
  1. swing

    Choor Chooor Ko Dey Tou Allah He Hafiz HAi(Z-MIRZA kay gawaho ka HAL)

    Loo Gee mirza saab ka tou ilaaj ho gaya hai .
  2. S

    MQM Ka Ser Aur Hakomat Kay Jootey

  3. Bilal_Mushi

    Rehman Malik Kay Karnamay

    Please share any video or news to recall KARNAMAY OF Rehman Malik (Admin please do not merge this thread. thanks). Pakistan president pardons minister Rehman Malik...
  4. Wadaich

    SAFMA: List of the Pakistani Loser Journalists Who Are Members of SAFMA and a Tool of RAW to Stabili

    Please mark all these sorry figures and be aware of their venomous propagan.da against Paksitan. Follow them on their social networking sites pages and show them their true face and cut the illuminating tails of these moles. Here are the loosers who are the members of SAFMA: 1. I A...
  5. Wadaich

    Baniya Baith Kay USA/Israel Ki Godhi Mein Maatam Karay: "ISI Resurrects Hikmatyar Group to Target In

    Rakesh K Singh | New Delhi The Pakistani spy agency, Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), with the help of Taliban, has revived the Al-Huda outfit of Gulbuddin Hikmatyar to target Indians in Afghanistan. As many as 350 persons have been trained so far particularly to target Indian business...
  6. maksyed

    Neki Kay Lalach Mein by Orya Maqbool Jan !!

    نیکی کے لالچ میں - اوریہ مقبول جان
  7. H

    Last 10 Days of Ramazan... In Humbleness and sincerity Let us pray for PEACE & OUR COUNTRY

    MashAllah we are in the last 10 days of Ramazan... Wow how this month has flown... They have been hot and long…but Shukar Alhamdullah it was easy... Let us all pray in these last days of then ights of power that Allah SWT restore peace in our country… Pray, Oh Allah please restore PEACE in...
  8. sarbakaf

    Nawaz Sharif kay Bhai / chawal khanay walay bhayoon ka karnama

  9. T

    Ap kay Khiyal mein Next Elections mein kya hoga?

    Ap kay khiya mein aglay elections mein kya hoga Katlo Garat Dhandli ya Free & fair Votes maray khayal say aglay elections mein mulak mein civil war for food lag jaye gi aur fooji say bhi control nahi hogi :)
  10. T

    Pakisan kay logon kay naam Nawaz Sharif ka Pehghaam.

  11. Night_Hawk

    Chalee hay rasam keh koee na sar utthaa kay chalay.

  12. Bilal_Mushi

    Nawaz Sharif ka eak aur U-TURN : Dictator kay saathiyoon kee PML-N may re-entry

    Former pals to rejoin PML-N By: Aamer Waqas | LAHORE After finding itself a lone crusader against the allegedly corrupt PPP government and in order to get its flanks heavier, the PML-N is ready to accept estranged elements from all the...
  13. C

    Traitor Najam Sethi Pakistani media ko Indian propoganda promote kurnay kay lie use kur ruha hai...

    Gaddar Najam Sethi using Pakistan media to promote Indian agenda... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCIuOICxKJY
  14. Kharian Kharian

    Sohail Werriach in Trouble (Aik Din Geo Kay Saath)

  15. H

    fauj ki man manian:general sahib committee kay samnay ghusay dikha dia

  16. Rana Tahir Mahmood

    Shadiyoun aur wazartoun kay Mousam - by Nazir Naji

  17. shehreyar

    Quran kay Tarekhi Muqamat (Historical)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xepTTusSxs&feature=player_detailpage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X3vhLg_IVM&feature=player_detailpage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJ5xmIrcVC4&feature=player_detailpage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yDSZQjDGUc&feature=player_detailpage...
  18. canadian

    Corruption Dhanda Imandari Kay Sath by Yasir Pirzada !!

  19. H

    aik soch aur aik ehm sawal .(pakistan army kay baray main)

    1:kya kabhi pakistan army nay sharab khano, juwo k addo ya dance clubs per raid aur search operation kia hai ??? aur 2:agar nahi kia tou kyun nahi kia??? 3:kya yeh un ki pasandida jaga hai ??? 4:pakistani fauj ka nishana hamesha musalman hi kyun hotay hain (aur unn main b ziada ter pakistani)...
  20. GraanG2

    Ch Ghulam Hussain Kay Sath - 11th July 2011 - Exclusive Interview of Imran Khan
