
  1. ahmadalikhan

    Zamurd Naqvi - A Good Astrologer/Column Writer

    Zamurd Naqvi is a skillful astrologer and a very good column writer in Express newspaper. He doesn't do predictions in a conventional way, instead he writes a good column on current affair and in the last paragraph/line of his column he predicts like a professional astrologer...... I mostly read...
  2. IndiaGuy

    What Hindus, which Muslims? By Jawed Naqvi

    WHEN the World Cup final was under way in Mumbai, I was ensconced on a beautiful bajra, a traditionally bedecked boat in Varanasi, immersed in the musical genius of thumri singers of the Banaras school. In other words, I spent much of the evening in the middle of the serene Ganga, listening...
  3. N

    Live Wire - 1st April 2011 - Firdous Naqvi on Economic Manifesto of PTI
