
  1. News Beat

    News Beat - 7th September 2011 - Haider Abbas Rizwi - Alligation of Zulifqar Mirza---Reality or Myth

  2. Capital Talk

    Capital Talk - 27th July 2011 - Ahsan Iqbal & Muhammad Jamal Laghari - Elections of PML-N: Reality o
  3. Narcissist

    Parha Likha Punjab: a myth busted

    Torture in schools. Here are some eye opening videos, where teachers are clearly violating, '' Maar Nahi Pyaar '' a wall chalked principle on the entrance of most of public schools. There are 100s of ghost school, those exist even today, and teachers get their salaries for sitting in their home...
  4. Waseem

    Behind the Myth of 3 million : The Truth that Mujib Suppressed

    4.1. The MCAs Report: The MCAs whom Mujib personally assigned to the task of finding the casualty figures of their respective districts apparently went ahead with their task. With the help of their local district, subdivision, thana, and union Awami League party and governmental machineries...
  5. canadian

    The politics of aid,US Aid A Myth !!!

    The politics of aid By Shahid Javed Burki Published: May 29, 2011 The writer is former vice-president of the World Bank and former finance minister of Pakistan In a speech given recently at the Woodrow Wilson Centre in Washington, I made two points about the flow of aid to Pakistan. I...
  6. arslan4u

    The myth of Nawaz Sharif being anti-establishment by Zohaib Anwar

    Recently there has been a lot of talk of Nawaz Sharif being a lone ranger fighting against the mighty GHQ aka the military establishment. Certain paid analysts and media pundits are constantly hammering this perception in electronic media and other news outlets. But lets analyze this...
  7. Geek

    Myth that Pakistan gets billions in US aid: Hafeez

    WASHINGTON: Pakistans finance minister on Monday dismissed as a myth in the United States that his country is a major recipient of tens of billions of dollars in US aid. Finance Minister Abdul Hafiz Shaikh told an audience in Washington that the United States had not delivered what it...
  8. Jirga

    Jirga - 17th March 2011 - Punjabi Taliban...Reality Or Myth??

  9. simple_and_peacefull

    The myth of Pakistans infinite gas reserves

    By Farooq Tirmizi Published: March 14, 2011 How former president Musharraf has left the country with a gas shortage. KARACHI: Pakistans gas crisis is the product of decisions taken by a military leader who was short-sighted enough to announce a major policy shift based on a whimsical...
