Overseas Universities : International Student accommodation on-campus / off-campus housing


Senator (1k+ posts)
University Students accommodation, are you paying its worth?

Topic concerns University Students accommodation on campus, are you paying its worth? And everyday fact of life to get better deals in various other universities.

The issue of accommodating is brought up for 5 main reasons : the SATs score versus student adaptability with locals ; the expected results versus dropouts ; the high cost of tuition versus citizens tuition ; the unemployment factor after graduation did you get hired? ; comparable lifestyles of citizens versus international students? We're living in the West where a lot of the ground properties are limited by square feet inches in some areas to square inches for most part.

Once student realizes he's paying four times square value for his original value as compared to local that calculation to what is the market value readily available anywhere to elsewhere or off campus one can attain easily.

Than there are campuses of huge areas versus non existent no go areas, due to limited spaces.

Also a common factor in students life is to be near a hotspot, what is a hotspot? It can be anything to anyone to any symbolic resemblance of convenience to popular student dorm or student's model figure in other words! Or simply being next to girls dorm even for some.

Than issue with sharing roomies & getting along another by standing to outstanding problem.

Not all five fingers are created equally so to speak.
Common bullying to staging as to make believe some students are those students but they hired by campus security to spy on suspected stereo types for whatever reason it maybe at the time.

Student ( Profiling) is another common practice towards international students who pay premium fees & get treated twice thrice as bad for being non residents of a country to keep them under pressures !

Which means certain residents students spying on you from a getting a girl friend to anything suspicious involving assimilation with locals to extent.

It also involve studying extra hours & they prevent your from attempting to do any activity at comfort zone.

Back to topic, of student accommodation, one can easily
Find off campus apartment to sub let's on rental agreement off campus.
This is a topic for another day.

Students may keep cars to avoid public transport.
But is always better to have experience in public transportation to avoid mega cost per annual on parking fees.

There are couple of variables in adjusting to tight student dorms or place or rooms for those concerned.
Simple useful solutions casn be bypassed by the following use of methods in tight housing : use of Space, adapting mobility, building lofts to moving furniture in same area to have layer of extra space & using technologies at own comfort.

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