
  1. mohib

    Hypocrisy at its peak - Israili Prime Minister Netanyahu's greeting for the month of Ramadan

    At ons side you kill innocent muslims n on other side you greet them. F**** off
  2. A

    US Army suicide rates reach yearly peak

    US Army suicide rates have reached their highest level in a year both among active-duty soldiers and those who have not been deployed to conflict zones. According to CNN, May 2011 was the worst month in terms of suicides and suicide attempts as the US military reported 21 cases of...
  3. mt_dilber

    Highest Peak in Kargil Still in Control of Pakistan -

  4. simple_and_peacefull

    why our intelligence failure at peak during this government

    I think & think again and did same thing many times. I read most of news about intelligence failure. I tried to find how intelligence system works in our motherland and how information delivers to correct people. I found high numbers of failure happen during this most corrupt Government. I may...
  5. News Watch

    News Watch - 20th May 2011 - Imran Khan - Protest of Imran Khan's on Drone Attacks, Load Shedding on