
  1. The_Choice

    Do you really think you're not going to Jahannam (Hell)?

  2. A

    Paradise or Hell, by Anwar al Awlaaqi

    Paradise or Hell, by Anwar al Awlaaqi
  3. mohib

    Hindu scripture order prompts row in Karnataka state

    Opposition parties and minority groups in India's Karnataka state are angry that the Hindu scripture, Bhagvad Gita, must be taught in schools. The state authorities recently directed schools to teach the Hindu holy book for three hours a week. Education Minister Visveswara Hegde Kageri said that...
  4. S

    Maoist making life hell for indian army

    Very low survival rates of troops wounded in Chhattisgarh Aman Sethi. In three days in June, cadres of the banned Communist Party of India (Maoist) blew up an anti-landmine...
  5. WatanDost

    Hell Fires?

    Grimsvotn Eruption Wednesday, May 25, 2011 The cloud rising up from Grimsvotn as a result of the eruption was seen first time around 1900 GMT and in less than an hour it had reached an altitude of 11 kilometres (6.8 miles), according to the Icellandic meterological institute. An...
  6. moazzamniaz

    Postcards from Hell, 2011: Images from the world's most failed states

    Postcards from Hell, 2011 Images from the world's most failed states. BY ELIZABETH DICKINSON | JUNE 20, 2011 A Year In Misery: The 2011 Failed States Index Hear the words "failed state," and a certain unshakable set of images likely...
  7. R

    Why is Punjab govt. hell bent on destroying Faisalabad, no petroleum after electricity and gas

    Punjab is going thru hell rite now, and the city that has suffered the most is Faisalabad. Once regarded as the Manchester of Pakistan, where it was principally easy to invest, is now becoming a hell-hole that is being denied all the basic necessities to run an industrial town and the once labor...
  8. QaiserMirza

    Seek refuge with Almighty from the torments of Hell

    Seek refuge with Almighty from the torments of Hell IT is extremely agonizing to see someone we love in terrible pain or distress. It is even worse to experience it ourselves, be it physical discomfort of illness or injury or mental turmoil of depression and despair. Mental or physical...
  9. E

    What the hell! Sharah-e-Faisal closed for Bilawal Bhutto!

    I was crossing Sharah-e-Faisal a couple for hours back when I found it closed on account of VIP movement. When asked further, I was told it was because of Bilawal Bhuttos going to Bilawal House from the Airport. He was riding in an entourage with all the protocol of a head of state while...
  10. biomat

    Capturing bin Laden 'would unleash hell

    http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/8241119/capturing-bin-laden-would-unleash-hell 00:37 AEST Tue Apr 26 2011 The mastermind of the 9/11 attacks warned that al-Qaeda has hidden a nuclear bomb in Europe which will unleash a "nuclear hellstorm" if Osama bin Laden is captured, leaked files...
  11. mohib

    What the hell? Mamu Marries her Real Bhanji

  12. Geek

    What the Hell - Locals kissing feet and hands of Malik (land lord)
