Indian vs BBC reporting on kerry-lugar bill


Senator (1k+ posts)
The power of media amazes me. Below are the links of news articles regarding the kerry-lugar bills. The first one is from an indian (ndtv) website and the other one is from a british (BBC) one.

You will note that the indian one is very negative and the british one is pretty positive. Of course, the indian intentions towards pakistan are very clear to anyone who observes the region. But how can one protect oneself from any brainwashing by any source of media? I am sure that Pakistani coverage of indian issues also contains bias.

How can we filter the bias from any news to make well informed decisions?


Senator (1k+ posts)
sher_khan said:
How can we filter the bias from any news to make well informed decisions?

Read the views of different media agencies and decide on your own...


Senator (1k+ posts)
contra said:
sher_khan said:
How can we filter the bias from any news to make well informed decisions?

Read the views of different media agencies and decide on your own...

You and I have desk jobs. All of the people don't have the luxury to surf the internet at their will.


MPA (400+ posts)
yes u r right SIR,there is 2 much difference BBC media is writing usa language and indian media is real.u will see its results soon.BUT RESULTS WILL BE SO SHAM FULL 4 PAKISTAN. then u,ll be understand 2.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
watch the the movie "Accidental Hero" and listen to what Dustin Hoffman has to say it.
to qoute In short.. "my boy.. never believe the media". Its a wonderful movie on the role of the media in creating heros and villians.