
  1. Mehrushka

    UPDATES:: Protest Across the Globe against Blashemy Movie Showing Insult to Islam produced by US-ISR

    Protesters stormed the US Embassy in Sanaa, Yemen. US embassy in Yemen stormed in film protest Protesters could be seen climbing over the...
  2. ealtaf

    Turkish PM to visit Egypt, Tunisia, Libya

    Recep Tayyip Erdogan will start his tour of Egypt, Tunisia, Libya from September 12. Turkey s prime minister will visit Egypt, Tunisia and Libya next week to vouch support for the three Arab countries where popular uprisings have ousted autocratic leaders, his office said Wednesday. Recep...
  3. hans

    Libya 1996 prison massacre...

    The three mujahideen It all began in the summer of 1996, Haraga said, when guards brought in three new prisoners. Like other Libyans, the men had traveled to Afghanistan to fight against the Russian invasion and, later, against other groups of mujahideen. At some point during the conflict...
  4. A

    NATO Oil Wars in Mideast

    NATO Oil Wars in Mideast: Return of Libyan President Col. Qaddafi! -DR. ABDUL RUFF __________________________________
  5. Wadaich

    America Must See! FAKE YouTube Twitter Accounts From Libya- Manipulated Social Media- Mirror

    Comments By Video Poster: This might be a surprise to you, if you live in the West, but the media is lying to us about Libya. The entire "civil war" was manufactured by a CIA EU UN psyop intervention into a young student movement. Gaddafi is not their president, he is the inspiration of Libya...
  6. R

    British military almost ran out of missiles during war on Libya

    British military almost ran out of missiles during war on Libya Colonel Gaddafi (Pic: Reuters) DAVID Cameron has been accused of leaving the military so squeezed it almost ran out of missiles during...
  7. sarmad

    The race is on for Libya's oil, with Britain and France both staking a claim | The Guardian UK (Now

    The race is on for Libya's oil, with Britain and France both staking a claimRebel leaders dismiss suggestions that firm promises have been made, but supportive countries look set to benefit Alain Jupp said it would be 'fair and logical' for France's companies to benefit. Photograph: Jean-Pierre...
  8. biomat

    Libya and Syria: The Neocon Plan to Attack Seven Countries in Five Years
  9. A

    American and European Mad Dogs

    American and European Mad Dogs[hilar] --------------- Even as Arab as well as other Muslim rulers and leaders continue to play western fiddle, the dictatorial American and European mad dogs have been on the rampage in Islamic world, especially Mideast, killing innocent Muslims and consuming...
  10. 1 ummah

    Colonialists eyeing spoils at the Friends of Libya Conference in Paris

    Beware of western governments call to help reconstruct Libya Western leaders, who only a few months ago were meeting, greeting and making lucrative oil deals with Gadaffis regime, are today meeting and greeting and hoping to make oil deals with Libyas new Transitional National Council (NTC) in...
  11. Y

    France will get 35% of libya's oil.

    French President Nicolas Sarkozy, together with British Prime Minister David Cameron, the host of the meeting between "the Libyan friends' in Paris on Thursday afternoon. The meeting will take place on day 42 years after Muammar Gadafi took power in a coup. - France is a third of Libya's...
  12. biomat

    Libya usa hidden secret documents revealed something different..

  13. Asif shah

    CIA recruits 1,500 Al-Qaida member from Mazar-e-Sharif to fight in Libya

    CIA recruits 1,500 Al-Qaida member from Mazar-e-Sharif to fight in Libya The Central Intelligence Agency of the United States recruited over 1,500 men from Mazar-e-Sharif for fighting against the Qaddafi forces in Libya. Sources told TheNation: Most of the men have been...
  14. L

    UN 'plan for post-Gaddafi Libya' leaked

    Document appears to reveal plans for UN's role in post-conflict Libya, including deployment of military observers. The document calls for the deployment of 200 unarmed military observers and 190 UN police officers [Reuters] A leaked document apparently detailing United Nations...
  15. A

    Will NATO attack Mecca?

    786 Muslim blood is cheap... -------------- Will NATO attack Mecca? -DR. ABDUL RUFF ___________ An attack on Mecca by the NATO terror forces is what all anti-Islamic minds aspire for today and, unfortunately, the time seems to on their side. The CIA controlled media seem to have...
  16. A

    Fascist Destructions in Libya and Natural Destructions in USA

    Fascist Destructions in Libya and Natural Destructions in USA:lol: After decimating sovereign Muslim states like Afghanistan and Iraq and Pakistan, the dictatorial super power USA has destabilized and almost destroyed sovereign Libya and Tripoli is reeling under serious humanitarian crises...
  17. P

    Libya set up by NATO Fake Libyan Rebels exposed
  18. biomat

    Libya / Incredible media lies - BBC shows "Green Square" in INDIA, 24 August 2011

  19. A

    Arab League Behind NATO Fascism in Islamic World: Focus on Sovereign Libya

    Arab League Behind NATO Fascism in Islamic World: Focus on Sovereign Libyapbuh -DR. ABDUL RUFF -------------------- NATO terror syndicate led by USA-UK terror twins, supported by Arab League led by hypocritical Saudi-Dubai-Qatar gang, have been on rampage in Mideast destabilizing...
  20. 1 ummah

    Congratulations on the fall of the Tyrant of Libya

    بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِHizb ut-Tahrir Libya congratulates the Muslims in general, and the people of Libya in particular, on the fall of the regime of the tyrant Gaddafi into a remote place.كَمْ تَرَكُوا مِن جَنَّاتٍ وَعُيُونٍ. وَزُرُوعٍ وَمَقَامٍ كَرِيمٍ. وَنَعْمَةٍ كَانُوا فِيهَا...
