
  1. H

    The Richest Poor Man: 5 Unknown Things About Abdul Sattar Edhi

    I have always been a big fan of Abdul Sattar Edhi Sahib. So I decided to create a small tribute for the very great personality. Here are 5 things you may have not known about Edhi sahib. Please feel free to share and donate to this great organization.
  2. H

    8th July - World Charity Day --- Edhi Should be awarded Noble Prize --Sign the petition.

    8th July - World Charity DayZahid Ikram Islamabad, Pakistan Abdul Sattar Edhi spend his whole life on Charity Work for all mankind. On his death on "8th July 2016", to remember His lifetime efforts and continue his mission we shall celebrate "World Charity Day". Edhi shall be awarded after...
  3. A

    Abdul Sattar Edhi: Why Google honours him today

    Abdul Sattar Edhi, who founded the world's largest volunteer ambulance network, would have been 89 years old on Tuesday. Abdul Sattar Edhi founded the world's largest volunteer ambulance network in Pakistan, the Edhi Foundation.Unlike wealthy individuals that fund charities in their names...
  4. Muhammad1212

    Meet Adil Baaz Edhi! Listen to his story about How he met Edhi Sahab and Joined his team as Social W

    Alternate Source to watch 802848933183738
  5. iSupportPTI

    Name new Islamabad Airport after Edhi Sahab

    اس سے پہلے کہ کوئی قاتل لوٹیرا اور دھوکے باز نئے اسلام آباد ایئرپورٹ کا نام اپنے نام پر رکھے ، آئیں ہم سب مل کر یہ مطالبہ کریں کہ اس کا نام ایدھی انٹرنیشنل ایئرپورٹ رکھا جائے۔ ہمیں امید ہے کہ آپ سب بھی اس پٹیشن کو سائن کر کے ہماری آواز کے ساتھ اپنی آواز ملائیں گے ۔ شکریہ To sign the...
  6. T

    Humanity First?

    The creator has the better definition of what it's creation is. How come we, the creation of GOD dare to overrule the definition of Humanity which the creator himself has provided to us. Let’s suppose, I create intelligent robots which are capable of handling Cognitive Computing/Artificial...
  7. L

    Edhi workers rally in Peshawar for APS martyrs

  8. janbazali

    This is the Pakistan you don't see in news

    This is the Pakistan you don't see on news
  9. jhootaylog

    Hameed Gul & Imran Khan tried to use me to overthrow Benazir's Government, alleges Edhi

    Imran Khan Expoed By Abdul Sattar Edhi In EXPRESS NEWS: Baat Say Baat with Maria Zulfiqar Q. Have you ever been approached by political or other groups for support? A. Once, I was approached by General Hamid Gul, Imran Khan and few others, mostly military and intelligence officials, who...
  10. Arslan

    Geomentory - Abdul Sattar Edhi - Edhi Sab ka

  11. Tonight With Jasmeen

    Tonight with Jasmeen - 19th April 2011 - Special program at Edhi Centre!

  12. karachiwala

    Edhi Sahab...Hoshiyaar Bash!! - Qadyani planning new strategy - beware

  13. MileStone

    Nawaz Shareef exposed by Abdul Sattat Edhi

    Edhi exposing Nawaz Sharif http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BacMv20c6i4
