
  1. A

    Pakistan refuses to release Dr Afridi despite US pressure

    ISLAMABAD - Pakistan has turned down the US request to release Dr Shakil Afridi, a Pakistani physician accused of helping the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) track down al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden by arranging a fake vaccination campaign in Abbottabad. Dr Afridi was taken into custody by...
  2. V

    Yusuf Ali Case: Some Hand Written Fatawa Revealed

    Well, another twist in story as some hand written Fatawa are revealed in favor of Yusuf Ali: http://www.scribd.com/doc/62587983/Hand-Written-Scanned-Fatwas-in-Favor-of-Yusuf-Ali#
  3. crankthskunk

    Foreign Hand in Karachi: Sharjeel Memon

    It seems PPP is changing their strategy against MQM, now they are going to malign MQM and expose their links with India. In two of today's TV talk shows program Sharjeel has hinted at the new strategy of PPP. The clear indication is that they are going to attack MQM.
  4. E

    Police refuse to register cases against PPP members throwing hand grenades

    Lyari violence : Nine grenades and counting, but no cases registeredPublished: August 11, 2011 At least eight hand grenades were used in attacks in different parts of the south district in retaliation to an attack on a former PAC leader. PHOTO: FILE/PPI KARACHI: Police appear to be reluctant...
  5. hawk eyed

    Our Devastating Irony / Hina Rabbani Khar Shakes Hand with Indian Foreign Minister S.M. Krishna

    http://pk.msn.com/news/localnews/alqamar/2011/july/7880626.aspx?region=pk.&featuredpk the headline of one of the local newspaper says"Pak bomb lands in india" her pearl necklace,bag and glasses are worth $30,000 or 30 years worth of toil for AVERAGE Pakistani citizen!:doh:
  6. hans

    Saudi Arabias Free Hand out to its local citizen... result are showing up.

    Saudi Arabias Domestic Crude Consumption Increases 11% in May <<<< When you try to suppress Democratic movement by giving free handout of Billions of $$$ this is what happens, every one have a few Gas guzzler Car or Van, every one has a few A/C and every one worldly needs increases many...
  7. A

    CIA hand in Mumbai 13/6: Why Does India Exonerate USA?

    CIA hand in Mumbai 13/6: Why Does India Exonerate USA? -DR. ABDUL RUFF _______ Indian s know that terrorism is part of Indian politics. For Indian media the survival of test cricket and defeat of UK, a strategic terror partner, is more important than the Mumbai blasts on July 13. There...
  8. P

    CIA and Americans, right and left hand of jews

    http://youtu.be/t7qlGCt8U9c http://youtu.be/7swwavaiIFw
  9. M_Adnan.L

    Free hand given to Rangers and Police to control Karachi situation

    http://express.com.pk/epaper/Index.aspx?Issue=NP_KHI&Page=FRONT_PAGE&Date=20110616&Pageno=1&View=1 http://www.express.com.pk/epaper/PoPupwindow.aspx?newsID=1101264815&Issue=NP_KHI&Date=20110616 If PPP, ANP & MQM are united! Then who the hell is doing target killing? :angry_smile:
  10. simple_and_peacefull

    Conspiracy theories: Is the hidden hand Indian, internal or existential?

    A plume of smoke rises from the background as a military official uses a phone at the entrance to the Mehran naval aviation base which was attacked by militants on Sunday at 11 pm. Militants attacked the base, killing at least 10 people, officials said, the latest attack on a heavily guarded...
  11. MileStone

    May Allah give us the record in our right hand on judgement day. Ameen

    If one drop a coin, the amount of time for it to hit the floor is same as the life time in this world as compared to Eternity. May Allah grant us Jannah and save us from Hell fire. Ameen. Complete Surah Al-Haqqah with Text and Translation http://scholaris.com/quranicindex/surah069.htm
  12. PkRevolution

    Britain may hand over Musharraf to Pakistan, Gulf Times. Lord Nazir appeals Cameron handover Mushar

    Britain will consider handing over former Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf to Pakistan in the Benazir Bhutto assassination case, said British Prime Minister David Cameron during his day-long visit to Pakistan yesterday. Cameron said that Britain will look into handing over Musharraf if...
  13. Khari Baat

    Khari Baat - 21st March 2011 - Mujeeb Ur Rehman - US Upper hand In Libya Crisis & Devastation Of Bas
