
  1. A

    Obama, Zionists and Rebel terrorists in Libya Target Muslims!

    786 Muslim blood is cheap... Happy Holy Ramadan. Humanity has a right to know truth. __________ Obama, Zionists and Rebel terrorists in Libya Target Muslims![hilar] -DR. ABDUL RUFF _______________ Western terrorcracies ed by USA-UK terror twins have been...
  2. hans

    Saudi Arabia, Zionism, Peace and the Palestinian Cause

    Source: By Haytham A. K. Radwan Intifada Palestine.com Weblink: http://www.intifada-palestine.com/2011/07/saudi-arabia-zionism-peace-and-the-palestinian-cause/ The attempts to destroy the Palestinian Cause have been on the drawing board of the Al Sauds alliance with Zionism and the West for...
  3. L

    How Zionism Infiltrated The United States

  4. A

    Mavi Marmara to Gaza: Turkey Must be Firm against Israel Fascism!

    Mavi Marmara to Gaza: Turkey Must be Firm against Israel Fascism! -Dr. Abdul Ruff It is apparent that in spite of all its pro-Islamic moves, Turkey is still vulnerable to influence of Israel-US leaders and allows being under the heavy pressure of western anti-Islamic...
  5. jerry719964

    Pakistan turning hostile to United States of Zionism? - Press TV
