Saudi Arabia & Sahih Al-Bukhari

Citizen X

President (40k+ posts)
if someone talks about the love of Holy Prophet but his appearance is contrary to Sunnah
So then what is "halal" appearance? And TBH that is a very shallow criteria to gauge anyone. This appearance chooran is what has fooled 99% of our public and people like Diesel, Rizvi and his minions have gained so much influence in our country. Oh he keeps a beard he must be a very straight forward and honest person

And let me just add this as a parting note. This whole beard, turban, chola thing is absolutely without any merit. Huzoor s.a.w was a man of his time and people, everyone in the Arab pennisula looked and dressed like that. Islam's biggest enemies Abu Jahal and Abu Lahab also had beards, wore turbans and thobes, so were they also following the sunnah? This has nothing to do with Islam or love for the prophet. Jews also have beards today, sikhs also have beards and turbans infact these are crucial articles of faith for them so maybe they are following the sunnah better than most of us.

If huzoor was born in rome, then we would look and dress like the romans, if he was born today in the west, he would be wearing pants and shirts. Do you think it ally matters to Allah s.w.t or does he care if you keep a beard or not, you think the highly exalted is this petty?

If people who claim this as sunnah and love for the prophet then go all the way, why just stop at appearance, then they should only travel by camel, horse or donkey, because then that is also a sunnah, they should only eat what he ate in those times.

Honestly speaking, it is highly disappointing to see you being so narrow minded. ?