
  1. A

    This invention by Pakistani origin Students based in London,can change lives of many areas of Pakist

    This invention by Pakistani origin Students based in London,can change lives of many areas of Pakistan where people have to carry water from a distance. Alt link 1230926027019579
  2. Sohail Shuja

    پانی پانی کر گئی مجھکو قلندر کی یہ بات

    ترجمہ: اور وہ جو جھٹلاتے ہیں، کیا نہیں جانتے کہ ہم نے زمین و آسمان کو آپس میں جڑا ہوا بنایا اور اس کے بعد علٰیحدہ کیا، اور ہر جاندار کو پانی سے پیدا کیا؟ کیا وہ پھربھی نہیں مانتے؟ (۲۱:۳۰ القرآن)۔ آج کی سائنس تو کم از کم یہ مانتی ہے کہ ہر جاندار کو پانی سے ہی پیدا کیا گیا اور اسی طرح بگ بینگ کی...
  3. M

    نیب اہلکاروں کی خواجہ سعد سے معافیاں

  4. 4

    واٹر فلٹریشن پلانٹ

    ALLAH IN SE RAZI HO , EMANDAR QIYADAT AUR BE LAUS KHIDMAT JAMAT E ISLAMI واٹر فلٹریشن پلانٹ الخدمت نے اختر کالونی میں جدید واٹر فلٹریشن پلانٹ کا افتتاح کردیا جدید پلانٹ اختر کالونی کے مکینوں کے لیے تحفہ ہے‘ شہر کے ہر علاقے میں واٹر فلٹریشن پلانٹ لگانا چاہتے ہیں‘ نعمت اللہ خان الخدمت شہر کی...
  5. R

    After Fuel and Energy disaster - another crisis in the making

    Starved for Energy, Pakistan Braces for a Water Crisis ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Energy-starved Pakistanis, their economy battered by chronic fuel and electricity shortages, may soon have to contend with a new resource crisis: major water shortages, the Pakistani government warned this week. A...
  6. M Ali Khan

    Water Warriors

    Water warriors By Shahzad Chaudhry Published: August 11, 2013 The writer is a defence analyst who retired as an air vice-marshal in the Pakistan Air Force Ask anyone in Pakistan: what shall the two neighbours, India and Pakistan, fight their next war on, and you are likely to...
  7. L

    US failed to produce diplomatic papers of 40 (BlackWater) Agents working in Pakistan as Embassy Staf

  8. ealtaf

    Water Crisis can Trigger Nuclear War in South Asia

    Water crisis can trigger nuclear war in South Asia by Musharaf Zahoor Water is an ambient source, which unlike human beings does not respect boundaries. Water has been a permanent source of conflict between the tribes since biblical times and now between the states. The conflicts are much...
  9. ealtaf

    Indian Water Belligerence

    Indian water belligerence Professor Khurram Shahzad It has been a venerable and established speculation among political experts that the world's future wars will be fought over water, not oil. Where the whole world is fortunately lagging a bit behind for entering into this ill-fated era of...
  10. L

    NASA finds new evidence of liquid water on Mars

    (Reuters) - NASA scientists have discovered new evidence that briny water flows on Mars during its warmest months, raising chances that life could exist on the Red Planet, the space agency said on Thursday. NASA first found signs of water on Mars more than a decade ago, but earlier indications...
  11. J

    12 companies of mineral water have toxic substances in their water - Report

  12. biomat

    Libyan War 2011 Is For Water? or DEFYING IMF WORLD BANK...??

  13. hroonj2k3

    What wil be the Future for Oil reserve Countries......JAPANESE WATER POWERED CAR!!

  14. gazoomartian

    Water expert proposes barrage-dam near Attock -- Dawn report

    Gazoo notes: Lets get going on the dam thing. Once the ANP is finished we shall build kalabagh and other dams. ISLAMABAD: A dam-cum-barrage with a storage capacity of about 3 million acre feet (MAF) of water and potential to generate between 2000MW and 6000MW has been proposed near Attock...
  15. A

    Human Water Fountain‏ !!!

    http://youtu.be/PPdBWb0azWA I can,t bleave it.....Realy verey funny....
  16. karachiwala

    Black Water being used for Propagation of christianity

  17. Faiza

    Fluoride In Drinking Water

  18. IndiaGuy

    Ravi water flow: India, Pakistan engineers battle it out

    AMRITSAR: Every year the banks of river Ravi becomes the battlefield for the engineers of both India and Pakistan during rainy the season. Indian engineers are at war of wits with their Pakistani counterparts in not only preventing the erosion of strategically important land on banks of Ravi but...
  19. moazzamniaz

    Water availability has dropped 500% since 1947

    Water availability has dropped 500% since 1947 By Shamsul Islam Published: June 21, 2011 Per capita water availability has dropped 500 per cent since 1947, and the situation is worsening day by day. PHOTO: FILE...
