water issue

  1. urdukahani

    Morning Water Therapy : Drinking Water On Empty Stomach

    imagine water flowing through a tube or a pipe that has a lot of things passing through it. It would definitely have a perfect effect, what you think? Now same rule applies to your stomach where the food is processed and converted into energy. When you will drink water it will run through it and...
  2. raclahori

    PAANI KI QILLAT ! (Water Shortage) #Issues Based Politics

  3. Khan Saidiii

    Pakistan May Face Dangerous Water Crisis In 2025

    KARACHI: Pakistan ranks third amongst countries facing water shortages, according to an International Monetary Fund (IMF) report. An important reason behind this is the excessive use of water without any mechanism to save it. There is a dire need to divide water into parts the way developed...
  4. Sohail Shuja

    پانی پانی کر گئی مجھکو قلندر کی یہ بات

    ترجمہ: اور وہ جو جھٹلاتے ہیں، کیا نہیں جانتے کہ ہم نے زمین و آسمان کو آپس میں جڑا ہوا بنایا اور اس کے بعد علٰیحدہ کیا، اور ہر جاندار کو پانی سے پیدا کیا؟ کیا وہ پھربھی نہیں مانتے؟ (۲۱:۳۰ القرآن)۔ آج کی سائنس تو کم از کم یہ مانتی ہے کہ ہر جاندار کو پانی سے ہی پیدا کیا گیا اور اسی طرح بگ بینگ کی...
  5. ShoaibAhsan1

    "Water War" Against Pakistan Report by "Pakistan Water Council"

    "Pakistan Water Council" Reports that India Will Complete 40 Dams on River Jhelum and Chenab out of which 4 Large Dams and 16 small Have Become operational. India is Building World 3rd Largest Dam "KARGIL" on River Sindh also a...
  6. atensari

    Solution to Kashmir issue.........
