Learning Quranic Arabic...


MPA (400+ posts)
Assalamualaikum All....

It is a very unfortunate reality that we are ignorant of the Language of Qur'an... The miracle of Qur'an lies in its language... I therefore invite you all to take out some of your precious time... for learning the language of the Quran... I will try and post all possible links for those who are interested....

As the first bit I am pasting the link for PeaceTV program "Learning Quranic Arabic..."

Four phases are available on youtube .... and videos are quite self explanatory ... I hope some of you guys will find them useful...

The program I am talking about is this...


Videos can be accessed by this link...


I will try to update other links as soon as possible...

I look forward to your response...


MPA (400+ posts)
pls try to find some free software so one can teach himself in free time and remove mistakes in recitatation of quran majeed
jezakalla kheer


MPA (400+ posts)
Thank you brother for this informative post!

Every Muslim should spend some time to learn the Quran-o-Sunnah and it's language. The best is to learn from a scholar / aalim-e-deen

I've seen a good book on the subject by Hazrat Prof. Dr. Ghulam Mustafa Khan (r.a.)
The book name was Qurani Arabi (in urdu)


MPA (400+ posts)
Another website which provides a full course of Quranic Arabic based on the books "Lughat ul Arabia" written by Dr. V.Abdurrahim... These books are used in Universities of Saudi Arabia to teach arabic to non-arabic speakers...

You can download all three books, their solutions and complete lecture series which otherwise occupy around thirty DVDs...

The link for the website is...
