
  1. Muslimonly

    Recovered Ballet Papers were dummy & for Voter Eduation: Police

    Jamaat-e-Islami Lower Dir Stance دیر میں ووٹرز کو خصوصا خواتین ووٹرز جنھوں نے پہلے کبھی ووٹ نہیں ڈالا ، کی تربیت کے لیے ڈمی بیلٹ پیپر چھپوائے تھے .یہ بیلٹ پیپر عام پرنٹنگ پریس سے سادہ اخباری کاغذ پر بلیک کلر میں چھپوایا گیا تھا اور یہ امیدوار ووٹرز کو سمجھانے کے لیے چھپواتے ہیں۔...
  2. N

    Dance of the Mirlitons - Mariinsky Ballet

    Hello friends, I present to you - Dance of the Mirlitons performed by the Mariinsky Ballet. What an amazing video. Look at the grace and beauty of the dancers!!! Just imagine the time and effort that has been put in by the performers and others. Simply Brilliant!!!
  3. S

    Its time for ballet dance

    Definitely high time for my impotent arab brothers for another ballet dance.....b***d camel s****rs. Why arabs never managed to resolve their internal disputes? Just can't handle this depression any more. Allied forces bombed another country to rescue them from bombing???? UN? what a joke. NATO...
