India has lost 1000 square kilometre in Ladakh to China - Indian Journalist


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
اپنی شکست کو لفظوں کے کپڑے پہنا رہے ہیں .خود ایسا کیا ہوتا تو فتح کے نعرے لگاتے کے ہم نے چاینا کو شکست دے کر ہزار کلومیٹر پر قبضہ کر لیا .وا ہ ہندو کی ہوشیاری اور مکاری


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
In terms of km it is almost like losing their entire capital, Delhi. Why are the pee drinkers not talking now? Soldiers can't be everywhere so them not guarding their now lost territory makes no difference at all. Hahahaha, India can't do anything to China other then beg for meetings which have been repeatedly rejected! Modi is even too frightened to bring the name of China to his lips!. China having seen Indian cowardice now wants more land according to many Indian analysts. India is being screwed by covid 19 internally whilst China is smashing them externally. Happy days for us Pakistanis? They always celebrate our problems. China badly wants to spill India's blood unless they agree to all their demands. Now Chinese martial artists are beating up their soldiers as well. Brilliant, carry on with the blessings of us Pakistanis? Taunt, embarrass and slag Indian people from now whenever you see them making their life miserable.
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Councller (250+ posts)
How to download this video? It is gem and we can show Indian on social media jumping up and down that india has become super and left every country behind