e-Islami and its subsidiaries in Afghanistan!
During Zia's Regime when PMLN and Nawaz Shareef became the Apple of the Eye for Zia and ISI, the so-called Jamat-e-Islami netted the conspiracy against them and claimed (which may be true) that PMLN and Nawaz Shareef have misused the funds reserved for the "Khalistan Movement in Indian Punjab". In response Nawaz Shareef demanded to clarify Jamat’s position on U.S. Funds for Afghan War provided to them by ISI.
Their Tug of War became more serious when both the Allys of ISI, i.e. Jamat and PMLN indulged in a serious blame game against each other and Nawaz Shareef in his 2nd tenure fired almost all those ISI Officials belonged to Jamat-e-Islami and had been appointed or promoted on Qazi Hussain's specific request!
Though, both the groups are on their own ways, but one thing which is still common is the unconditional support to Terrorists and Terrorism. Which not only apparent by their statements favouring those responsible for Suicide Attacks but also Not Issuing any single statement of sympathy for the victims.
PMLN leader and Chief Minister Punjab’s statement requesting “Taliban Terrorists” to not to target Punjab as their agenda are the same, is an eye opener. The Provincial Law Minister Rana Sanaullah launched their Election Campaign with the Banned Terrorist Outfit SSP’s leader in Punjab! Jamat-e-Islami’s Ameer Syed Munawwar Hassan’s recent threat to Ahmadi Community is also an alarming situation.
Till now, no indication where the Millions of Dollars Funds have been misused by both the groups, but one thing which is confirmed, the leaders of both the groups became Billionaire in years and confirm the doubt on them of having involved in Corruption and Anti-Social Activities!
One may ask a Judicial Inquiry of this matter too, as it is considered that Pakistan's Judiciary is now free and working efficiently!