Message from Generation X of Pakistan


New Member
We are the Youth of the Nation

Visions check 1, 2, and 3. Can you read this? Good, because this is the message of generation X that I demand all to acknowledge perceptibly and understand precisely. This is the tone of next cohort of Pakistan, The generation that is being disabled by gun culture, drugs, plagiarism and recently terrorism. This is the say of common man that no one heed, we are the product which is being strained to debacle by our present ruling generation; the generation which is confirmed fiasco and they want to leave us in the more awful form than they are.

Our first generation of Jinnah left us with slogan of Unity, Faith and Discipline. Unity which was broken in pieces right after he departed. Discipline; that's only found in Military (Only God knows for how long) and Faith, a word we were built on but we obliterated the word from our lexicon soon after. The generation after that of Bhutto left us with another slogan of Roti, Kappra Aur Makan. Roti which is expensive than any other scarcest produce. Kappra just for export & Makan falling everyday in every town, thanks to the failure of the botched building control authority. Comes the current generation on their way out, will leave us with jingles of Hopelessness, Suicide and child selling techniques.

It is in every strong nation that politicians are the elites of society, but I must audaciously admit in my country they are the society's dregs. Yes, we the next generation are losing faith in you day in and day out. Pakistan was built on dreams and sacrifices of millions with vision and goals of Jinnah of strong nation, but you have feigned us into toys running out of batteries, a nation with no vision and utterly goalless.

Public education system which is amongst the worst in the world. Health system, better lock down all the facilities; they are nothing more than a encumbrance on fiscal budget. And Judiciary; Ha! Just in textbooks.

I the common man of today am absolutely dejected, frustrated and full of anxiety. Jobs no where to be found, if lucky to find a job, Rupee at worst decline, one cant afford to live; and lawlessness, should I pay police to drive to work or rent to shelter my kids?

We have lost all credibility, within our own people, neighbors and rest of the world. We are not even welcomed on Hajj or Umrah by Saudi's; for God sake. I am not writing all this because I hate my country; I am writing this because I love my country more than you. I am not worried what we will get from you; I am worried to read a deprecating message like this one from generation after us; leaving one for us.

I know this letter will be archived in the gigantic electronic database of Newsvine, but I tell you what, this time we will not let this happen. The youth of Pakistan will do whatever it takes to bring changes. The people of Pakistan are tired of your avariciousness and hegemonic attitude for power shower. The country is at the brink of collapse while you sit and do useless politics. The nation is facing an epidemic of health related issues like hepatitis and many more while you take your family foreign to get regular health check ups. The youth is being deprived of the basic educational right while you educate your family at Berkley and Cambridge. An ordinary citizen goes to bazaar while his family prays for his safe return and you drive around in luxurious bullet proof Benz'ies. What in the world are you thinking by the way? Can you dare to share?

We the generation X of Pakistan hereby demand Education, Health and Welfare for all; take this, at least we came up with our own slogan. If you can't provide us with our demands than please for God's sake retire prematurely and let us chauffeur to our own future. This is not the time for us to sit and wait while you bank all that's left.

Waseem Chachar ... f-pakistan