
  1. A

    Imran Khan accuses agencies and FC of missing persons in balochistan

    this is one year old video.. on awaz tv imran khan accuses agencies and fc of disappearing people in balochistan.. imran says that the agencies should be held accountable and the missing persons should be recovered... imran says that supreme court has taken a very bold step by questioning...
  2. H

    our agencies are on way to destabilize this country by making people missing:syed munnawar hussain

  3. In Session

    Insession - 3rd September 2011 - Zulfiqar Mirza - Who is behind Zulfiqar Mirza, Zardari or Agencies?

  4. S

    Spy agencies claim banned militant groups recruiting in Punjab

    دہشت گرد گروہ پنجاب ميں لوگوں کو بھرتی کر رہے ہيں دہشت گرد مزہب کا نام استعمال کر کہ ہمارے نو جوانوں کو بہکا تے ہيں- ان کی بھرتی کرنے کی جدو جہد کو روکنا بہت ضروری ہے
  5. Mysticreed

    Afghan Taliban planning attacks against Pakistan: Intel agencies

    LAHORE: Pakistani Intelligence agencies have revealed that the group of Ilyas Kashmiri, aided by the Afghan Taliban insurgents, is plotting attacks on important installations, including interior ministrys buildings and police training centres.Ilyas Kashmiri, the chief of the dreaded 313 Brigade...
  6. moazzamniaz

    Intelligence agencies identify Punjab madarassahs promoting terrorism

    Intelligence report: Punjab seminaries fanning radicalism identified By Asad Kharal Published: August 3, 2011 3,270 students from tribal areas enlisted at 209 seminaries in the province. PHOTO: AFP LAHORE: An intelligence agency report also...
  7. D

    Intelligence agencies reveal three or more politicians having links with Indian and Iranian agencies’-‘raw-links’-for-violence-in-city/ Sleuths blame three politicians’ ‘RAW links’ for violence in city N KARACHI - A car burnt by angry mob seen on road during unrest in Sarjani town. Online Intelligence agencies...
  8. L

    RAW Plot against Gilgit revealed by security agencies

    ISLAMABAD: Pakistani security officials have got hold of some important documents related to a plot of the Indian intelligence service, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), aimed at alienating people of Gilgit-Baltistan from Pakistan and separate the province comprising erstwhile Northern Areas...
  9. QaiserMirza

    Guess which of the Agencies personnals are these.

    Guess which of the Agencies personnals are these.
  10. M_Adnan.L

    Guardian journalist badly beaten for the second time in Pakistan

    Waqar Kiani assaulted by men in police uniforms five days after he publishes story about torture by intelligence agents Five days after he published an account of abduction and torture by suspected Pakistani intelligence agents, a journalist working for the Guardian has been badly beaten by...
  11. C

    Four international intelligence agencies are involved in Mehran attack.

    Express news has reported that FOUR intelligence agencies are involved in Mehran Naval Base Attack. Poori dunya he hamaray nuclear program ko destroy karnay k bahaanay soch rahee hai :angry_smile::angry_smile...
  12. Front Line

    Front Line - 15th May 2011 - Iqbal Zafar Jhagra & Sharjeel Memon - Criticism Of N-League On Agencies

  13. Ammad Hafeez

    PPP wing terrorists targeted Law and enforcement agencies officials (Rangers)

    As we all know that, which elements are behind to made the terrorist wing (Peoples Amn Committee) in Karachi. Lyari gangster Abdul Rehman Aka "Rehman Dacoit" started it under the flag of PPP (Pakistan Peoples Party). Rehman Dacoit was the wanted criminal/terrorist after the death. Uzair Baloch...
  14. C

    Nawaz Sharif press conference : Agencies have nothing to do with foreign policy

    Nawaz Sharif sb is now on tv , press conferencing . Pak Army clearly accepted the internet fact that drones fly from shamsi air base (Example below ) Nawaz sb phir wohi third class baataen kr rahae haen...
  15. News Watch

    News Watch - 4th May 2011 - Osama, Pakistani Security Agencies, New Minister for Health & Pharmacy P

  16. I

    BarWaqt - 26 April 2011 - Zahd Kazmi on Agencies Involvement ?
  17. Bilal_Mushi

    PML(N) Ch. Nisar accuses Imran Khan as pawn of intelligent agencies.

    Last Updated On 25 April,2011 About 5 minutes ago Opposition leader alleges agencies involved in politics Opposition leader alleges agencies involved in politics He said he usually avoid criticising agencies but they were responsible for alliances and sit-in. Leader of the opposition...
  18. zardarifan

    Congratulations on DHARNA show, Combine production of Imran Khan(PTI) Establishment (Army) ISI (Agen

    Congratulations on DHARNA show, Combine production of Imran Khan(PTI) Establishment (Army) ISI (Agencies) USA (CIA, in the nname of Black Waters) and one and only T.A.L.I.B.AN My All Dear friends, Pakistan's every single corner has been counted as Security Thread, and it is so correct, If...
  19. A

    USA was ready to handover Dr. Aafia but our agencies refused. Pakistani kahan jaein??

    watch after 3 minutes
  20. A

    Agencies hamaray bachon ko utha rahi hain aur koi sunta hi nahi
