
  1. T

    Liberal Elite. Who are they?

    We here much about the Liberal Elite, and their disdain for the common folk and the core religious cultural values. Perhaps best described in this video: We all have heard to what extent these Elites, or even more Junior Liberals are irreligious. However there surely be some residual or...
  2. atensari

    بے چارہ اسلام

  3. A

    Liberal women vs Muslim women

  4. sarbakaf

    American Media Making Fun of Islamic Values, Sects and Beliefs-Marvi promoting their liberal views

    Watch the clip and decide your self.
  5. maksyed

    Haroon ur Rasheed Blasts Mullahs & Liberal Fascists(Also mentions Zaid Hamid)

  6. U

    why are the liberal journalists so much against imran khan . . . .

    when i pick up english newspaper specially tribune and dawn i find the articles specially of left wingers insulting for imran khan . . and then when we see on TV guys like najam sethi and nusrat javaid which we know are liberals always bash imran khan . . . can someone reply me why they do so...
  7. mrcritic

    ATIQA ODHO - Crazy Liberal - Justifying Alcohol

  8. FaisalLatif

    Liberal Extremists of Pakistan - Aljazeera English

    A complicit government in Pakistan, enabled by US interlocutors, continues to support US drone strikes. Pakistanis are enraged by ongoing US drone strikes in their country [EPA] Meet Resham Khan. The 52-year-old shepherd was brought on a stretcher to a psychiatric hospital in Islamabad in...
  9. Geek

    True meaning of "liberal" - Imran Khan

  10. K

    Should we listen these liberal muslim ideas (plz comment)

    Two nation theory was the base of Pakistan. If this will finish then existence of pakistan will become baseless. Then this would might be country but we will not be able to call it as Castle of Islam, like we always claim. Some people might not agree with me because of present condition of...
  11. kashmiri

    Where are pakistani zoin liberal MUNAFIQs

    Tune in to any NEWS you see any hands being cut off due to theft? do you see anyone being flogged or stoned to death due to promiscuity/adultery? do you see any killer being executed for qisas? do you see hadd-e-qazaf being applied on someone who has falsely accused someone of...
  12. mush_dewana

    Assassination of Minorities Minister - A Game of Foreign Agencies -For all liberal Fascists

  13. atensari

    دیکھنا کہیں ملک صاحب پھر نہ رو دیں - By Ansar Abbasi

  14. atensari

    قانونِ تحفظِ ناموسِ رسالت

    قانونِ تحفظِ ناموسِ رسالت - منکر حدیث اور لبرل طبقہ کا کردار
  15. atensari

    اقبال اور معرکہ روح و بدن
