
  1. A

    Patrol is much cheaper in Pakistan then other countries

    Pakistan govt is saying that petrol is still cheaper in Pakistan as compared to other countries. Let me compare this in a simple way Someone working at McDonalds in USA earns 1300 dollars(Rs 112000) a month working full time( 40 hours a week). Someone working at McDonalds in Pakistan earns...
  2. Nawazish

    If there is an unrest in Saudia Arabia, the patrol might become unpurchasable!( could hit $200-$300

    That is why America won't let that happen. -------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 2-Oil could hit $200-$300 on Saudi unrest-Yamani Tue Apr 5, 2011 12:40pm * Political discontent in Saudi not resolved-Yamani * "Surprises on the horizon" Yamani predicts...
