Deen of islam vs mazhab and secularism


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Another point for people to understand clearly is, islam is a deen, not a mazhab. Why? Because the quran calls the way of life advised for mankind by God to live by DEEN AL ISLAAM. Why the quranic way of life is called deen of islam? Because it is the only way of life that if understood properly and followed faithfully by humanity, it will lead humanity to utmost unity therefore real peace for best possible progress and utmost prosperity in here as well as in hereafter. In other words humanity can have a blissful, dignified and secure existence in here as well as hereafter if it understands the quran properly and lives by it faithfully. The quran rejects idea of any personal God, it is because if there is a God then that God is God of each and every person or thing.

The question is what is deen and what is mazhab? Deen is a way of life revealed by God for mankind to live by in order to have a great life in this world as well as in hereafter. Mazhab is what human being have learned so far all by themselves regarding God and his creation. It is not based upon revelations of God but ideas of people themselves due to their own life experiences and interactions within their social environments. In other words it should be very clear for everyone that it was mazhab that came about long before God revealed deen of islam for humanity to live by. In other words mazhab was already there long before human beings were sent message by God for their guidance. The reason is, God evolved human beings from already existing life forms or tree of life. First there was only the earth ie lifeless or non-living matter. Then there came about life form in a most simple form which evolved into many most complex living things and from those living things evolved humanity. Originally human beings learned thing from other existing things but as they got better and better brains they got better and better in their thinking and doing things. It is because God created things from very, very simple things to very, very complex things and he programmed them accordingly so that they could serve his purpose of creating them.

Why God started revealing his messages to people much later in their lives rather than as the very first thing? It is because God had to wait till some people at least had learned enough sense to understand message of God at least to a degree that was needed for them to bring about a kingdom based properly upon guidance of God. It is a case similar to birth of a new baby. A baby has to grow to a stage before he could be able to understand others clearly. So people who claim aadam was first human being are totally wrong. No such statement exists in the quran. Word aadam is used in the quran for origin and development of humanity as a species or it is used about aadam the very first messenger of God to his people. People who deny evolution theory are ignorant to put it simply. Evolution theory does nothing but explains how God brought about things from things and that is what the quran says in its verses. God brought to life living things from non-living things and he changed living things back to non-living things ie non-living matter by way of employing various processes. God brought about all living things from the non-living earth. So even if man comes from monkeys there is nothing wrong with it. Human dignity is not in what man is created from but how well he understands and follows guidance of God in order to fulfil purpose of God for creating him. God has created his creation the way we observe and understand it and not any other way. One has to understand clearly that there are only two acts of God whereby he expressed himself and they are his creation and his revelation. Another point to note is that if God could create his creation then he could also reveal his messages to mankind for their guidance by employing a particular process or mechanism. The idea that God could not interact with his creatures is nothing but nonsense. Equally absurd is the idea that since God can interact with his creatures, he can do whatever he likes and since he can do whatever he likes therefore he has done all kinds of things which people attribute to him. This is nonsense because God had a purpose in his mind for creating things so he is bound by his purpose and planning not to deviate from it therefore he cannot act against his own decision ever. This is why all senseless attributions to God by religious people are nothing but absurdities and people accept them due to lack of proper knowledge or understanding of things.

God has programmed all things and human beings are programmed least as compared to other living things this is why they need external guidance whereas other things simply perform their functions as assigned for them by God because that is the way they are programmed to do things. Human beings are created to program themselves to a much greater degree than rest of living things. People can judge things but they need a criterion to do so as well as information about the case. Both of these need to be learned by human beings. There is no way human beings could know what is really true or false or what is really right or wrong, if they could they could not differ with each other regarding these. For example, if we look at people, we can see they believe and do different things. What one group believes to be true, another group believes it to be false. What one groups believes is right, another group believes it to be wrong. If people could judge truth and falsehood or right and wrong without the need for an external criterion then this situation between people could never arise. It is a clear proof that people need guidance from God as the criterion for judging what is true or false or what is right or wrong. This is why ignoring revelation of God has utmost serious consequences for humanity as a whole. It is only through creation and revelation of God humanity can come to know if morality is absolute or not or both. Why? Because God knows all in all and people do not know a thing when they are born. This is why morality is absolute from point of view of God because he knows everything fully already but relative from point of view of humanity because people need to learn things and arrive at that stage before they too could see things as they are or as they should be in relation to morality. This is why what God says is true is actually true but it will take us human beings a very long time and a very hard struggle to find out what God has said is true, because we will have to gain the needed information about the issue and then after making proper sense of that information we will come to the very same truth.

Many such points made in the quran force one to accept the claims the quran makes that it is truly revealed word of God. This is why God has created humanity in its simplest form both biologically as well as psychologically. Because once God expressed himself through creation and revelation then he could be truly appreciated by his human creatures if they so chose by learning and doings all they needed to learn and do all by themselves. This is why human beings are top most creatures of God or worst of all the creation. It is because man can climb up the ladder of dignity and honour by thinking and doing what is inline with guidance of God and humanity or go down and be lowest of the low by thinking and doing what goes against God and humanity. This is why humanity is working towards the end God has set for it right from the very beginning. A time will come when humanity will become wise enough to self organise and self regulate itself according to guidance of God and bring about a world like paradise for itself in this very universe. This is why deen of islam has fives main pillars 1)TOHEED 2)SALAAH 3)SOWM, 4)ZAKAAH and 5) HAJJ. What is connection between these pillars? In simple words these pillar tell people to be a perfect human brotherhood or a single human family under one true God.

The pillar called TOHEED is about belief in one true God by way of his revealed word for this era the quran which is revealed via his final messenger muhammad. This is why none can claim to own or rule even a simplest possible subatomic particle let alone a human being. This is why no muslim can be a ruler or master of another muslim or for that matter a nonmuslim because muslims are supposed to be members of the very same brotherhood of humanity or human family. People who claim to be muslims are supposed to cooperate and fully support each other for ensuring well being of each other and thereby of the whole proper human community in the kingdom of God. One can therefore clearly see that people who claim to be muslims how close they are to actual teaching of the quran. This pillar is not at all about POOJA of God. God does not ask people for POOJA ie ritualistic worship of God. God does not need anyone to pay him any lip service because it does not fulfil his purpose of creating human beings. This is why to translate or interpret this pillar as none is worthy of ritualistic worship other than Allah is totally wrong interpretation of this pillar. I will explain latter on why God cannot be worshiped or why it is wrong to do so when I discuss religion and its absurdities.

The pillar called SALAAH is about bringing about a proper human community in the kingdom of God according to guidance of God. This pillar is about connecting or linking or joining or sticking people together as a family or a brotherhood of humanity for God sake. In other words it is about establishing a network of humanity under God or for sake of God. It has nothing at all to do with what name sake muslims claim to be daily prayers. I will later on explain why God could never ask people for daily prayers. One will come to realise how absurd this idea of five daily prayers is.

The pillar called SOWM is about people not thinking and doing anything which may fracture or break up the proper human community that is established in the kingdom of God or may not even let a proper human community come about to begin with. This has nothing at all to do with people fasting or staying hungry and thirsty from dawn to sunset for thirty days during month of ramadan. In fact there was no such thing as called islamic months during life time of the messenger of God. What we call muslim calendar was started by second caliph of islam after the death of the messenger of God. Again I will try and explain why fasting is not part of deen of islam as practiced by namesake muslims.

The pillar called ZAKAAH is about thinking and doing all one can to strengthen the proper human community so that it develops or grows or progresses and prospers and so that others also come and join this community for ensuring their own well being by being part of this brotherhood under one true God. It has nothing at all to do with rich giving alms for the poor at the rate of 2.5% on their savings each year. Buying and selling things is not allowed in deen of islam because no one owns anything at all other than God so how can anyone sell anything which none has the right to own to begin with? It is a mechanism of exploitation and manipulation and making fool of each other for personal gains at the expense of each other. There is no such things as rich and poor muslims. Ummah means one people under one true God. Can such people ever become an ummah or a proper human community under one true God who exploit and manipulate and use each other abusively for their petty personal gains at each other's expense? Again I will go into great detail about all these things later on. So ZAKAAH too cannot be what namesake muslims claim it to be. This is a ploy by powerful and rich people who say they are muslims but actually they are not. All this is going to be explained in detail.

The pillar called HAJJ is about undertaking a sacred journey towards a sacred or God appointed destiny or end goal. The end goal according to the quran is bringing about a kingdom wherein people live by rule of law of God and once such a kingdom is brought about to maintain it or to keep it going, the best people can do all this according to their God given abilities for sake of God and ensuring well being of humanity. Did name sake muslims do any of these things which have power to change things in this world for mankind for the best? No, they can't even think at this level or let others think at this level let alone they think and do things at this level instead most of them are worse than animals because they do not use their God given brains to think and do things which God tells them to think and do. Instead they get busy waving their back sides in the air and rubbing their noses on the ground. Calling their such acts worship of God. The quran provides an architectural map for building a proper human society. This is what word UMRAH is used for. The quranic text has nothing at all to do with visiting kaba in makkah as the main pillar of deen of islam. if anything even ancient sights are important to visit according to the quran, not because they are holy sights but so that people could learn from good or bad beliefs and practices of people who lived in there to see what was gained or lost by them living according to God advised way of life or by living against it.

Regardless these explanations clearly show that deen of islam teaches humanity to be one for all and all for one. Look at wording of muslim AZAAN which namesake muslims call, a call to prayer for muslims. It is not a call to prayer for muslims but a call to deen of islam for humanity as a whole by muslims. People are told come and be part of a proper human community so that you could be successful in having a great life in here as well as in hereafter. This explanation should leave none in doubt that deen of islam has nothing at all to do with mazhab or religion or namesake muslims. It is all about real life and its realities. This is why deen of islam is about a proper human society, its proper politics, its proper culture and its proper economics etc etc. It has nothing at all to do with mullahs' nonsense they call islam or religion of islam. One simple question is enough to dismantles islam of mullahs and namesake muslims. Mullahs also accept their islam has five pillars. What this means is that main islam is all about these fives pillars or in their mind these five things are of the utmost importance in their islam. This being the case, can any mullah or any namesake muslim tell me which of these pillars deals with real world real issues effectively if islam of mullahs is the best way of life for humanity to live by? None can ever give a worthy answer for this question anyone can try all one can. No religion can answer tough questions no matter what because all religions are human creations which have been adjusted to accommodate interests of various parties ie rulers, money lenders and mullahs. Deen of islam is a straightforward way of life and it is up to people to accept or reject it and face the consequence which cannot be escaped by anyone ever. Not only in hereafter but right in this very world.

Deen of islam is about people organising and regulating themselves according to the quran based constitution and laws for doing works of God as his employees or workers or servants and it is not about ruling humanity but serving humanity for sake of God. This is where secularism and religion both fail humanity in a very bad way. Look at how democratic system works in the world to fool the uneducated and unaware. This is why proper education of each and every person is of vital importance so that together people could bring about a proper human community and reap the benefits promised in the quran. Deen of islam is not about sitting on the prayer mat and crying to God for help. It is because whatever humanity needed for doing what they were created for by God has already been given to them including things for use and guidance. So all people need to do is learn about things and guidance of God and get on with doing things that need to be done by them so that as a result this world becomes a paradise for humanity. This is why islam is a proper way of life because it deals with real world issues properly. It is about livelihood of humanity or its sustenance. It tells people how they should fulfil their daily needs properly as individuals within the proper human community. That is where humanity is mislead by religious and secular forces because they try to take people away from real way of life therefore people instead of working for ensuring well being of each other for sake of God start attacking each other for dispossessing each other or robbing each other by force or by tricks or clever mechanisms. It is because some people want to be masters of others whereby they try to enslave each other by various means or methods or ways or mechanisms. This is why they try their best to take control of land and resources and means of production and distribution so that thereby they could control people mentally and physically. Such people use religion for the very same end as secularism.

These people try their best not to let rest of people live their lives properly by creating oppressive conditions or situations or circumstances and if any of the people try and blame them they quickly tell them it is all fault of your God because he has not given you what he has given us. The quran tells us that God created people different from each other by giving people different advantages than each other so that people complement each other by cooperating fully with each other by working in harmony. This is how the blind and the legless can escape the fire in the jungle ie the blind can carry the legless on his shoulders and the legless can guide the blind. However human beings instead of working in harmony and complementing each other try and take undue advantages of each other for their petty personal gains at each other's expense. So one can see why and how powerful and wealthy people fund mullaism so that they could keep rest of masses confused through their wrong interpretations of the God sent scriptures to mislead humanity thereby. It is because these people have no real knowledge about the God sent scriptures. Moreover these people do not build sufficient proper educational places because then educated people will become a threat for their lifestyle at the expense of rest of humanity. This shows how all wars and terrorism is created by design and it has nothing at all to do with the quranic teaching. The very people who create terrorism and wars between people for their petty personal gains complain against it the most as well as very loudly. The quranic teaching is simple, it is up to people themselves to make their lives a paradise or a hell by following the right or wrong way of life. One cannot reach the right destination by following the wrong way that leads nowhere or to somewhere else away from the intended destination. Life of paradise or hell starts in this life and continues into the life to come.

From the explanations I have provided so far it should be very clear how mullaans have made fool of namesake muslims as well as nonmuslim who do not study the quran properly by themselves and depend fully upon mullaans and follow them blindly. They have replaced the quranic words with wrong meanings eg word masjid is turned into a prayer temple which is actually a place from where administration of the kingdom of God is supposed to carry out its God given tasks as decided by the community as a whole. Masaajid are supposed to be government offices from where worker of God are supposed to carry out their God given duties to serve the ummah, the duties which are decided and given to them by ummah or the proper human community of which the worker are a part. The quran was misinterpreted to show islam is a religion like any other religion which it is not. This is why the quran needs to be interpreted properly in context of deen of islam. This is proper context of the quran in which the whole quran needs to be interpreted to put things right for humanity. We can see the quran repeatedly talks about some things because those things are very very important for humanity to know and take heed. It repeatedly warns against thinking and doing wrongs to each other. Not because God is angry but that he is wise and wants people to know where they are heading or will end up if they will continue along that path. The quran is a book for a proper education based revolution for bringing about changes in human societies for the best of mankind. We cannot change anything at all the right way by sitting in temples and praying or repeating some words or doing religious things. Religion in that sense is utterly ineffective or a waste of time which humanity cannot afford. This is why it is used by the powerful and the rich to make fool of masses. Their good or bad is decided by religious criterion instead of how it affects humanity at large. You pray to God five times daily you go to paradise or you say these words and you are forgiven all your sins etc etc. This is how they fool masses to think they are good people without really doing anything good for God or humanity. Religious chip on the shoulder has nothing at all to do with deen of islam. Deen of Islam is all about what people actually think and do for or against each other. This is how they are defined as good citizens of kingdom of God or as criminals who disobey rule of law of God and think and do harmful and destructive things to each other.

In deen of islam people and God are all bound by the very same rule of law of God. This is why even God cannot deviate from his given law or go back on his words or promises. This is why people will get what they have been promised by God as they respond to call of God. There is no concept of forgiveness of sins in deen of islam. You commit a crime against humanity you pay for it because that is what is promised by God. There is no concept of intervention by anyone for getting anyone forgiveness of one's sins. People can intervene only to stop one from committing a crime before one does it. If a crime is committed then punishment must follow be it right away or after a given respite ends. There are no exceptions in set laws of God as already explained in case of miracles and laws of nature etc. You put your hand in fire it will burn. Mullahs have given wrong meanings to word ISTAGHFAAR. In quranic context it means to seek protection of God not his forgiveness. The idea is to do things which God says people should for ensuring well being of each other and they should not do things to each other from which God stops them. This is how people can protect themselves from hands or each other as a proper human community. This is why people must try their best to help each other in doing good for one another and they must not let each other do bad to each other. This is how the human community can stay safe and will not need any saviour after destroying itself by doing wrongs to each other. My explanations should make clear to people how they are made fools by ignorant people who claim to be religious leaders. This is why they need to educate themselves properly or keep suffering terribly painfully. There is no one coming to save anyone or to forgive any crimes people commit against each other for their petty personal gains at each other's expense. Such beliefs and practices are utterly false and are invented to make fools of people so that they remain put after wrong is done to them in hope that someone else will come and save them or will put things right for them.

It is people themselves who are supposed to keep their world the way they want it because the world is what people make it to be all by themselves. God does not intervene in this world the way religious people believe it to be the case. So stop reading mullahs translations and interpretation of the quran and learn language of the quran to see how wrong people are about the quran. Deen of islam is very simple, be a community and work hard for ensuring well being of each other according to the best of your God given abilities and share the benefits appropriately. This is why there is no concept of joblessness or unemployment in deen of islam. It is because deen of islam is about helping each other to develop to full potential by actualising potentialities God has placed in people and not to prevent each other from progress and prosperity by placing obstacle and hurdles in each other's way. This is why religion and secularism cannot compete with deen of islam.

Now let us look at sunnah concept of mullahs and their foolish followers. They think muslims should act like the final messenger of God or copy him or imitate his actions. They have no sense to realise that if people follow a daily routine they become stuck with it therefore they cannot develop or make progress therefore they cannot prosper as a community and instead they stagnate and regress as rest of humanity moves on. Deen of islam tells us to go back in time for things which provide us basis for our best future and that we must move forward in time so that we have a great future. The quran nowhere tells us to follow messenger of God in a way that makes us get stuck in the 7th century arabian desert. It instead it tells us to be on the top of the world by building a community based upon the model the quran provides for building such a community. The quran tells us how to create wealth properly and how to distribute it so that there is no one poor or weak in the proper human community. This is why there is no concept of charity for the poor in deen of islam instead all muslim are supposed to be in the very same boat. It is because each and every person belongs to God and each and every thing belongs to God. So no one is doing anything for anyone rather all are doing everything for sake of God whereby all benefit. In such a society all are humble that God has chosen them to help others for his sake. This is why an able bodied person cannot look down upon a person with disabilities with disdain or as a burden on society. This is how trinity of rulers, money lenders and mullahs becomes fully exposed as axis of evil.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
My next problem is with people who say there is no scientific knowledge in the quran. This in my view is result of their lack of awareness or realisation of the fact that people do not have knowledge of the future ie people cannot know future till it comes to pass. In other words we human beings cannot know things we must come to know till our time has come for knowing those things.

Let me try and explain this issue by way of an example. Let us suppose we have a newly born baby and all his relatives have phds in various fields of knowledge. Can they teach all that they know to that new born baby at once? No, they cannot. Why not? It is because we humans are created by God to grow or evolve with time both psychologically as well as biologically so we cannot learn anything at all till our time has come to learn it. So people even to memorise a message need ample time let alone its proper understanding. People are born knowing absolutely nothing. They need to start learning things by direct experience of things and this is where science starts from because without direct interactions with things we could not learn or know anything at all in our lives as already explained in detail. It is because as I explained already in my very first post our brains can only understand things by way of explanations of things alone. In other words explanations arise in our minds by thinking or reasoning after observation of things. The question is what are we doing when we say we are reasoning? We try to connect dots in our minds about things we are thinking about. As explained already in my first post we learn how to make links or connections between things just as we learned right from the start by looking at nature as to how things are interconnected physically.

This is how we use a mental process called deductive reasoning. This is why my first post is very important for people to try and understand. This is why people who have not yet learned to be rational at the very basic level they cannot understand the quran either because the quran is a book for people who have reached the highest stage or level of understanding things rationally. It is because people who have translated and interpreted the quran they have not reached that level therefore they have turned the message in the quran into a nonsense in their translations or interpretations.

This is why in my view we cannot have any proper interpretation of the quran till we reach the level of knowledge that is required for interpreting the quran properly. The quran talks about all things essential for knowledge of humanity for bringing about a proper human community in the kingdom of God. They cannot do so till they learn the quran as it ought to be learned. A scripture from God had to be such that was sensible or rational so irrational people till they become rationally solid could never interpret it correctly. One has to think about how many people we have in this world who have attained to three levels of understanding things I have explained. In this world as far as I see it, a lot of people are ignorant, illiterate, uneducated, untrained or unskilled or inexperienced in thinking or reasoning things properly so they are superstitious who believe anything and everything without being able to reason things out properly. In short they have not learned the sense of making proper sense of things.

Besides being able to put two and two together we humans have a huge problem with human language. Very few of us have ability to know and use our mother tongue as effectively as it ought to be used. Our vocabularies are very limited this is why we cannot express ourselves to each other properly. We can see a dictionary has say 100 thousand words but how many of them we can truly spell correctly or know their meanings or proper uses? Then how many of us know how human languages came about and developed? Why is this vitally important to know? It is because our use of language is very different from God's use of language. Why it is different? It is because God already knows all there is to know about anything and everything but we humans don't. Why not? Because it takes time for us to discover or learn things as already explained in detail For example, when we use a word for naming something, we do not necessary know anything much about the thing we name but God does in all its detail. For example, we named a thing, human being, but what do we really know about this creature we call a human being? So far very little. Had God told us things about human beings, could we therefore understand them? No, I just gave example of a baby with phd relatives. We will still need time to grow and make sense of things by ourselves at our own pace of learning through direct interacting with things.

So our level of knowledge is no where near level of knowledge of God. It can never be. Moreover God did not reveal his message to reinforce the nonsense we already have gathered in our heads but to teach us something very different because he had a purpose in his mind for creating us human beings and all the rest of things we see all around us or not see yet because they are hidden from us or are beyond our reach for the time being. This is why he revealed his message to tell us what his purpose was and what part in his scheme of things we need to play in order to fulfil that purpose. This is why he told us how to live or what to do and how to do it so that we could fulfil the purpose for which God has created us. This is why knowing the quran properly is absolutely necessary for us as it ought to be known but it cannot be known unless we come to know its related real world realities first. In other words we must first go through our learning stages as explained already before we the people could make any real sense of the quran.

Coming to human languages, in our human languages words have multiple meanings, the question is how can we come to know which meaning is meant by God for a word when we try to understand or make sense of message of God? This is where in comes the idea of context. This is why the quran cannot be understood unless we first try to read it to discover its proper context and context as I have already explained in detail comes from the purpose of the text. This is why anyone who criticises the text of the quran must first learn a lot of vitally important things before one could say anything and everything about the quran properly. Just knowing a particular language is not enough to interpret the quran, this is why even arabs are as confused as nonarabs when it comes to proper understanding of the quran. Arabs do not know how to understand the quran properly. Why not? Because they are as dumb about things I am talking about and going to talk about as any other people in the world. Just by reading a book we cannot understand things it talks about till we also learn properly about its related things and understand them, so that we could make sense of the book. That is where proper understanding comes from. You cannot be a good politician just by reading a book about politics or for that matter any other book about anything else eg economics or engineering or medicine or law or even a cooking book etc etc. Let me explain it by way of an example. Suppose you tell a baby, make me a cup of tea. What do you think the baby needs to know before he could make you a cup of tea? Can you see where I am getting at? Likewise if we do not learn about things we need to know for proper understanding of the quranic message then we cannot understand the quran properly. This is why people spend a good several years in learning some professions or trades. This is why to specialise in understanding of the quran properly one has to do vitally needed homework.

Coming back to origin and develop of human language, why knowing its origin and development is vitally important for us? It is because only and only then we can know the mechanism involved in origin of words and their meanings or how words came about and how they got their meanings. This is how we can come to know why words have the meaning they have. Once we know the mechanism then we will never be able to dispute with one another as to how many different meanings the very same word can have in a human language and why nor how many different words actually have the very same meaning as well. It will first confuse us very much when we will become aware of the fact that a word can have thousands of meanings and that thousands of words can be used for expressing the very same meaning. It is this very reason that forced me to try to write a special dictionary for this purpose. A type of dictionary that no one has bothered to write yet or rather none has even realised yet that we need that sort dictionary.

Vast vocabulary is necessary for two reasons a)for expressing our own thoughts to others because the better command we have on language the better we are able to express ourselves to others so that others could get what we mean by saying something b) for understanding others ie the better we can sense what others are saying or telling us the better we will be able to understand their intentions as to what they mean by saying what they have said. Language is basically about naming things so that we could know what or who we are talking about. It is about their descriptions or what they do or why they do what they do or how they do what they do or where they do what they do or when they do what they do etc etc. Not only that we learn about how things are positioned relative to each other or how they are related to each other. Moreover we need to get things together at times and separate them at other times etc etc. So human language is no doubt a very complex thing to make sense of. This is why people spend years in mastering it just regarding its use.

Some times we see things are so simple but at other times so complex eg if we look at maths or things, we are always either putting things together or busy separating them depending upon how they suit us or serve our purposes. This is what all sciences and all life is about ie to deconstruct what is naturally there and reconstruct it the way it serves our purposes. Take a tree for example, we chop it up and make lovely things out of its wood. Same we do with the earth and all it contains. All because we observed the natural world and found out what nature does and how it does it so we put that into practice and make things the way they suit us. Problem only arises when we do things our way in such a way that we become a terrible problem for each other in this world. This is where in comes the need for guidance from God our creator and provider of all things for our living so that we could have a purposeful great life in this world as well as in hereafter.

So coming back to why we cannot interpret the quranic text properly about its statements regarding the future is because none of us human beings know future so we can only conjecture or guess about it by looking at the past. So if we humans ourselves do not know future then how can we claim that the quran does not tell us anything about future? It is because to know what God is saying about future we humans will have to reach that future time only then those things will become clear for us and that is only if we were interested in knowing them properly. So the claim by scientists that if the quran had any knowledge about future in it then it ought to be found in the books of tafaseer of the quran is a wrong way of looking at the quran and its tafaseer by human beings. However, the text of the quran will always be found fully justifiable in light of the real world realities because that is the way it is put together by its author ie the one and only true God.

Let me try and explain this issue yet more in detail. No doubt the quran is a book of science from the very beginning to the very end but whenever scientists make any discovery we do not see it in the existing interpretations of the quran, why not? It is because interpretations of the quranic text are by human beings and human beings cannot understand things of the future till that future becomes their present or comes to pass. This is why criticising the quranic text instead of understanding the issue involved is not a valid way to go about this issue. The right way to look at the quranic text is to see if the text in the quran remains in line with our solid new discoveries because that is all we can do due to lack of our ability to see into the future or past or even wider present.

It is an indisputable fact that when it comes to our knowledge about the future, all we can do is look at the possibilities and if there is a way whereby the quranic text can be justified in light of our new scientific discoveries then we cannot declare the quranic text invalid. Of course, we can declare any interpretation of the quran by anyone invalid if it fails to justify the quranic text provided we can prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the quranic text is justifiable by our reinterpreting it in light of our new discoveries. The question is how do we do that? We can do that by having the quranic text and a dictionary which has the possible meanings of words used in the quran according to the mechanism whereby words have been interpreted throughout the history of the human language. In short all we need is the quran and a comprehensive dictionary of the quranic words with their possible meanings.

Our existing dictionaries are also very useful because they help us discover the mechanism whereby people used to give new meanings to already existing words for their purposes or uses. So long as people of the past could update their dictionaries by giving the old words new meanings they did not necessarily invent new words. This point about relationship between human language and human progress is vitally important to grasp before one could interpret the quran properly. On this basis the quran is a book of science because it is about a way of life which can ensure progress of humanity at a speed not possible otherwise. I have explained how of this in detail already. This is what forced me to write a new kind of dictionary so that people could, to some degree, become independent of interpreters of the scriptures. This short explanation solves the conflict which people have in their minds between the quran and the science forever.

Coming to human language, it is of vital importance to know that human language was not there in the begin rather it was invented by human beings themselves as they came about and evolved or progressed with time just as humans have been inventing things through out times and places.

When it comes to the quran, just as we do not know our future so we do not know our past either or for that matter our present at a much wider scale. All we can do is try our best to figure out ways to see if we can get some ideas about our present or past or future etc. This is why we always try to work out ways for knowing things to some degree as far as it is possible for us regardless they are about past, present or future. So the main thing is knowing the ways for being, having, using or doing things. So long as we can know something beyond any reasonable doubt that should be sufficient for living our lives on that basis because it is not possible for humanity to know anything one hundred percent nor everything 100%. This is because we can only trust our minds and senses or each other up to a degree and not 100%. All our knowledge is based upon trial and error method which in turn is based upon suppositions. This is why in learning knowledge we can only go as far as it is practical or possible for us. Beyond that our thinking cannot go because our logic breaks down. This is why we can only know some of the things about God in some respects but not all in every respect.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
deene islam ka taqaaza hai keh is ke maqsade nazool ko jaana jaaye. maqsade deene islam nahin jaana jaa sakta jab tak maqsade takhleeqe kaainaat theek tarah se na jaan liya jaaye, to maqsade takhleeqe kaainaat kaise jaana jaa sakta hai? ye hai asal sochne aur samajhne ki baat.

kyun namaaz deene islam ka satoon nahin ho sakti or why 5 daily prayers cannot be pillar of deen of islam see HERE, HERE and HERE


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
As already has been explained fasting is not pillar of deen of islam. For further explanation of this issue see the information that follows.

Why fasting cannot be pillar of deen of islam in english as well as in urdu kyun roza deene islam ka satoon nahin ho sakta see HERE.

It is SOWM that is pillar of deen of islam not roza or fasting. Sowm in the quranic context does not mean fasting ie staying hungry and thirsty during month of ramadaan from very early in the morning till the sunset every day.



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Why mullaan defined hajj and zakaat are not pillars of deen of islam and why they cannot be. For hajj see HERE.

For zakaah watch following videos.



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Vandana Shiva: We Must Fight Back Against the 1 Percent to Stop the Sixth Mass Extinction
35th Portier Lecture: "White Trash: The 400-Year History of Class in America


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Surah 1 Al-Faatihah. The opening, beginning, introduction, preface or foreword

001] O messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for becoming and remaining a proper human community- that

002] Power to always pleasantly surprise mankind rests with Allah alone who is the only wonderful creator and sustainer of all that exists

003] Who has provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and progress of mankind to become and remain a proper human community.

004] The one who has decided to bring about a brilliant period of time for humanity through his guidance for mankind when they have properly understood it and faithfully established it by becoming and remaining a proper human community in a kingdom based upon his guidance.

005] This is why for ensuring their own well being mankind should enter in an agreement with him by saying, we sincerely promise that we will strive hard to the best of our abilities to abide by your guidance and fulfil all our needs and wants in accordance with your set out purpose and advised way of life for us.

006] So our wish is that you guide us by means of your guidance along the way of life that leads us straight into blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in your kingdom.

007] The way of life adopted by those who ended up in a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in your kingdom and not the way of life of those who ended up in a harmful and destructive therefore humiliating existence as a divided people, nor of those who remained ignorant of your revealed guidance due to which they remained confused and lost for whole of their lives.

The quran does not teach mankind ritualism but a way of life to live properly in this world whereby God proves himself to his human creatures that he is all good. This surah is about a covenant between God and humanity that if people will think and do for each other for sake of God what God tells them then set up systems and laws of God will bring them a great life in this world in time to come.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Surah 2 Al-Baqarah The split or division or divide or conflict or dispute or rift or tear or rupture or crack or fracture or break or separation

000] Proclaim this message in the name of Allah- who has provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind into a proper human community- that


002] This is that beautiful book in which there is no doubt there is guidance for people who guard against all kinds of wrongdoings to others for sake of their creator and sustainer for becoming a proper human community.

003] Also for such people of the mankind as believe in brilliant future of humanity that is yet unseen therefore they work towards establishing a proper human community for which they use out of all that which we have already provided for them for this purpose.

004] Such as believe in what is revealed to you as well as in what was revealed before you because they firmly believe in brilliant future of mankind.

005] They are the ones who are on the right path that is revealed for them by their creator and sustainer so they are the ones who are bound to be successful in becoming a proper human community.

006] Those who decide not to live by this revealed way of life from their creator and sustainer it is the same for them whether you inform them about disadvantages and losses of doing so or you do not inform them about disadvantages and losses for doing so they will not choose to live by this beautiful revealed way of life.

007] Allah has let them isolate their minds and ears from his message as per their own choice because they have decided not to use their abilities to see things as they should instead they prefer to live in veil of darkness of ignorance therefore they will end up in painful existence as a result of their own wrongdoings to each other.

008] Of course, there are people who say, we believe in living by way of life advised for mankind by Allah for our brilliant future but their deeds contradict their words so they are not trustable regarding their mere declarations.

009] They would deceive Allah if they could as well as the true believers however they only deceive themselves but they refuse to see things that way.

010] In their minds is a disease of darkness of ignorance about the way of life advised by Allah for them so Allah lets them continue in their disease of darkness of ignorance whereby they end up in a life that is terribly painful for them due to their refusal for living by proper way of life.

011] All because when they are told, do not propagate in the world harmful and destructive ways of life among mankind which divide them and cause wars between them, they say, we are only propagating a way of life for uniting mankind for their peaceful existence.

012] The truth is, they are spreading harmful and destructive ways of life whereby they cause divisions, conflicts and wars between mankind but they refuse to see things that way.

013] So when they are asked to believe in the revealed way of life and live by it as other true believers do, they reply, should we do the same as those foolish people do? The truth is, it is they who are foolish ones because they do not know about the advantages and benefits the revealed way of life can bring them if they choose to live by it.

014] Moreover some of them when they meet those who believe and live by revealed way of life they say to them, we believe in the revealed way of life but when they are alone with their mischievous leaders they tell them, we are truly with you. We for sure were only fooling the believers.

015] Allah lets them continue fooling themselves as per their own choosing and lets them drown themselves in their own foolishness and confusion running aimlessly all over the place.

016] They are such a people who buy into manmade confusing ways of life instead of a way of life that is revealed by their creator and sustainer for their proper and purposeful guidance. Their this dealing has brought them no real advantage or benefit nor have they succeeded in reaching revealed guidance.

017] Their example is like that of a people who are in the darkness who kindle a fire to get light to see things all around them but when that fire sheds its light all around them Allah lets them destroy their sense of sight so they remain in the same utter darkness as they were before kindling the fire.

018] They are wilfully deaf, dumb and blind towards the way of life that is revealed for their guidance by their creator and sustainer so they will not come to it.

019] Or example of such people as try to avoid listening to message that is revealed for their guidance by their creator and sustainer is like that of a people who are taken over by a heavy and violent rainstorm from the sky wherein are utter darkness, loud thunder and strong lightning due to which they tightly thrust their fingers into their ears in case the noise caused by thunder and lightning causes them to die. Nevertheless the way of life that is revealed by Allah for guidance of mankind surrounds all who try to avoid accepting and living by it faithfully.

020] The lightning in the rainstorm is so strong that it almost snatches away their sights. Each time it flashes and brightens up the place all around them, they walk in it but when it is dark they stand still. Had Allah so chosen he could have let them destroy their own sense of hearing and sense of seeing. However Allah has planned all things according to set measures so that they serve his purpose of creating all things as they should.

021] So O mankind, serve the purpose of your creator and sustainer who has created you as well as those before you by becoming a proper human community so that you could attain peace and security as a united people and you could guard against harms and destructions you inflict upon each other for your petty personal gains at each other’s expense.

022] The one who made for you the earth to live on as well as the sky a canopy. Moreover he causes the water to rain down from the sky and thereby he brings forth all kinds of fruits for your sustenance. So do not knowingly accept others as equals of Allah in his kingdom.

023] Yet if you are in doubt about the message we have revealed to Our messenger regarding the beautiful way of life for mankind then bring forth a message that is at least equally advantageous and beneficial for mankind. Moreover call upon your helpers who oppose Our message about Our advised way of life for mankind if you are truly seeking the truth in this regard.

024] However if you cannot produce a message like it and you surely can never produce a message like it then instead of baselessly arguing against this beautiful message guard against the fire of hatred amongst mankind, victims of which are down trodden masses as well as people who are turned into their idols by them. That is what awaits all those who refuse to live by Our advised way of life for mankind in this world.

025] But give glad tidings to those who will commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community and therefore they will take needed steps to remove rifts and conflicts from between people to bring them together to help development and growth of proper human community – this is how of a surety there will come about kingdoms for them based upon guidance of Allah throughout which things of need and want for them will flow like rivers to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence. Each time they will receive their sustenance there from as fruits of their hard works they will say, this is that kind of provision which we are getting like of which we were promised earlier. All because in those kingdoms will be people who will be free of rifts and conflicts between themselves and hard working as well as fully supporting each other therefore they will end up in such like kingdoms.

026] Surely Allah does not shy away from giving necessary examples or explanations be they of the smallest or of the largest kind for helping mankind understand things, therefore those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community they know this message is for sure the truth from their creator and sustainer. However those who refuse to commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community they say, what does Allah intends to accomplish by putting forth such examples or explanations? This is how Allah lets many stay away from the way of life that is advised for mankind by him as well as lets many come to it to gain guidance. He does not let any go astray save those who seek to cause rifts and conflicts amongst mankind for their personal gains at their expense.

027] As to those who breach contract of Allah after agreeing with it by causing rift between people instead of unity as commanded by Allah and thereby cause conflicts and wars in the earth, they are the ones who are bound to be in loss.

028] How can you the mankind refuse to live by the beautiful way of life advised for you by Allah when it is he who has brought you to existence for that purpose whereas you were nonexistent before that? Moreover He lets you die after giving you life and then he will bring you back to life again where after you will be returned to him for your accountability?

029) It is for this purpose He created for all of you collectively whatever is in this world, for he applied his design to all that exists to the farthest extend and that is how he fashioned many things because knowledge of all things rests with him.

030] Moreover imagine the situation at the time when your creator and sustainer through his messenger Aadam said to the to be the missionaries the very first time, I am going to appoint a proper manager of people and things in this world. Seeing the conflicts that were ongoing already between people at the time they said, will you let such a one take over people and things in there that will cause conflicts and wars and thereby shed blood whereas we are working hard to establish your beautiful way of life to prove sublimity of your good self? He said, I know things in this regard which you do not know.

031] Because he already taught Aadam all the beautiful guidelines for forming a proper constitution and legislating proper laws for organising and regulating a proper human community and then he brought him before the to be the missionaries and said to them, tell me if you people knew these guidelines already if you are a truthful people?

032] They said, beautiful is your guidance, we have no knowledge about people and things beyond what you have made us capable of knowing, you are the one who is full of knowledge and full of wisdom when it comes to rule of law for people to live by.

033] He said to Aadam, O Aadam, start informing to be the missionaries about the sublime guidelines for them for living properly in this world as a proper human community. After Aadam had informed them about the beautiful guidelines Allah said, did I not tell you that I have the knowledge of all that is visible as well as invisible in the heavens and the earth and also I know all that you people will make obvious as well as all that which you people will keep secret?

034] However when we said to the missionaries, submit to those guidelines along with Aadam for your blissful existence as a proper human community, they all submitted. However Iblis, he refused living by Our advised beautiful way of life and instead he tried to dominate others by undermining them so he became of those who reject living by Our advised beautiful way of life.

035] For that reason we said to Aadam, stay on the appointed course you and your company of missionaries for bringing about the beautiful kingdom for yourselves according to our guidance so that you could use freely thereof whatever fruit of your own labour you may desire as a proper human community but do not even think about adopting any way of life that will lead you people into conflicts and wars between yourselves whereby you will end up of those who inflict harm and destruction upon each other for your petty personal gains.

036] However the opponent of our advised way of life and his supporters conspired against Aadam and his missionaries and by their tricks they brought them out of our advised course of actions which they were following, so we said to them, degrade yourselves if you like as some of you have acted in animosity towards others, nonetheless, for all of you people in this world there is a place to live and livelihood for a period of time.

037] Thereafter Aadam was inspired by his creator and sustainer with more messages, so he returned to the course of actions that was advised for him by his creator and sustainer, no doubt his creator and sustainer is ever ready to turn to his people to fulfil their need for his guidance.

038] We said, move away if you like from the course of actions we have advised for you collectively but remember our guidance for living properly in this world will keep coming for you the mankind, so whichever people will live by our guidance they will have no fear of any wrongdoings by each other nor will they have any worries about their future.

039] However those who will refuse to live by our guidelines and they will deny and oppose our revealed messages they will burn in fire of hatred against each other wherein they will abide forever due to inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for their petty personal gains at each other’s expense unless they repent and reform.

040] O children of Israel remember my beautiful way of life that I advised for you whereby I blessed you with all you needed and wanted for fulfilling my covenant with you? So fulfil your part of the covenant with me so that I fulfil my part of that covenant with you so that you could reflect glory of my guidance.

041] Moreover believe in what I have revealed now, which confirms the truthfulness of my revelation that is with you, so do not be the foremost to deny and reject it. Moreover do not trade my revelations for your petty personal gains instead be mindful of my advised way of life for you.

042] Therefore do not clothe the truth from me with your own falsehood and do not hide or suppress the truth knowingly.

043] Instead establish network of a proper human community and give strength to it by bending your lives along with those who model their lives according to Our advised way of life.

044] Do you tell other people to model their lives according to Our advised way of life yet forget to model your own lives according to Our advised way of life the while you claim to follow our revealed book? Can you not use your intelligence to figure out this contradiction between your words and your deeds?

045] This is how you should get support for your mission with steadfastness by means of forming and expanding a community network. No doubt it involves very hard work but not for those who fear the consequences of not having such a strong proper human community.

046] Such as know for sure they will meet their creator and sustainer one day, for unto him is their returning for sure.

047] O children of Israel remember my beautiful way of life that I advised for you whereby I blessed you with all you needed and wanted for fulfilling my covenant with you? That is the way of life whereby I raised you in knowledge and practice above all other people in the world at the time.

048] So adopt that beautiful way of life as a proper human community while you still have the time to guard against coming of such a period of time when no one will work for the benefit of another at all, nor will anyone accept call of intervention by anyone because during that period of time no justice or fairness will be expected from anyone, therefore poor or weak people will find no help or support from anyone or from anywhere.

049] Therefore call to mind the fact that due to this beautiful way of life we saved you the poor and the weak people from the rich and the powerful people of the Pharaoh who afflicted you with terrible painful suffering, they discouraged and undermined your talented and courageous ones and encouraged and promoted your coward ones and in that situation for you people was set up a great struggle by your creator and sustainer to bring you out of that situation.

050] At the time we spread through you people the revealed knowledge whereby we saved you people but we let people of Pharaoh drown in their ignorance as per their own choice and you people yourselves are the witnesses to that.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
051] Moreover at the time we promised Moses to change the period of darkness and backwardness with period of brightness and progress for you people if you will hold firmly onto our revealed way of life but then after this promise you people ended up adopting the way of life that was opposite of our revealed way of life whereby you people ended up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for your petty personal gains at each other’s expense.

052] However we overlooked your this act of falling away from our revealed way of life after you had done it and repented therefore we let you continue so that from then on you could use our given things properly to accomplish our given mission.

053] Because at the time we had already given Moses the book as the criterion for judging the truth and the falsehood as well as the right and the wrong so that you people have the guidance that is proper.

054] At the time Moses said to his people, O my people, you have indeed inflicted harms and destructions upon each other amongst yourselves for your petty personal gains at the expense of each other by following the harmful and destructive way of life therefore stop living that way and turn to the way of life you have been advised by your maker and discipline yourselves according to that because that will be greatly beneficial for you according to your maker. Then after your repentance and reformation he turned to you people, for he is indeed the one who turns to his people for fulfilling their needs and wants for the fulfilment of their assigned mission.

055] Moreover at the time you people said to Moses, we cannot put our complete faith in your program till we are clearly shown as to what it is all about. Once it was clearly explained by Moses for you and you clearly understood it then you people were taken over by intoxicating motivation to see it through.

056] That is how we raised you people back on your feet after you became a morally dead and motiveless people so that you could start managing and using our provisions properly again for the purpose they are given.

057] We did all this because you people were in a terrible state of existence due to falling away from our advised way of life whereby you ended up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for your petty personal gain at each other’s expense. However by means of our revealed way of life we placed a protective covering over you people to screen you against overwhelming distressful situation you got yourselves into by showing you people the way back to our advised way of life, and that is how we inspired you with courage and solace, therefore make proper use of our excellent provisions for the purpose they are provided for you so that you could have a blissful, dignified and secure existence. Moreover be aware of the fact that we never inflict harms and destruction upon people rather people themselves inflict harms and destructions upon each other for their petty personal gains at the expense of each other instead of living according to our guidance as a proper human community.

058] All because at the time we said to these people, bring about the advised kingdom as a proper human community and freely use things there in from wherever you like for ensuring your well being as a proper human community. Moreover enter there in according to the way you are advised. Also express through your deeds that you truly desire that your burden be lightened. We will then protect you from the outcomes of your unintentional mistakes, for that is how we give increase to good results of actions of those who do good to ensure well being of others.

059] However, those who inflict harms and destructions upon others for their petty personal gains at their expense expressed change in their deeds opposite to that which was advised for them, so we let consequences of their own transgressions against each other fall upon them as per our set laws of nature.

060] However when Moses sought our help to satisfy their need for revealed knowledge we helped him and said to him, use our revealed program to carve a rock solid proper human community out of these people. That is how sprung forth an exemplary human community because each of its people became aware of their place for learning our program for their guidance to abide by. So we said to them, keep feeding on our provided food for thought and keep drinking from the fountain of knowledge from Allah and do not transgress in the land to be of the mischief makers.

061) Also call to mind the time when some of you people said to Moses, O Moses! We cannot live by a rule of law that does not suit us therefore request your creator and sustainer to bring forth a rule of law for our piece of land which allows us individually hoarding and collecting of things of need and value in abundance and to pile up and withhold grain and other things which the earth produces. Moreover which allows us to have our private or personal servants and workers. Also it should allow us to buy and sell goods and services as we wish. He said to them, will you rather prefer to live by a way of life that is harmful and destructive instead of the one that is greatly beneficial and constructive for you as a people? If that is what you people want to do then go live like low lives and you will soon get the results for doing that. This is how they became trapped in humiliating regression and poverty because they decided to reject living by beautiful way of life that was advised for them by their creator and sustainer for ensuring their well being as a proper human community. It is for that kind of way of life they used to argue and they raised disputes with our missionaries without any justification. They ended up this way because they transgressed our advised limits and did things their own way.

062] Surely those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our this revelation as well as those who are guided from among the earlier people and those who support the cause for ensuring well being of mankind as well as those who work for the change for the better in the human world or for that matter any other people who strive for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind for their better future and they take actions to remove obstacles in the way of people to unity, peace, progress and prosperity will have their due reward as told by their Creator and Sustainer. As a result of their such thoughts and actions for ensuring well being of mankind they will have no worries about their future nor any regrets for their past.

063] Moreover this is why we took covenant of you people and placed over you responsibility of living by our advised way of life and we said, hold onto it firmly with all your strength and keep it in forefront of your minds always as well as faithfully abide by it so that you could attain freedom from all kinds of troubles and problems from between yourselves in order to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community.

064] However, many of you people turned away from Our advised way of life thereafter and had there not been revealed knowledge of Allah with you people and his way of getting you back on the right track then indeed you people will have ended up in a big loss.

065] And you people know those from among you who went against our advised way of life so we said to them, be like monkeys if that is how you want to continually act towards our advised way of life for you instead of acting like sensible human beings as you should.

066] So We point them out as an example- of a people who lived by way of life that was harmful and destructive- for people of their own time as well as for people who were to come after them and that is how We made them a lesson to learn for those who would like to keep themselves consistent with the way of life advised for mankind by Allah.

067] Moreover call to mind the time when Moses said to his people, Allah tells you to give up your divisive and discriminatory ideas and practices that cause animosity between yourselves and which are based upon your religious and secular differences and disputes. They replied, are you taking us for fools? Moses replied, I only seek our blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community by means of the beautiful way of life advised for us by Allah instead of being of the ignorant ones who live by the way of life they bring about and suffer the consequences.

068] They said then ask your creator and sustainer to make clearly distinct for us what is wrong with our adopted way of life? He said, he says, it is a way of life that does not burden people with responsibilities to do what they actually need to do for living a blissful, dignified and secure life in this world but instead it burdens them with harmful and destructive ideas and practices which lead them to disunity and divisions therefore regression and poverty as a people. So you people should do what you are told if you really want to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community.

069] They said, in that case ask your creator and sustainer to make it more plain for us what exactly is wrong with our adopted way of life. He said, he says, your way of living is founded upon harmful and destructive ideas and practices therefore it is void of ensuring your well being as a proper human community as its outcome even though it looks very attractive to those from among you who have their ambitions for their personal gains at the expense of others hooked upon it in form of their expectations about it.

070] They said, consult your Creator and Sustainer yet further for us seeking yet more clarification for us about it because by now to us usefulness of our adopted way of life is becoming doubtful as its problems are becoming obvious for us so if Allah guides us a bit more in this matter then we will hopefully find the truly right way of life indeed,

071] Moses said, Allah says, this your adopted way of life is not good for mankind because it does not make things suitable for them through help and full support of each other instead it makes things very hard for them by setting them up against each other for petty personal gains at each other’s expense which leads to conflicts and wars between people therefore it cannot fulfil their needs and wants as a fact, this is why this way of life which you people have adopted is of no benefit at all for you the mankind. They said, now you have brought to us the whole truth about each of the ways of life. This is why they gave up their own invented and adopted way of life but at the start they appeared staunch adherents of it who will never give it up.

072] The fact is, whenever you the mankind as a people let the sense of unity between yourselves based upon our advised way of life become dead you end up living by a harmful and destructive way of life whereby you inflict harms and destructions upon each other for your petty personal gains at each other’s expense and therein you become trapped. However by his program Allah gets you out of this humiliating situation from which you people show hesitation, reluctance or resistance to come out.

073] That is why We said to Moses, teach some of this information to your people, that is how Allah brings to life the dead human populations that end up weak and poor due to falling away from our advised way of life for them and becoming accustomed to harmful and destructive ideas and practices. This is how Allah shows you his way through his messages so that you the mankind could learn how to be a sensible people.

074] At length, after all this your hearts became hard like stones once again or even harder against each other. Surely from such stone hearted people there do not bust forth springs of progress and prosperity nor do such stones split or break open or burst forth from them spring of water of love and affection for others and certainly from such stone hearted people one cannot expect that they will do anything for sake of Allah, however Allah is not unaware of what these like stone hearted people from among you the mankind do and why they do that.

075] Do you the people who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our this guidance still hope that these stone hearted people will accept living by our advised way of life along with you when a great majority of their group have heard this message of Allah and thereafter with their intelligence they have misconstrued it despite the fact that they are a people who do have knowledge to interpret our message the way it ought to be interpreted.

076] When such stone hearted people come in contact with those who are truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our guidance they say to them, we too are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind but when they see themselves alone with each other they say to one another, why do you read out to them what Allah has revealed to you people in case they start arguing against you using that information about your understanding of the message of your creator and sustainer, why don’t you use your intelligence to realise such an important point?

077] But are such people even unaware of the fact that Allah exposes in due course through their own actions whatever their declared and undeclared motives are against each other?

078] They do say such baseless things to each other because most of them never read our revealed book for them for its proper understanding so they only express their baseless thoughts which they have imagined in their own minds regarding our messages.

079] Therefore harmful and destructive future awaits those who write things with their own hands about our revealed book that are not in our revealed book but they claim that they are in our revealed book whereby they make petty personal gains at the expense of formation of a proper human community. For the reason that they have written things with their own hands and have falsely attributed them to us, awaits for them harmful and destructive future and harmful and destructive is for them whatever they earn as a result of that.

080] Despite doing that they dare claim that fire of hatred will not touch us but only for a very limited period of time. Say, have you people a written down agreement with Allah against which Allah will never go or are you people saying things about Allah regarding which you have no knowledge at all?

081] No, you people have no promise from Allah that if you will hold harmful and destructive thoughts about others and take harmful and destructive actions against them for your petty personal gains at their expense then Allah will save you from the consequences for doing so, instead those who do such harmful and destructive things to others and the number of their such wrongdoings to others overwhelms them then such people end up in the grip of a terrible fire of hatred against each other which leads them to fights and wars against each other wherein they remain forever unless they repent and reform or mend their ways.

082] On the other hand those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our guidance and they take all necessary steps to mend fractured relationships between people by removing conflicts and disputes from between them and ensure well being of each other, they are the people who end up in beautiful kingdoms wherein they live forever unless they move away from our guidance.

083] So call to mind the time when we took covenant of children of Israel that they must never serve agenda of anyone other than that of Allah alone. Also they must help overcome shortfalls of their parents and relatives or neighbours as well as those who are lonely or on their own and those who lack things of need or want, and they must tell people about things that could make their lives beautiful. This is why they must establish a network of proper human community and lend their support to it in order to strengthen it and expand it. However at length you people turned away from all this save a few of you and you are still moving away from this position even now.

084] Moreover at the time we also took covenant of you people that you should never shed blood of each other nor drive each other out of your homes and you people agreed and you are witnesses to all this.

085] Yet despite ratifying agreement with us it is you people who are killing one another and driving a party of your people out of their homes. Some of you are supporting each others in committing aggression against them due to your animosity towards them. Yet if they come to you as captives then you ransom them whereas doing all this to them was forbidden for you in the first place. Do you then accept only some of the teaching of our revealed book and reject the rest? What then should be the consequences for those among you who do such things other than humiliation by hands of each other at present and that such people should be handed over severe penalty on the day when our rule of law becomes fully established? So be aware that Allah is not unaware of whatever you people do.

086] So be warned that those who trade their long term future major gains for their present short term quick and minor gains their lives will never become easy because they will not be helped by each other instead their lives will be made difficult and problematic by each other due to competing against each other for their petty personal gains at the expense of each other.

087] No doubt we gave Moses our guiding book and backed him up with our messengers. Moreover we gave Jesus son of Mary many clear explanations and justifications and that is how we supported him with our purposefully perfect revelation. Is it not then the case that each time there came to you people any messenger from us who did not follow your harmful and destructive ideas and practices you people opposed him and tried to dominate him? That is why you denied some of our messengers as well as fought against the others.

088] You did all that to our messengers and their supporters because you claimed you already knew all that you needed to know for living in this world as you should so you did not need to know what our messengers wanted to tell you from us. However their this kind of terrible response to messages and messengers of Allah as a result of that led them away from his advised blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community. All because they have least trust in each other so they cannot become a proper human community.

089] This is why when their came to them this book from Allah confirming that which is already amongst them and due to which they used to seek triumph over those who used to reject living by our advised way of life as a proper human community when this their already expected book from us came to them they refused living by it. However the fact is, those who refuse living by our advised way of life as a proper human community they remain distant from blissful, dignified and secure existence because they can never become a proper human community without basis of our revealed book and as a result most of them are forced to live without things of need or want.

090] Harmful and destructive is that way of life which they have chosen to live by as a people because it is based upon the idea of petty personal gains at the expense of each other and for that kind of living they have rejected living by that way of life which is revealed for their blissful, dignified and secure existence by Allah due to their rage out of jealousy that Allah has revealed this book of guidance to one of his people that suit his program the most. So they have drawn upon themselves painful and humiliating suffering upon suffering. This is how those who reject living by our advised way of life as a proper human community end up in a humiliating painful existence.

091] All because when they are invited to commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to our this revealed guidance they say, we put our trust only in what has been revealed to us and we reject anything other than that including this alleged revelation from Allah. However it too is the truth from their creator and sustainer which confirms that which is with them. Say, if you are really truthful in your claim then why did you fight against the messengers of Allah that came to you people earlier if you are truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to guidance that was sent by Allah for you people?

092] And for sure Moses came to you people with clear explanations and justifications for our advised way of life for you people yet you people instead chose living by a way of life that was based upon the idea of quick personal gains at the expense of each other whereby you people ended up divided and in conflict with each other and that is how you turned into an unjust group of people.

093] So bring to your mind the time when we took covenant of you people through Moses and we placed over you responsibility of living by a way of life saying stick with what we are giving you with strength and abide by it as a proper human community. Leading people from among them replied, we are listening to what is being said but we refuse to live by that way of life instead we will live the way that suits us personally. They said this due to their ignorance about the true way of life because in their minds they were intoxicated with love of their adopted way of life that offered them quick petty personal gains at the expense of the rest. Say, harmful and destructive is for you as a people that which your adopted way of life binds you to do to each other if you people truly want to work for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community.

094] Say, if the revealed way of life for building a brilliant future according to guidance of Allah is only and only for you people to the exclusion of all the rest of the people in the world then why don’t you people give up your adopted way of life which is based upon your petty personal gains at the expense of each other if you are truthful about your claim?

095] However, they will not give up their adopted way of life ever because of what they have earned thereby and Allah knows those who inflict harms and destructions upon others for their petty personal gains at their expense.

096] Surely, you will find these hypocrite chiefs, priests, money lenders, their touts and supporters from among them who claim to live by our rule of law the greediest and most selfish of all the people from among them for eagerly hoarding and holding onto the most valuable and luxurious things the life has to offer at the expense and exclusion of all others, even more eagerly than those who openly live by rule of law of their own instead of our rule of law. Each of them wishes to live a very long life that is full of luxuries at the expense of all the rest, however even a very long life cannot turn them into a proper human community that is free of inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for their petty personal gains. That is why Allah brings to light results of what they do for others to see to learn lessons from that.

097] It is their this mindset, attitude and behaviour due to which they have animosity towards our mighty advised way of life for mankind nonetheless let them know- regardless whichever of these groups of people draw a wedge between themselves and almighty’s guidance for them, nevertheless he has revealed it for the whole of mankind in the very heart or middle of you people according to set up universal systems and laws of Allah which also confirms whatever of the original message of Allah is with them already and which is surely a great news for those who will commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community.

098] After all these explanations and justifications any people who still harbour animosity towards guidance of Allah, his office holders who serve people in his kingdom for his sake, his messengers, his authorised mighty way of life, his propagators, advocators or promoters then Allah lets those who reject and oppose his guidance remain distant from the blissful, dignified and secure existence as per their own thoughts and actions against each others.

099] For sure We have revealed for all of you the mankind clear goals to accomplish according to Our clear guidelines and none will reject and fight against them save the ones who want to break away from Our advised way of life and by doing so they want to create rifts, conflicts and wars between human beings for their petty personal gains at their expense.

100] Has it not been the case that each time a people were bound together by us through an agreement between them on basis of Our program to accomplish Our set goals according to Our provided guidelines for a proper constitution and its laws to regulate themselves by; a group of chiefs, priests, money lenders, their touts and supporters from among them pushed it aside by way of their tricks and mechanisms? That is because most of them were not at all interested in working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community therefore they conspired against Our guidance to push it out of their way.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
101] For the very same reason whenever there came to a people any messenger with a message from Allah for their living in this world properly confirming whatever part of the true guidance from Allah was still left with them, a group of rulers, priests, money lenders, their touts and supporters from among those to whom the scripture was already given threw guidance of Allah behind their backs as if they never received it or heard of it.

102] and instead they secretly propagated, promoted and supported the way of life the leadership that rejected and opposed Our advised way of life told them during the time when Solomon was managing a kingdom according to Our guidance. It was not Solomon who rejected and opposed Our advised way of life rather it was their secular and religious leadership which rejected and opposed the way of life we advised for them. They conditioned the masses in Our name through their tricks and deceptions trapping them in a harmful and destructive way of life that suited their agenda at their expense. Nothing of the sort they claimed was revealed from us to two kings in Babylon namely Haroot and Maroot. However they did not teach anyone their harmful and destructive manipulative political tricks and deceptions against the kingdom of Solomon till they had exacted a pledge of secrecy of a person telling the person we are your saviours who are conspiring against the kingdom that is managed by Solomon so do not reject and oppose what we teach you people. That is how they taught their political tricks and deceptions to people to make them of like mindset, attitude and behaviour whereby they could cause rifts, conflicts and fights between the political management and the managed community. However the fact is, they could not cause any harm and destruction to anyone by their falsehood unless they spread their falsehood as the truth from Allah among people who did not know what the true message from Allah actually was. Nonetheless they learned what was harmful for them as a people due to becoming divided but they did not learn what could ensure their well being as a proper human community. For sure they ought to know that whichever people adopt harmful and destructive way of life founded upon the idea of petty personal gains at the expense of each other instead of our advised way of life that can ensure their well being as a proper human community through help and full support of each other can never have a brilliant future. Therefore no doubt such people have exchanged the way of life for the worst for themselves but only if they had learned the knowledge about this truth.

103] Moreover had they committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our guidance and had they guarded themselves against adopting harmful and destructive way of life then they will have had great returns for their good thoughts and actions for others according to set up systems and laws of Allah had they learned to become aware of this truth in time.

104] This is why, O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our guidance, you should never say to Our messenger, exempt or exclude us from work for this mission instead you should say, keep us in your mind and sight for any task related to this mission and follow it through faithfully what you are assigned as a duty to fulfil and remember always that there awaits terrible painful suffering for those who accept with their word of mouth working for our mission but reject and oppose our assigned mission by their actions.

105] Neither those who reject and oppose Our advised way of life for mankind from among the people of the book nor those who live by way of life other than that is advised by Allah like that there should come for you people from your creator and sustainer guidance for a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community but Allah chooses for receiving his revelation whoever truly desires and deserves it, because with Allah rests absolute knowledge about everything.

106] We never exempt or exclude or push back any party or company of people from any task for our mission or program but if any people choose to leave by themselves or exclude themselves from doing so then we let others take their place that are better or are at least as good as they are. Have you the mankind not made yourselves aware that Allah has set up universal systems and laws to govern operations of all things according to his set measures for all things?

107] Have you the mankind not learned this fact yet that to Allah alone belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and that is why you people have nothing other than the way of life advised for you by Allah to protect and help you become a proper human community for ensuring your well being through help and full support of each other?

108] Or do you people also want to make demands of your messenger like the ones that were made by people of Moses before? But the fact is whichever people move away from our advised way of life for mankind for ensuring their well being as a proper human community to the way of life which is founded upon the idea of petty personal gains at each other’s expense which divides and sets people up against each other such people remain terribly confused and they distance themselves from the way of life that could lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence.

109] Out of their envy and jealousy, most of the people who were given our book before you but they do not live by it would love to bring you people to their harmful and destructive way of life even after the truth about our advised way of life has become clear for you and you people have clearly conveyed it to them. However overlook their foolishness meanwhile and let them be as they are till set up systems and laws of Allah brings about a situation that helps change things for the better. Surely Allah has set up universal systems and laws to govern operations of all things according to his set measures to make things serve his purpose for which he has created them.

110] So you people establish a proper human community network and give your full support to it for its growth and development to strengthen it. Moreover nothing you people will think and do for brilliant future of your people for our sake but you will find its results according to set up systems and laws of Allah. Surely set up systems and laws of Allah keep an eye over all that you people think and do.

111] Despite not abiding by our advised way of life for them and living by their harmful and destructive adopted ways of life, people from among the people of the book say, none can ever enter any kingdom for blissful, dignified and secure existence in this world unless one is a Jew or a Christian. These are their baseless claims only. Say, bring proofs for your claims if you people are really speaking the truth.

112] No, they can never bring any proof for their claim. However the truth is any people who adopt for betterment of themselves the way of life advised by Allah for them and they faithfully abide by it doing all that makes life of mankind beautiful, the outcome of their beautiful thoughts and actions for each other rest upon set up systems and laws of Allah therefore they have nothing to fear about nor anything to worry about.

113] It is due to their lack of proper knowledge about their own scriptures that some people from among those who claim to be Jews say, the Christians have no any solid foundation from Allah to base themselves upon to live their lives by properly and likewise some from among the Christians say, Jews have no any solid foundation from Allah to stand upon properly as a people despite the fact that they both have their scriptures from us. Despite having scriptures from us and having abilities to make proper sense of them they talk like those people who are unaware of our scriptures and who have not yet learned sense to make proper sense of things. However set up systems and laws of Allah will settle the issues they differ about between themselves by the time when rule of law of Allah will become fully established in the human world.

114] Moreover which people can inflict more harm and destruction upon rest of mankind other than those who stop his missionaries from bringing about places wherein rule of law of Allah could be established so that works assigned to them in his name could be carried out by them in there but these opponents of theirs work hard towards destruction of these like places? Those wrongdoers have no right to enter these like places unless they reform and sincerely desire to serve humanity for our sake. But if they will continue doing what they do then disgrace and humiliation is their lot in life of this world as well as in hereafter they will face a great penalty.

115] Be aware that rise and fall of people in this world is according to set up systems and laws of Allah so to whichever way of life you people turn to you will find set up systems and laws of Allah governing workings of all things, for set up systems and laws of Allah are vastly comprehensive.

116] Despite these clear explanations from us that we do not need any assistance from anyone for managing our affairs some people still claim Allah has taken a successor or a son or an assistant. It is all his work alone, because to him alone belongs whatever is in the heavens as well as in the earth. All things are submissive to his set up systems and laws.

117] He alone originated the heavens and the earth. At the time when He decided upon this matter to make it take its form in reality by expressing His will in shape of His creativity, that is how it began to take shape in reality.

118] Despite all these explanations those who do not learn sense of making proper sense of things still say, why Allah does not speak to us directly or sends us His revelations directly? The same was asked by those before them because they all have similar mindset, attitude and behaviour due to lack of proper knowledge. The fact is, We have indeed made evident Our goals and guidelines for all the people who would firmly base themselves upon foundation of proper knowledge of things instead of ignorance based arrogance and haughtiness.

119] Indeed We have sent you as our messenger for a set purpose to deliver to mankind our program for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community and to warn them against moving away from this program because that will lead them to humiliating existence as a divided people due to adopting the way of life which is founded upon their petty personal gains at the expense of each other. However you will not be held responsible for thoughts and actions of those who reject and oppose Our advised way of life and end up in a terribly agonising situation by thinking and doing things their own way instead.

120] And as for the ruling chiefs, religious chiefs and chief money lenders, their touts and supporters from among those who claim to be Jews as well as from among those who claim to be Christians they will never give up their concern about you people who live by our advised way of life unless you too live by their adopted way of life based upon their petty personal gains at the expense of all the rest of people. Therefore you people tell them loudly and clearly, surely proper way of life for mankind for living in this world appropriately is only and only that which is from Allah. However if you people too were to give up living by our advised way of life and adopt their way of life which is based upon nothing at all more than their own baseless thoughts and practices that are most harmful and destructive for mankind due to harms and destruction they inflict upon the rest of the people for their petty personal gains at their expense after you people having received proper knowledge about things that has come to you from us then there can never be anyone who could protect and help you people against terrible existence as clearly explained for you the mankind by Allah.

121] Nonetheless all those people whom we have given our scripture and they abide by it properly as they ought to, they are the ones who are truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our advised way of life. However any people who reject and oppose our advised way of life they are the ones who are the true losers.

122] So O children of Israel, bring to forefront of your minds my revealed message due to which I blessed you people with unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community whereby I raised you people to blissful, dignified and secure existence and distinguished you as a people once upon a time among the human populations in the world due to your knowledge based thoughts and actions as a proper human community.

123] So reject not My this message out of hands or be mindful of the time to come when things will get so bad between people that one person will not do anything at all to ensure well being of another even in the least without looking for personal gains from the other, at that time no pleading of help will be accepted of anyone by anyone nor any excuse or intervention by anyone will benefit anyone because there will be none there who will be willing to help anyone without ensuring one’s own personal gains from the other.

124] For that reason you should also call to your minds the time when Abraham was engaged and put through struggle by his Creator and Sustainer for fulfilling His mission which was based upon His assigned goals and guidelines for development and growth of himself and his own human population as well as human populations round about him and he fulfilled the given tasks for the assigned mission. Allah therefore said to him, I will point you out as the proper role model for the human populations to come due to your proper understanding and faithful following of My guidance for fulfilling my assigned mission. Abraham said, what about my following or descendents? Allah said, I will not hold out those of them as role models who will not bother to understand My revelations properly and follow them faithfully but will instead inflict harms and destructions upon each other for their petty personal gains at the expense of each other and therefore will refuse to commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to My guidance.

125] That is why at the time We made Our program for our set goals and guidelines central for mankind to keep referring or turning to for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community saying, take the standard set by Abraham as an example for bringing about a proper human community as our assigned mission for humanity. Moreover We bound by a solemn pledge Abraham and Ismail to keep Our program for Our set goals and guidelines for a proper constitution and its laws free from all kinds of adulterations, alterations or impurities for those who will consult it constantly and consistently and for those who will study it conscientiously in order to mould their lives according to it as well as for those who will accept, submit or abide according to it.

126] And never forget the desire Abraham expressed at the time saying, I wish guidance of my Creator and Sustainer helps me and my people turn this place into a blissful, dignified and secure place for the living of its inhabitants by means of his provided livelihood for those who are committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to guidance of Allah for the brighter time period that is to come. He replied to his wish by adding, provisions will also be made even for those who reject and oppose our advised way of life for humanity for a short time because in time to come due to fire of hatred and animosity against each other these divided people will end up in countless fights and wars against each other and that is a terrible state of affairs to be in.

127] That is how at the time Abraham raised his proper human community on the bases of Our program for Our set goals and guidelines for a proper constitution and its laws along with Ismail saying, our creator and sustainers we desire that you approve and accept this work from us for your assigned mission. Surely through our missionary works you have made abundantly evident for all people the proper way to live in this world because you are full of awareness and knowledge.

128] Our Creator and Sustainer, we both desire that both of us along with our people are kept engaged and committed to Your assigned mission so if that is your will too then help us raise from among these people a proper human community based upon Your guidance who are committed to Your assigned mission therefore make obvious for us our tasks and ways and means thereby to achieve and accomplish them through our hard works and turn towards us through Your guidance that way. Surely You grant mankind Your guidance to turn to it because You guide them thereby towards a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community.

129] Our Creator and Sustainer, we wish that you raise from among themselves a messenger who proclaims to them Your program for your set goals and guidelines for them for a proper constitution and its laws for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community and who educates and trains them about a proper constitution and its laws as well as logically consistent reasoning and thereby helps them grow and prosper through proper management of people and resources as well as means of production and distribution to free them from all ills in the human population. Surely You are the wise ruler of this whole kingdom of the universe.

130] So which people can move away or stay away from the way of life that was advised for Abraham and his people by us save the ignorant ones who hold themselves and their people back from learning and knowing about our advised way of life properly? That is why We pointed him out as a model for the people of the world because till the end of his life he proved by his thoughts and actions that he was of those who remove rifts and tensions from between people by mending their fractured relationships with each other in order to lead them to unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community.

131] At the time in the beginning when his creator and sustainer told him and his people to promise to abide by his advised way of life which can lead mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community, he declared, I and my people promise to live by the way of life that is advised for us by the creator and sustainer of all the creations.

132] That was the covenant whereby Abraham, his descendents or children and following as well as Jacob and his successors lived and that was the covenant that was bequeathed or passed down their generations by them saying to their following, O our successors, Allah has advised this way of life for you to abide by as a proper human community so reach not your death but while you are still living only and only by this way of life that can lead mankind to blissful, dignified, and secure existence as a proper human community.

133] Or were you people present at the time of death of Jacob when he asked his successors, who will you work for after me as your God? They said, we will work for accomplishing or fulfilling the mission that is given to you by your God and the God of your ancestors Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, the one and only true God so we promise to abide by his advised way of life.

134] These were a people who have passed away, for them was what they earned and for you will be what you will earn and you will not be held answerable for their thoughts and actions.

135] Jews and Christians of your time who do not live by our advised way of life ask you people to follow their adopted ways of life so that you could become properly guided. Say, no, we rather live by the way of life that was adopted by Abraham and his people because it was advised for them by Allah, that is why he was a follower of the proper path which could lead mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community and he was not of those who live by ways of life other than that which was advised to him by Allah.

136] Therefore say to them, we have already committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to what is revealed to us by Allah as well as according to that which was revealed by Allah to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the others like them. Also according to that which was revealed to Moses and Jesus as well as according to that which was revealed to all other messengers from their creator and sustainer. We do not find any conflict between the teachings of any of them and that is why according to all these teachings we have committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community.

137] This is why people who claim to be Jews and Christians if they too commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community just like you people then they too will become a properly guided people. However of they turn away from our advised way of life then it is only because they have opposite harmful and destructive agenda for dividing and ruling people. Nonetheless way of life advised by Allah for mankind will save you people from their harmful and destructive tricks and traps if you people will stick to it, for set up universal systems and laws of Allah are all ears because they are based upon his vastly comprehensive knowledge of all things.

138] Authority to set the purpose of existence for mankind and to direct and instruct them towards it only and only rests with Allah and anyhow whose setting of purpose, direction and instruction can be more beautiful than that of Allah? For that reason, we commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community.

139] Say, after so many clear explanations and justifications do you the Jews and the Christians still dare quarrel with us over purpose and way of life Allah has decided for all of us human beings and he has informed us about all this already and moreover he is our creator and sustainer as well as yours? Despite all this information if you people still want to live your lives your own harmful and destructive ways then your thoughts and actions against each other will have terrible consequences for you as a people respectively and our thoughts and actions for ensuring well being of each other as a proper human community will have their best outcome for us as a people. We are sincere with our commitment for establishing this way of life advised by Allah for mankind worldwide.

140] After all these explanations can you people rightfully still claim that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and their descendents were Jews and Christians? Also ask them, are you people better aware of all these things or is it Allah? And which people can be more harmful and destructive for mankind than those who hide from mankind the testimony of Allah for mankind? No doubt set up systems and laws of Allah will bring to light for all of you people to see the consequences or results of what you the harmful and destructive people from among the mankind do against each other for your petty personal gains at each other’s expense.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
141] Anyhow many of these groups of people have passed away. For them was what they earned and for you will be what you people will earn. Moreover you people will not be held answerable for what they thought and did against each other, however you people will face consequences for what you people will think and do harmful and destructive against each other.

142] After all these clear explanations from us still the people who hold themselves back from learning sense of making proper sense of things as well as of the scriptures from us, from among the people who have been given of the scripture already as well as from among the rest of the human populations will say about you people who have turned to this newly revealed scripture from us for their guidance, what has turned these people away from the ways of life according to which they used to live their lives? Let them know the answer by saying, it is because we have become aware of the fact that rise and fall of human populations in this world is fully dependent upon our proper understanding and faithful following of the way of life advised for us human beings by Allah or our not bothering with it. He guides to his advised way of life which is firmly founded for leading mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community only and only those people from among the human populations who show through their appropriate efforts and hard works that they truly want to be guided.

143) This is how We brought you the individuals together from among the various human populations to form a proper human community based upon your proper understanding of Our guidance in this scripture in the middle of all the human populations, so that you people could act as an evidence as well as an example of a proper human community based properly upon Our guidance for the rest of humanity to witness and support regarding the proper working of the way of life advised by Us in reality, just as our messenger acted as an evidence as well as an example of it for you to witness and support. We did not bring you people up on the path you were born upon but to make evident and obvious those who are proper supporters of our messenger for his assigned mission as distinct from those who blindly go after or go back to harmful and destructive ideas and practices which harm and destroy humanity. To come to this much awareness about our advised way of life for mankind was a matter needing very hard work by individuals indeed but not impossible for those whom Allah granted abilities to gain knowledge and make choices based upon that knowledge and they used those abilities appropriately to be steadfastly consistent with His guidance and they made efforts for it to the best of their God given abilities. However remember always that Allah does not let your abiding by His guidance fruitless instead He brings such people as work hard from among the mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence through His program for unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community.

144] Indeed We see you the knowledgeable individuals turning your attention towards the highest goal of establishment of the kingdom based upon our guidance therefore We let you direct your efforts towards your desired target. So from now on get yourselves fully involved in establishing the kingdom based upon Our guidance as a proper human community. No matter wherever you are from get yourselves fully involved in accomplishing this set out mission as a proper human community. The people given our scriptures already who have studied them properly know this for sure to be the set goal for mankind from their Creator and Sustainer and set up systems and laws of Allah are never negligent in bringing about the results of their benevolent and constructive thoughts and actions for ensuring their own well being as a proper human community with help and full support of each other.

145] As far as those people from among the people of the scriptures are concerned who are ignorant about their scriptures therefore follow their own ways of life instead of the way of life advised by Allah for them in their scriptures, even if you bring every evidence to them for proving the fact that the way of life advised by Allah for mankind is the best way of life for mankind to live by they will not live by that way of life that you live by. Neither are you people going to abide by their way of life. Moreover they do not even live by ways of life of each other. However should you decide to live by their way of life after proper information and its proper understanding has come to you then surely you will become one of those who inflict harms and destructions upon others for their petty personal gains at their expense.

146] Those to whom We have given our scriptures already and they have studied them properly can recognize this Quran as well that it is from Allah just as they can recognize their own family members due to resemblance or similarities between them. However chief rulers, chief money lenders and chief priests who are ignorant of our message in their scriptures due to holding themselves back from learning it properly from among them mask the purpose of the revelation of the scriptures and the way of life whereby that purpose can be fulfilled due to their ignorance based arrogance and they clearly make that obvious by their mindset, attitude and behaviour.

147] The purpose of life and the way of life to fulfil it are clearly told about in this revelation for you the mankind by your Creator and Sustainer therefore you people should learn knowledge of these to be a knowledgeable people so that you never think and act like those ignorant and arrogant people who are confused and in doubt about these things.

148] Since for each and every human population we have set a purpose of life and advised a way of life for fulfilling it so they should pay their full attention to carrying out their given task. Therefore you people who claim to be committed to carrying out this task should do your best according to our given abilities to complete the given task for ensuring well being of yourselves with help and full support of each other as a proper human community as well as of the rest of the human kind. No matter from whichever human population in the world you people are, our assigned purpose and advised way of life for you the mankind will bring you all together as a proper human community in a kingdom based upon our guidance. Surely set up systems and laws of Allah govern operations of all things according to his set measures.

149] So from whichever background you people start your journey towards Our assigned goal as a mission which is for ensuring blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind as a proper human community, remain focused on establishing a kingdom based upon Our guidance in this world. This is the real truth from your creator and sustainer and remember always the fact that set up systems and laws of Allah never fail to deliver in due course results of your thoughts and actions for or against each other.

150] For this reason from whichever background you come forth for supporting this mission, get yourselves fully involved in establishing in this world a kingdom based upon Our guidance so in whichever place you live, work towards this goal or objective, so that no people of any place have any justifiable reason to oppose and fight against you, but exceptions are chief rulers, chief money lenders, chief priests, their touts and supporters who choose to live by a way of life whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon down trodden, weak and poor masses for their petty personal gains at their expense. This is why they oppose and fight against those who commit to working for establishing our advised way of life for ensuring well being of mankind as a proper human community, therefore you people should not be impressed by their harmful and destructive way of life instead you people should be fully aware of the benefits and advantages of following our advised way of life for you as a proper human community, so that thereby I grant you all that goodness which I have promised you through my revealed messages for your benevolent thoughts and actions for each other for sake of my messages so that you people become a people who are guided properly.

151] It is for this purpose We have now sent between you people this messenger from among yourselves - just as We sent Our messengers between people of the past from among themselves - who proclaims to you Our goals and guidelines for a proper constitution and its laws for you to become a proper human community to free you people from all kinds of harms and destructions which you people inflict upon each other for your petty personal gains at each other’s expense by educating you out of your harmful and destructive way of life to get you onto our advised way of life by helping you become wise and knowledgeable people through learning and knowing what you people did not learn to know before.

152] Therefore you people proclaim to the human populations throughout the world my this message so that thereby I establish you people as a proper human community and for that purpose you people should use my provisions properly and for that purpose you people should not use my provisions improperly or inappropriately.

153] So O you people who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to this guidance, gain strength and firmness from steadfastness in establishing and maintaining a proper human community, for set up systems and laws of Allah strengthen and back up those who are steadfast in unity as a proper human community according to his guidance.

154] Moreover never speak dismissively about those who are fought against or are killed just because they are struggling only for accomplishing the mission assigned for them by Allah that their efforts are in vain or are gone to waste rather their efforts are for bringing about a blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind according to our guidance as a proper human community but many from among you the mankind have not yet learned to value their effort and struggle.

155] We will surely give chances to many of you too to put yourselves through the very same struggle for the very same end due to which you too will face danger, hunger, loss of livelihood, and fruit of your labour as well as your lives but glad tiding of successful accomplishment of our assigned mission is only for those who will remain constantly and consistently steadfast throughout this struggle for the success of this mission.

156] Such as those who when they face any kind of hardship for the success of our assigned mission they say, we work for the success of the mission of Allah so we will continue our struggle for success of this mission regardless of any kind of hardship that comes our way.

157] Those are the people whose success is assured by set up systems and laws of their creator and sustainer as promised by him in his revealed message because they are the people who are guided properly because they abide by his guidance faithfully as they ought to.

158] So it should be obvious for mankind from all these explanations that clear understanding of his assigned purpose and his advised way of life as well as sincere and solid commitment for fulfilling and establishing them are the two main requirements by Allah from people who wish to commit themselves to struggle for the establishment of the kingdom or the proper human community based upon his guidance. For this reason there is no blame upon people who take the needed time out of struggle to comprehend this required information about both of these things before getting fully involved in this struggle. However, those who become fit for carrying out this benevolent mission, in due course set up systems and laws of Allah will assist them fully with needed logistics based upon his comprehensive knowledge of all things.

159] As far as the opposing groups of advantaged people who keep themselves ignorant about Our revealed program for our assigned goals and provided guidelines for their guidance as well as hide them from others from among themselves who are less advantaged than themselves after We have made them obvious for the whole of mankind in Our revealed book, such are the ones whom set up systems and laws of Allah let remain distant from the blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community because they think and act against others from among themselves for securing their own petty personal gains at their expense so that is how they are kept away from our blessings by themselves.

160] However those who turn to Our guidance by learning sense of making proper sense of things therefore reform and let people know Our goals and guidelines faithfully with clarity, we too let our set up systems and laws shower our blessings upon them because we help those who decide to live by our advised way of life.

161] However those who reject and oppose Our advised way of life therefore end up destroyed and yet continue their rejection and opposition, it is people like these collectively whom set up system and laws of Allah keep away from the blissful, dignified and secure existence as a consequence of their own thoughts and actions against each other .

162] these people will remain in agonizing painful suffering and their suffering will neither be lightened by their inflictors nor will they be given respite by them unless they stop living the way they are and adopt our advised way of life.

163] There is no reason for you the mankind not to live your lives the way you are advised and explained by your creator and sustainer because your rightful ruler is none other than one true God alone. The one who has assigned a mission for mankind and has provided mankind with all they will ever need biologically, psychologically and sociologically to fulfil their assigned mission including the way of life for fulfilling the assigned goal or objective.

164] Surely in the evolution of the heavens and the earth and in the way the night and the day are alternated as well as in the sailing of the ships through the oceans for the benefit of mankind and in the rain which set up systems and laws of Allah cause to come down from the heaven with which He revives the earth after its death by spreading in it all kinds of living things and also in the changes that occur in the atmosphere such as in the controlled formation of clouds between the heaven and the earth there are evidences for people who will bother to learn sense of making proper sense of things therefore they will not live by any way of life other than the one advised by Allah.

165] Despite such clear explanations and universal evidences that Allah alone is the creator and the sustainer of all the creations therefore only and only his advised way of life is the proper way of life for mankind to live by in this world, there are masses of people who ignore learning and adopting that way of life and instead they unquestioningly live by ways of life of others’ than Allah in the very name of Allah and they show loyalty to those ways of life to such degree as they ought to be loyal to way of life advised by Allah. However those who are truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community are staunchly loyal only and only to way of life that is advised for them by Allah after they have properly examined His provided explanations and evidences. Nonetheless those who are not bothered to be on the proper track only if they could realise and reform before they really end up actually seeing themselves in their self inflicted terrible painful suffering by hands of each other. Surely sovereignty only and only belongs to Allah alone and Allah has set up powerful systems and laws that make people face the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other in form of severe painful suffering.

166] At the time when the seriously terrible consequences of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other will actually face them those leading powerful and wealthy people who will have set up and adopted their own harmful and destructive ways of life instead of abiding by way of life advised by Allah will leave those who will have supported them to suffer on their own, that is how the very bonds between them which will have forcibly bundled them together will break down.

167] And these supporters will say, if only it was possible for us to go back in time and start a anew then we too will break all ties with them as they have broken their ties with us today leaving us to suffer on our own. That is how Allah will show them the results of their blind support for each other like herds of animals that they will be full of regrets due to it. However they will not be able to free themselves from the fire of hatred and animosity against each other unless they repent and reform and abide by way of life that is advised for them by their Creator and Sustainer.

168] For that reason O you the mankind! Participate freely in all that is constructive and benevolent for you in this world according to Our program for you for our set goals and guidelines for a proper constitution and its laws for you. However never think and act according to suggestions of anyone who rejects and opposes Our advised way of life for you because such an opponent will clearly prove an enemy for you.

169] Such a rejecter and opponent of Our guidance will urge you the mankind only to do what is harmful and destructive for mankind as well as make you attribute all that harmful and destructive participation to Allah about which you have no proof whatsoever nor the right to do so.

170] Despite such like clear explanations and evidences when it is said to people, learn and abide by the way of life that is revealed by Allah. They reply, no way! We will instead follow the way of life of our forefathers. What! Even if their forefathers learned no sense to examine things critically and properly due to which they lacked sense of making proper sense of our guidance to benefit from?

171] The likeness of our missionary and such people as reject and oppose our advised way of life for mankind without giving it its due proper attention is like that of a person who is calling upon such a people who only hear a noise and a cry. They are acting as if they are deaf, dumb and blind because they lack sense of making proper sense of things.

172] So O you people who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to our guidance! Take part in all that is constructive and benevolent for ensuring well being of mankind with help and full support of each other using our given provisions according to our guidance. That is how you should prove to each other and the rest of human world that you are managing his provisions properly for fulfilling assigned mission of Allah if it is for accomplishment of his assigned mission that you are truly working for.

173] He has strictly forbidden for you the followers of his revelation to think and act like regressive and stagnant or dead people who have no constructive and benevolent influence over other people in the world for ensuring well being of mankind or to participate in anything that is harmful and destructive for mankind such as involves bloodsucking or bloodshed and abusive use of others for petty personal gains at their expense as well as to think and do anything at all that is against his assigned mission because that kind of thinking and acting is a mission taken up by rejecters and opponents of mission of Allah. However, in case one is already in or is pushed into a situation or set of circumstances whereby one is forced to act wrongly but one is committed to getting out of this situation and intends no harm to others nor one rebels against his mission upon such people rests no blame but instead blame rests upon those who push them into such like situations. Set up systems and laws of Allah are surely protectors of mankind through His revealed guidance for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community, so that they remain not in or fall not back into such situations as are harmful and destructive for mankind.

174] Surely those who due to their arrogance and haughtiness ignore and neglect proper study and understanding as well as faithful following of the revealed message of Allah, they hide of the scripture from their masses what is actually revealed by Allah by misinterpreting and misrepresenting it and thereby they keep their people away from his advised way of life for their petty personal gains by adopting and promoting a way of life which is harmful and destructive for them because it is founded upon the idea of their personal gains at the expense of each other. They are such a foolish body of people who are filling their social body or society with fire of hatred and animosity against each other. That is why set up systems and laws of Allah have no benevolent affects upon them for the establishment of his advised way of life therefore these people cannot be freed from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other and instead for them is agonising painful suffering.

175] These are the people who work for replacing Our advised way of life for mankind which can lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community with a way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other, which makes them inflict harms and destructions upon each other for their petty personal gains at each other’s expense and that is like preferring death and destruction over blissful, dignifying and secure existence. How steadfast or desperate or hell bent they are for having the kind of life that is full of fire of hatred and animosity and thereby full of unending wars between themselves!

176] The reason they are bound to end up and stay in such terrible states of existence for a long time is because Allah sent His book for guiding mankind about their rights and responsibilities regarding each other in light of or in context of his assigned purpose and his advised way of life for them for fulfilling that purpose yet these people created disputes about the book due to their baseless fights with each other which had nothing to do with his revealed scripture.

177] There is no freedom from ills for such human populations as turn to ideologies and practices that set them up against each other to dominate each other by undermining each other. Instead freedom from ills is only for a people who sincerely and firmly believe in the purpose of existence as told by Allah as well as in their working according to the way of life as advised by Allah for them for fulfilling of the purpose, which is a brilliant period of time in the future for them as a proper human community. This is why they should work as missionaries according to the book of Allah just like the earlier messengers from Allah. They have to be such a people as fully share the fruits of their labour with each other out of love for Allah, distributing what they have among their relatives and neighbours as well as those who are isolated and stuck in hardship. They also give what they have earned to people who are travellers or wayfarers and those who seek their help as well as they help those who are enslaved and need to be freed. This is how they bring about and establish a proper human community and strengthen as well as expand it. This is how they fulfil their promise when they make one. They prove to be steadfast in time of war and infliction as well as hardship or difficulty. Such are the people who prove or back up their words with their deeds because they are the people who guard against being proven false in their promise to Allah.

178] So O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to guidance of Allah, abiding by principle of complementing each other is made obligatory for you for ending the conflicts in the human population. Only a group that is free itself from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other can work towards freeing other groups from this mindset, attitude and behaviour just like a law abiding group that frees itself from taking any other group or person as a slave can work for freeing other groups from taking any other group or person as a slave and just like a person who frees himself from weaknesses or disadvantages can work towards freeing others from weaknesses or disadvantages. So any who removes any lack or disadvantage from his brother in humanity he has followed the beautiful course of action for ensuring his well being and thereby well being of the human brotherhood. That is how your Creator and Sustainer makes things easy for you through His revelation for your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community. So any human population that goes against this principle of complementing each other, for such is painful suffering by hands of each other in due course as a result of its own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

179] O you the people who have learned sense of making proper sense of things, all this explanation clearly shows you that abiding by principle of complementing each other to the best of your abilities can ensures your survival as a proper human community so that you people could become and remain fully consistent with guidance of Allah.

180] Therefore leaving this way of life as a legacy behind yourselves faithfully is made obligatory for you people the followers of this revelation before death approaches any of you just like it was made obligatory for people before you, so leave this good legacy behind you faithfully for those who depend upon you about it in form of community elders and in form of community children as well as others in your circle or reach be they your relatives or neighbours. This burden of responsibility is upon those who want to be consistent with guidance of Allah as well as with each other as a proper human community for ensuring well being of whole of mankind.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
181] If any people change information given in this legacy after hearing it then any harm or destruction that results from that will be upon those who change the given information in the legacy. No doubt set up systems and laws of Allah make obvious for all to see results of peoples’ harmful and destructive thoughts against each other through their own actions against each other in due course to assure mankind nothing escapes His set-up systems and laws in the universe.

182] However, there is no restriction on the recipients of the legacy if they among themselves make corrections to the wrong or mistaken information given to them instead of the original if they fear any harmful or destructive outcome for the individuals or the proper human community from acting upon it in its given or received form. It is because purpose of guidance of Allah is unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community through his advised way of life for their blissful, dignified and secure existence.

183] Therefore O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to guidance of Allah! Abstaining from all kinds of harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other is ordained for you just as it was prescribed for those before you so that you people could become and remain consistent with our assigned purpose and each other as well as with our advised way of life for you for fulfilling our assigned purpose.

184] For that reason as a people you should set apart some days and training places to educate and train your people. However if during the days of an education and training session any of you people are ill or incapacitated or are already engaged in some other necessary works then you should complete this education and training program during another session. As for those who have had their eduction and training their task is to work hard for satisfying the proper needs and wants of the residents of the kingdom to ensure their well being. So whoever tries to be mentally and physically consistent with that idea of ensuring well being of others it is in fact a way of ensuring one’s own well being, so getting education and training is good for you, if you people could think about it at a wider and a deeper level.

185] The time period of wars for domination between people is the one during which the Quran is revealed as a guide for mankind with clear explanations for guidance as well as the criterion for judging or distinguishing the truth from the falsehood or the right from the wrong. Therefore if any of you people come across such situations between groups of people that are full of harms and destructions or bloodshed and bloodsucking then you should be well educated and trained as well as properly prepared to be able to cope or deal with them appropriately. This is why you people must undertake the advised education and training program unless any of you are ill or are engaged in other necessary works but then such people from among you can complete this education and training program at another time that suits the trainers and the trainees. Allah intends to ease things to ensure your well-being therefore He does not intend to put you through needless or unnecessary hardship so complete the education and training program for a period of time prescribed by your organisers and regulators or managers or administrators so that you could establish His rule of law or sovereignty in the kingdom based upon his guidance and thereby make His glory properly manifest for mankind to see as he has guided you so that you could use His provisions properly as He has advised you the proper human community for fulfilling his assigned purpose according to his advised way of life.

186] Since you people are working as a proper human community towards fulfilling my assigned mission of bringing about a kingdom based upon my guidance in this world therefore if any other groups of My human creatures ask you people about the time of coming about of this kingdom as to when it will become established. Tell them, the time of coming about of My kingdom can be near if you people also participate in My assigned mission as you are required. For I have set up systems and laws to respond to thoughts and actions of mankind therefore they respond as and when people think or act. This is why you people too should respond to my message as is required of you by committing to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to my advised way of life for fulfilling my assigned purpose for you the mankind so that all of you people become a properly guided people.

187] It was made acceptable for you the mankind by your rulers, money lenders, priests, their touts and supporters as part of your education and training program during the period of darkness of ignorance that people in positions of power from among you use weak and downtrodden people from among you abusively for their personal gains at their expense despite the fact that safety and security of people in position of power from among you depended upon weak and downtrodden people just as safety and security of weak and downtrodden people from among you depended upon people in positions of power. Due to results of your thoughts and actions against each other, set up systems and laws of Allah made obvious for you people that you both were breaching or not respecting rights of each other. However his set up systems and laws gave you people another chance so that from now onwards you people get together and seek that for each other and from each other as a proper human community which Allah has prescribed for you instead of what you people used to think and do against each other. Therefore keep eating of the tree of knowledge and keep drinking from the fountain of knowledge till the light of knowledge of the truth becomes clear to you from the darkness of ignorance and falsehood. After completing your education and training program take this program to educate and train other people still living in time period of darkness of ignorance in distant lands. However do not give them invitation for education and training just as yet the while you yourselves are still learning and working out the instructions in light of Our guidance for their implementation in your own institutions in the land you live in. These are the limits set by Allah therefore do not approach or cross them. That is how Allah details His set out goals and provided guidelines for mankind so that they could become consistent with them as well as each other as a proper human community on their basis.

188] Therefore you people should not use whatever fruits of your labour you have among yourselves as a proper human community based upon Our guidance according to way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other so that in that way an elite group from among you could deliberately access through bribery law makers and law enforcers in order to take away unduly what belongs to whole of humanity to use others abusively and you people are already made aware of results of living your lives by that way of life.

189] After knowing all this information people will soon ask you about information for setting up proper human community institutions based upon our guidance. Tell them, for setting up and running these institutions properly people will need time for their training and recruitments so they will need to struggle very hard for this end. It is because the proper human community cannot become free of harms and destructions by bringing about community institutions for wrong reasons or by making entry in them the wrong way because freedom from all ills in the proper human community lies in consistency between our set out goals and our provided guidelines as well as courses of actions by people themselves for accomplishing them therefore enter your community institutions through their proper doors or channels and that way be consistent with guidance of Allah and with each other as a proper human community for ensuring well being of mankind so that all of you the human beings could end up united in peace to progress for prosperity as a proper human community.

190] This is how you the supporters of this revealed message should campaign and strive for bringing mankind to the way of life advised by Allah for the purpose of their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community against those in positions of power who fight with you for imposing upon you the mankind their harmful and destructive way of life that is founded upon their idea of personal gains at the expense of the downtrodden which leads mankind to divisions therefore hatred and animosity as well as wars between themselves, however, you people should never transgress the limits set by Allah when doing so. Surely set up systems and laws of Allah supports not those who cross his set limits.

191] So keep up your struggle against such people whenever and wherever as well as in whichever state you come across them so that you could get them out of their harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour against you the mankind just as they strive to drive you the supporters of our advised way of life away from it. So by your strong retaliation make it obvious to them that their conspiracies for wars between mankind for their petty personal gains at the expense of well being of mankind are worst than their slaughtering because they cut off their lifeline or livelihood by their tricks and mechanisms whereby they impose upon them a slow and painful death. Even then you should not go for killing them in the kingdom based upon Our guidance unless they attack you in there first and if they do attack you in there then fight with them and if need be kill them because that is the kind of retaliation deserved by such rejecters and opponent of our advised way of life.

192] However if they stop their hostilities against you people the while they can then you too should stop your retaliation against them because Allah is protector of whole of mankind through His advised way of life for the purpose of their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community.

193] But if they stop not their hostilities against mankind or you people then keep your campaign or struggle or fight against them going till the strength in their campaign or struggle or fight against you people is completely gone and they are no longer able to oppress and suppress people or cause troubles for them or you people and the way of life advised by Allah becomes established. However if they stop their hostilities then you people do the same as animosity is only allowed against those who inflict harms and destructions upon mankind for their petty personal gains at their expense.

194] The naked or open aggression against any people is strictly forbidden for you people who support and propagate the Quranic way of life save in response to the naked aggression by a people who try to impose upon mankind harmful and destructive way of life but even then your response should be on the basis of reciprocity or law of equity. Therefore if any people transgress against you then you too may take a likewise action against them as they took against you but you must remain consistent with each other and assigned purpose of Allah as well as his advised way of life for fulfilling that purpose, which is to bring about a proper human community and a kingdom based upon his guidance. So be aware that set up systems and laws of Allah only back up those who are consistent with his guidance as well as each other as a proper human community.

195] For this reason you should show open mindedness as well as open handedness towards each other by sharing fully the fruits of your labour with each other for ensuring well being of each other as a proper human community for the success of the mission of Allah. Moreover do not bring upon yourselves harms and destructions by hands of each other by thinking and doing against each other what is harmful and destructive. Instead think and do what makes life beautiful for you people as a proper human community. Surely set-up systems and laws of Allah back up such people as think and do for each other what makes their life beautiful as a proper human community.

196] Therefore strive hard to the best of your abilities to complete the task of bringing about a kingdom by building a proper human community according to guidance of Allah. However if you become held back or restricted then abide by our guidance as much as you can. Anyhow no matter what never sit idle around your teachers or leaders till the course of actions relating the mission has reached its completion to its intended stage. As for anyone from among you who is incapacitated by some illness or he is deemed not fit for the task intended for the mission by his trainer or leader then that person should train yet more or go for something he can prove competent for or he can devote his time to something for which he can be more fruitful or suitable. Moreover when you people are at rest then reflect upon the advantages the person with full education and training has for striving for building a proper human community for establishing a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah as compared to the person who becomes limited due to lack of such knowledge of guidance. Nonetheless if any of you people cannot hold back yourselves for completing the education and training for a period of three sessions in one go for striving for establishing a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah then such people from among you may return to education and training sessions as many times as they need to or as and when they can. This is how you people can enable yourselves to complete building of a proper human community to bring about a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. These concessionary steps are for those who for some genuine reasons cannot carry out normally required steps for bringing about a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. However be consistent with guidance of Allah and be aware that set up systems and laws of Allah are strict in catching up with people with consequences of their thoughts and actions.

197] The main reasons for bringing about a proper human community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah are made well known for mankind, so any people who take upon themselves as a duty to struggle for bringing about a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah as a proper human community they must not use each other abusively, nor should they create divisions or disunity between themselves and they must not fight with each other during the struggle for bringing about a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. No matter whatever you think and do for ensuring well being of each other the set up systems and laws of Allah make it obvious by its results or outcome. So keep thinking and doing such things more and more, for whatever is done consistent with guidance of Allah is beneficial and constructive for mankind, so be consistent with guidance of Allah, O you who have learned sense of making proper sense of things.

198] There should not be any needless or unnecessary restriction upon you when you undertake the journey of learning the revealed knowledge from your Creator and Sustainer however when you return from a place of education and training after completion then strive hard for making manifest the glory of the way of life advised by Allah for mankind by establishing a proper human community and a kingdom based upon its guidelines. Moreover make his advised way of life manifest the way he has told you. No doubt before education and training about this knowledge you people lived your lives in ignorance based confusion and chaos due to which you inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for your petty personal gains at each other’s expense.

199] Therefore you people help other people learn this knowledge from you to benefit from just as you people have been helped by other people you have learned it from and benefited from and that way seek blissful, dignified and secure existence through guidance of Allah as a proper human community in a kingdom based upon his guidance. This is how set up systems and laws of Allah manifest glory of his advised way of way for blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind as a proper human community.

200] So when you people have completed your education and training program as required then strive hard as a proper human community for making manifest glory of the way of life advised by Allah for mankind for bringing about a kingdom based upon His guidance for the rest of the humanity to see, as you used to strive hard for making manifest glory of your own direct forefathers or with yet stronger motivation and courage. Despite all this explanation there are still people among mankind who say, our Creator and Sustainer! Let us have all we can have for ourselves individually to the exclusion of all others that is why there is no future for such people.

201] However there are also people among mankind who say, our Creator and Sustainer! Guide us to have all we can have as a proper human community for a beautiful life at present as well as in the future and that way keep us free from the fire of hatred between ourselves which results from following a way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other.

202] Therefore for each of these people is an outcome according to their own thoughts and actions based upon the way of life they have chosen and adopted and that is the way Allah has set-up His systems and laws in His kingdom of the universe to deliver outcomes to people for their thoughts and actions on basis of cause and effect principle.

203] So complete your education and training during the periods of time that are set apart for this purpose for striving hard for manifestation of glory of the way of life advised for mankind by Allah. However if any people hasten to complete their education and training program within a couple of sessions let there be no obstacle in such people’s way and if any people stay on longer to complete their education and training program then let there be no difficulty in such peoples’ way either so long as the learning group has achieved consistency with guidance of Allah. Anyhow be aware that all of you the mankind will be gathered together according to his guidance as a proper human community.

204] After learning and knowing all this information be alert and on your guard because among the human populations there are groups of people whose talk is highly deceptive regarding the way you the mankind should live your lives in this world because they claim to speak sincerely on behalf of Allah but they cause divisions by disputes and thereby fights and wars between mankind.

205] It is because if due to their ignorance based arrogance any people turn away from the way of life advised by their creator and sustainer then their whole hard work or effort is directed towards causing fights and wars between people throughout the human world whereby they harm and destroy livelihood of people as well as human populations themselves and this is why set up systems and laws of Allah do not let them take over control of the human world.

206] So if such mischievous people are told by those who strive hard for establishment of the way of life advised for mankind by Allah to be consistent with the way of life advised by Allah then their ignorance based haughtiness leads them to yet more harmful and destructive responses therefore suffices for them the state of agonising pain they lead themselves into and what a terrible state it is to be in.

207] However among the mankind there is also a group of people who sacrifice themselves in order to establish the way of life advised for mankind by Allah because the way of life advised by Allah ensures that set up systems and laws of Allah lead mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence.

208] Therefore O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to guidance of Allah, implement Our guidance fully and properly and do not follow the ways of any who rejects and opposes our advised way of life, for such a person is your open enemy.

209] Yet if you will dismiss without properly studying Our guidance after receiving clear information about our set goals and provided guidelines for you then be warned that you will end up back in grip of harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for your petty personal gains at each other’s expense. This warning is not a joke rather it is based upon mighty wisdom of Allah.

210] As already explained if you the mankind are not looking forward to a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community according to guidance of Allah then you people are only and only looking forward to the period of time when set up systems and laws of Allah will bring upon you the divided people as consequences of your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for your petty personal gains dark clouds of painful suffering through terrible rulers who will make this warning come to pass for you and that is how this matter will become settled, for this is how all affairs are ultimately settled by set up systems and laws of Allah regarding mankind.

211] Ask the children of Israel how many times We provided them with clear information about our set goals and guidelines for them to accomplish those goals according to those guidelines? However rulers, money lenders, priests, their touts and supporters from among them misinterpreted and misrepresented or even replaced our given information for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community, so whichever people replace or change blissful revelation provided for them by Allah after receiving it then set up systems and laws of Allah keep following such people closely to deliver to them consequences of their such thoughts and actions.

212] To rejecters and opponents of our advised way of life due to their ignorance based arrogance the way of life based upon their petty personal gains at the expense of the rest of them becomes attractive and alluring to live by in this world and for that reason they hold in contempt those who claim to have committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to guidance of Allah. However those who in due course will become consistent with guidance of Allah they will have control over them during the period of time when the way of life advised by Allah for mankind will become fully established whereby set up system and laws of Allah will deliver beyond measures to those who need or want things of need and want in abundance by working properly for them.

213] Human beings are a group of very same kind of people ever since they became a separate species in their own right from the rest of the species of the tree of life and they lived naturally as they thought fit. In due course they grew in their numbers as well as their rivalries and animosities between themselves which separated them into rival and opposing individuals and groups. However, as their awareness increased with time and experience Allah raised messengers from among them - to deliver for them his program with goals and guidelines to abide by in order to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community as well as - to warned them against living by any way of life that is based upon the idea of petty personal gains at the expense of each other which could harm and destroy them by hands of each other. Our revelation was given to mankind through the messengers as a proper criterion so that they thereby judge properly all their disputes and differences between themselves in order to resolve them according to it so that they could become a proper human community. Yet it is the very people from among whom a people continued their disputes and differences out of rivalries and animosities against each other due to their ignorance based arrogance after there had come to them clear information from us about our set goals for them with guidelines for accomplishing those set goals. So set up system and laws of Allah guided those who wanted to be guided to the right solutions regarding their disputes and disagreements because they worked hard for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to actual guidance of Allah. Be aware that set up systems and laws of Allah properly guide only those people who work hard for proper understanding and implementation of guidance of Allah which can lead them into blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community.

214] Or do you the people of this age think that you can end up in a kingdom based upon Our guidance that will give you blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community without you people striving hard for it properly, while you people have not yet been put through necessary struggle by each other for getting proper education and training and doing the needed works like people who passed away before you who brought about such kingdoms where in they had blissful, dignified and secure existence as proper human communities? They were afflicted even with tortures and wars by their opponents to such degree that they were shaken to their very cores till their messenger and those with him who declared their commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to guidance of Allah in the land cried out, when will the set up system and laws of Allah will back us up? They were told, there is no doubt in the fact that help of Allah is always with you in form of His revelation for establishing His advised way of life but you people will have to undergo an intense education and training program first to prepare yourselves for its installation and maintenance only then you will be able to accomplish your assigned mission.

215] After this explanation they will now ask you what else they should spend their energy for? Say, use your remaining energy for whatever beneficial and constructive you can think and do for ensuring well being of the people who are part of the proper human community such as people who depend upon you and those who live near you as well as those who live at a distance from you and those who are residents or settled in the kingdom as well as those who are passing through the kingdom as travellers. So whatever you will think and do for ensuring well being of each other the set up systems and laws of Allah will make evident its results for you to see in due course.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
216] For this reason striving hard is imposed upon you the proper human community as a permanent binding duty for bringing about and maintaining a kingdom base upon guidance of Allah even though you may dislike working hard for this purpose due to your ignorance about the benefits and advantages for doing so but the fact is you may dislike doing something yet it is beneficial and advantageous for all of you as a proper human community while on the other hand you may love doing something for your vested interests or gains yet it could prove harmful and destructive for all of you as a proper human community. That is how set up system and laws Allah make obvious for you that which you do not know or realise in order to educate you or to equip you with needed information.

217] Time is coming when your people will ask you about open warfare against enemies of our advised way of life due to their naked aggressions against you people during the time period of a treaty. Tell them, declaring war even against a treacherous and deceptive enemy can prove very harmful and destructive for mankind but hindering people from turning to our advised way of life as well as rejecting and opposing it and committing naked aggressions such as driving people out of their homeland is even more harmful and destructive for mankind because conspiring for spreading mischief and thereby animosity and wars between mankind is even more harmful and destructive for mankind than killing them. Also your enemies will continue their secret and open warfare against you and if they gain power over you they will do their best to turn you away from our advised way of life back to their way of life. However if any of you willingly turns away from our advised way of life and goes back to their way of life and dies in that state then works of such like people will come to nothing in this world as well as in the life to come because such people are bound to be consumed by fire of hatred and animosity against others and they will remain in this state of existence for rest of their lives.

218] Surely those who have committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to guidance of Allah and those who have migrated ideologically and physically and they have struggled for establishing the way of life advised by Allah they are bound to end up in a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah, for set up systems and laws of Allah ensure blissful, dignified and secure existence of such people only.

219] In due course your people will seek explanation from you regarding effects on human populations about some people in them keeping themselves ignorant and confused by taking things easy or lightly about the way of life advised for mankind by us. Let them know that having such mindset, attitude and behaviour towards our advised way of life is greatly harmful and destructive for mankind. In the eyes of people who are in this situation there are some benefits for them personally but the reality is harms and destructions for mankind as a community are much greater. People will also ask you about how hard they should work for ensuring well being of each other as a part of a proper human community. Tell them, at least as hard as can help them fulfil our assigned mission for them. This is how Allah makes His set goals and provided guidelines obvious for you the mankind so that you people may reflect upon the end results of your thoughts and actions for or against each other before you actually start doing things

220] in connection with your present as well as your future from the start of the process to its completion. Moreover they will ask you how they should deal with individuals and groups who come to join them. Tell them, it is for the best that you remove obstacles in their ways and also educate them and give them needed training so that they could become united with you people as a part of your brotherhood. However if you have any reservations or concerns about them, set up systems and laws of Allah will make them obvious in due course through their own thoughts and actions as to who intends to create divisions and fights among you by thinking and doing what is harmful and destructive for the proper human community and who intends to ensure harmony between you by thinking and doing what ensures your well being as a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah. Had Allah not intended your unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community, He could have left you people on your own in your conflicts and wars with each other and painful suffering but Allah is mighty wise as a ruler of this kingdom of the universe, so follow His advice if you want to bring about a kingdom based upon His guidance for yourselves as a proper human community.

221] However do not enter in brotherhood or partnership with any rival groups or parties that fight for their petty personal gains at the expense of the rest unless they give up this way of life and commit themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to guidance of Allah, because a group or party that commits to striving for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind is better than that which is founded upon idea of petty personal gains based rivalry no matter how attractive its proposal for contract and its way of life may appear to you the people. So do not enter in brotherhood or partnership with any rival groups that fight for personal power and wealth at the expense of the rest unless they give up this way of life and commit themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community. That is because any group that works for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity as a proper human community according to guidance of Allah is better than that which is founded upon the idea of petty personal gains based rivalry that goes for wars and corruption in the land even though its proposed contract and its way of life may seem attractive to some of you people. Such people invite you to the life that is full of fire of hatred and animosity between you the mankind yourselves while Allah invites you towards establishing a kingdom based upon His guidance for your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community. That is why He makes His program for goals with guidelines obvious for mankind so that they could become thoughtful and properly active in following an appropriate course of actions for bringing about a beautiful world for themselves.

222] Moreover your people will seek yet more information of you about joining with groups of human populations involved in bloodshed and corruption among themselves. Let them know, civil or internal strife is highly damaging and destructive for mankind therefore stay away from such groups or parties that are suffering from internal strife and bloodshed due to corruption so you should not join with them until they become free of bloodshed and corruption. When they have freed themselves then you should join them according to terms and conditions Allah has advised you with. Surely set up systems and laws of Allah support those who turn to His guidance and abide by it by keeping themselves free from beliefs and practices which are harmful and destructive for mankind.

223] As for the groups or parties of people that approach you people to become part of your proper human community, they are for you to educate and train or civilise and cultivate so approach your field of task as you people deem appropriate in light of Our guidance as well as ground realities and that is how you should ensure bright future for your human kind. So be consistent with guidance of Allah as well as each other and be aware that a standard is set for you people by Allah to meet it. Therefore give good news of great future to those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community.

224] Moreover you should never use guidance of Allah for avoiding your constitutional, legally binding or contractual obligations to each other so that thereby you could free yourselves from ensuring well being of each other or stop being consistent with each other or stop bringing peace and harmony among yourselves by removing rifts and tensions from between yourselves. It is because guidance of Allah is based upon comprehensive knowledge of Allah for ensuring well being of mankind as a proper human community.

225] Allah does not approve anything harmful or destructive in your contracts or agreements between yourselves whereby you people could take undue advantage of each other and end up destroyed by hands of each other as a result of creating hatred and animosities between yourselves but He does approve what you people do with presence of your hearts and minds for ensuring well being of each other, because thereby Allah through His advised way of life for you desires to expand, strengthen and secure you as a proper human community.

226] For those between whom is a contract as administrators or managers or teachers and trainers for their assigned teams, parties or communities they should be placed on trial basis for a few months to see how they fair. However if they are found to be consistent with their responsibilities then they should be kept on till the contract is complete, that is how Allah protects mankind against harms and destructions by hands of each other through His guidance which can lead people to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community if they understand it properly and adopt it faithfully.

227] But if they fall short of coping with their given tasks or assigned responsibilities and communities have decided to change them yet they should refer to guidance of Allah for doing so because guidance of Allah advises mankind by taking into account wider concerns of all involved.

228] As for the outgoing administration or management or teacher and trainer teams, they should keep themselves in place for three months at the end of their contract period so that replacement administration or management or teacher and trainer teams could be found to take over smoothly as they leave. It is not lawful or fitting for the outgoing teams that they should hide anything from the new administrations or communities whatever Allah has brought about through them to keep beneficial projects going and to prevent any harms if they are truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to guidance of Allah for the brilliant future of the proper human community. In case of good administration or management or teaching and training teams their communities have the right to hold onto them or reinstate them if they too desire reinstatement to carry on the good works. Although for the administrations or the contracted parties there are similar rights to those exercised against them in an equitable manner yet for the communities or administrations in them is an advantage as well because they have seen the results of works of each other already, that is how Allah shows superiority of His mighty advice and wisdom for ensuring well being of mankind.

229] After the completion or the end of the contractual period there are two ways open for you the teams, parties or communities, either reinstate the same administrations for managing the communities for another term or period of time due to fulfilling their obligations and responsibilities faithfully or allow them the speedy exit in a beautiful way by replacing them with equally good teams. It is not lawful for you the community to take rights or responsibilities away from outgoing or incoming administrations or teams after you have assigned to them the rights and the responsibilities unless both the parties show concern that they may not be able to faithfully stick to the limits set by Allah. However if you the community also deem that they will not be able to keep the set limits of Allah then there is no restriction upon them both that they gain freedom from their obligations by way of a proper mutual arrangement about it. These are the set limits of Allah so do not transgress them, because those who transgress the set limits of Allah they are the ones who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for their petty personal gains at the expense of each other and thereby they damage or destroy proper human community by killing community spirit in minds of the involved people.

230] However once you the teams or communities have freed the parties from their contractual obligations properly, it is then not lawful for you the teams or communities to put obstacle in the path of the freed parties for stopping them from entering other contracts with other parties for which they are suitable but there is no harm if those parties also end their contracts with them or their contracts become complete and that way they become free to enter in contracts with earlier or previous parties once again provided this time they are sure enough about each other that they can work together and that way they can abide by the set limits of Allah. Such are the limits of Allah which He makes obvious for the people who have learned the sense of making proper sense of things.

231] So when you the proper human communities and the communities that wish to join the proper human communities have reached the completion of their contractual period about education and training then either hold onto them for ensuring their well being if they have completed their education and training for being part of the proper human community or let them go on good terms if they have failed to complete their education and training for being part of the proper human community till next time if they so decide. However you should not try to hold onto them against their will or by force in order to take undue advantage of them or to inflict hardship or harms upon them. If any community will do that, then that community will destroy its consistency with guidance of Allah as well as with rest of the proper communities by inflicting harms and destructions upon its own people as a proper human community. So never take contractual, constitutional or legal obligations set by Allah lightly or as if they are of no importance or serious consequences. So keep in forefront of your minds always the way of life advised for you the mankind by Allah for your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in a kingdom because the book of guidance is given to you for learning lessons from it and for teaching them to each other. Therefore be consistent with guidance of Allah and become aware that for sure Allah has knowledge of all things.

232] However if the contractually involved guest communities or teams or parties decide to separate from the contractually involved proper human communities after the completion of their education and training contract then let them be free and do not hinder them from entering new contracts with any other parties that mutually agree for their mutual benefits. This is an advice for everyone among you the mankind who claims to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to the guidance of Allah for the brilliant future of the mankind. This way of conflict resolution gets rid of troubles for you and helps you grow and increase in strength as a proper human community because it is the proper way of dealing with problems that arise between human beings. That is because Allah knows things properly whereas you people do not unless you learn sense of making proper sense of things.

233] So the host communities or teams or parties that desire to fulfil or meet the livelihood responsibilities of guest communities or teams should nurture their contractual or constitutional or legal relationships to the full in every way and they should do so in both cases whether the guest parties remain in contract or not as the need be. Nonetheless main responsibility for ensuring well being of individuals of the communities is of the main administration of the host community that is put in place for this purpose so it should meet its obligation to the best of its abilities. No party in the contract should be charged with more responsibilities than it can truly handle and deliver and no valid obligation should be placed upon any party but for helping it develop and grow. None of the communities or groups should be made to suffer on account of their individual members, nor any individual members on account of their groups or communities. The inheritors of this arrangement are under the same obligation but if by mutual agreement both parties decide to terminate or change arrangement then there is no blame on either of the parties involved. However if you the communities decide to have any alternative arrangements for maintenance of your individuals there is no blame on you provided you maintain the standard that you have agreed to uphold or to make it available in an honourable way, so be consistent with guidance of Allah and with each other and become aware of the fact that Allah makes obvious for you all that you need to know and do to help you grow and prosper as a proper human community.

234] So those of your communities or administrations or parties or teams who want to fulfil their contractual or constitutional or legal obligations to their guest communities and want to further develop their people by bringing prosperity to them to bring about a yet better human society even after their contracts have expired there should not be placed any obstacle in their way by you the host communities so that they could voluntarily do whatever good they think they can do to ensure well being of the guest communities in their own capacity and keep in mind Allah is aware of all that you people do and need to do to be and to remain a proper human community.

235] Moreover there should not be any undue obstacles in the paths of any parties or teams from among you if any of them wish to make known any proposals to any other parties in the guest communities for any new contracts the while the other parties are still engaged but are waiting for completion or expiry of their existing contracts or meanwhile keep your worthy intensions for ensuring their well being to yourselves till the other parties have become free from their existing contracts just in case they continue or renew their existing contracts. Set up systems and laws of Allah will surely let them know in due course that you meant to strive for their well being but never enter any contracts regarding community matters in private or in secret instead speak to the other parties openly in the manner that is appropriate when time comes. No matter what do not confirm contracts until the engaged parties are free to enter the new contracts at the end of their contractual period. However be aware that the set up universal systems and laws of Allah expose or make obvious what is within yourselves or in your hearts and minds about each other as a party of human beings. So be consistent with His program for his set up goals for you the mankind according to his provided guidelines so that the set up systems and laws of Allah ensure your well being as a proper human community.

236] There should be no restriction in your way if you the host communities decide to terminate contracts with the contracted parties for some unforeseen circumstances even before actually engaging them in their education and training program or any other duties but do fulfil their rights to them as a duty regarding their livelihood. This duty is binding according to the state of existence of the proper human community so if the community is prosperous it should fulfil its duty according to its state of existence and if the community is limited in its state of existence then again it should fulfil its duty according to its state of existence. In any case livelihood rights should be delivered faithfully and in an honourable way to the contracted party. This is right of people upon each other who sincerely desire to make their existence beautiful with help of each other as a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah.

237] Therefore if you the people of proper human community are forced to terminate contracts due to some unforeseen situations or circumstances before the completion of the contracts with the contracted parties even before engaging with them in practice, it is necessary that you fulfil your agreed obligations to the parties involved so that you keep yourselves right regarding any responsibilities that you may have taken upon yourselves regarding them unless you are let off by the parties or the party in whose hands rests the decision about the contract. To let go is more fitting in such unforeseen situations or circumstances because you should not forget to show goodwill towards each other to have and to keep a good social relationship for the future. Surely Allah advises you to act in light of insightfulness rather than being foolish in dealing with each other.

238] That is how you the people who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to guidance of Allah should stand guard over rights and responsibilities of all the human communities and particularly over the rights and responsibilities of the proper human community which is of central importance and keep working constantly and consistently with full commitment and devotion for its proper and full establishment and maintenance in the kingdom of Allah for the sake of fulfilling the mission assigned to you by Allah.

239] So if you the concerned people from among mankind are truly worried about well being of all the people then organise and regulate yourselves first into a proper human community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah and when you have done that and you are satisfied with it then strive hard to spread the message of Allah yet wider as He has taught you which you knew not before.

240] For that reason those who are charged with fulfilment of missionary duties from among you so that they could try and lead fellow communities to unity, peace, progress and prosperity according to way of life advised by Allah they should assist their communities to better their environment without causing them to leave their settlements, but if any of them leave on their own decision then there is no blame on you for what they choose to do for themselves in a way that is appropriate for them but not unduly detrimental for others. That is how Allah demonstrates strength of His wisdom as the rational ruler of this universe for ensuring well being of the whole of mankind.

241] Reasonable provisions must also be made in a dignified way for the communities settled at a distance or remotely. That is an obligation upon those who want to be consistent with program, goals and guidelines of Allah as well as with fellow human beings.

242] That is how Allah makes clear His set goals and guidelines for you the mankind so that you may learn sense of making proper sense of things and follow what is proper.

243] Or are you people not aware of the results of thoughts and actions of thousands upon thousands of such people against each other in the world who due to their ignorance based arrogance refused to live by our advised way of life therefore they ended up fleeing from their homes fearing death and destruction by hands of each other due to living by ways of life based upon the idea of personal gains at the expense of each other? So Allah said to them, be destroyed by hands of each other if you must due to ignoring my guidance. However at length many of them decided to repent and reform with help of our revealed education and training program and that is how Allah revived them as proper human communities in their kingdoms. No doubt Allah bestows from his knowledge upon mankind as well as ways and means for acquiring knowledge and experience yet most of the people do not bother to learn and act upon that knowledge for using his provisions properly to ensure well being of each other as a proper human community.

244] Therefore strive very hard for installing and abiding properly by rule of law based upon guidance of Allah if you want to free yourselves from all ills and be aware that Allah advises you the mankind by taking into account the harmful and destructive effects of your thoughts and actions against each other.

245] So which of you the mankind will invest properly and whole heartedly their labour and its fruits in the hope of making the mission assigned for mankind by Allah successful, so that set up systems and laws of Allah reward their efforts many folds? That is how set up systems and laws of Allah control and distribute things in the natural world, so you the mankind also should think and do things according to his advised way of life by turning to his revealed guidance.

246] Are you the mankind not aware of the mindset, attitude and behaviour of the chiefs, money lenders, priests, their touts and supporters of children of Israel after Moses when children of Israel said to their messenger, appoint for us a coordinator of affairs so that we could strive for establishing the way of life advised by Allah? He said, are you people not going to cower if he tells you people to strive for fulfilling the mission assigned by Allah? They said, how can we refuse to struggle for the fulfilment of the mission assigned by Allah especially when we have been driven out of our own homes and we have been deprived of things upon which depend our lives? Yet when they were told by their commander to strive they all refused except a minority of them. That is how set up systems and laws of Allah make obvious for the people to see those who contravene His commandments by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for their petty personal gains at the expense of each other.

247] Controversy between them emerged when their messenger told them Allah has appointed Taaloot as your supervisor. The leading people from among them replied, how can he be fit for top position of leadership over us when we are more deserving than him to be in position of leadership because he does not have abundance of wealth? The messenger said to them, Allah has appointed him over you because He has found him blessed with better sense of making proper sense of things as well as he is bodily strong. Moreover sovereignty of the kingdom of the universe only and only belongs to Allah alone and he lets any such person manage things in it whoever suits his objective the best from among the whole of mankind. For Allah is all aware and all knowing.

248] Their messenger also told them, the evidence that appointment of Taaloot is proper as a leader for you is that he will bring forth of you people such a body of people in which will be the ability to carry through the mission of your Creator and Sustainer with full confidence, that is how will be restored the legacy which the people of Moses and the people of Aaron left behind as a duty to be carried out by the people charged with carrying out this mission. Surely therein is an evidence for you people if you people are truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah.

249] Thereafter TaaLoot along with his selected people separated from the rest of the people to educate and train them for the fulfilment of the mission of Allah. He said to people he had chosen for the mission, surely Allah is going to put you people through a very hard struggle that involves dealing with fire of hatred, animosity and bloodshed between yourselves, so anyone who will take part in spreading fire of hatred, animosity or bloodshed among us for personal gains at the expense of each other from now onwards will cease to be part of my force but anyone who will not participate in spreading fire of hatred, animosity or bloodshed among ourselves for personal gains at the expense of each other will be part of my force, especially the one who uses all that is in his power to bring people out of this harmful and destructive situation or set of circumstances. However despite all this explaining when it came to religious and secularism based infighting for personal gains at the expense of each other all participated therein save a minority of them. For this reason when he and some of those who were truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community with him took stock of the situation they said, as things look just now we are not a suitable people just now to take on forces of Goliath. However others from among them who were more knowledgeable and more committed to working along with him for mission of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind who knew they will have to match the standard set by Allah replied, it has often happened that many of the small groups through support of guidance of Allah have overcome a mighty army. That is how Allah inspires with ideas those who educate and train themselves to be steadfast in working for his assigned mission.

250] So it happened that when they advanced to face Goliath and his warriors they loudly expressed their desire to Allah saying, our Creator and sustainer! We wish that you fill our hearts and minds with courage thereby make our steps firm and that way help us against the people who reject, oppose and declare wars against Your advised way of life for mankind.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
251] That is how they defeated them by going through proper education and training program properly according to guidance and set up systems and laws of Allah and David killed Goliath so Allah let David have the kingdom to manage it properly according to his guidance due to his ability of reasoning things out properly and taught him all that he worked hard for to learn to establish the kingdom based upon his guidance. However take note of the fact that had Allah not kept some people in check through another people then there will have come about total destruction in the human world through all sorts of worldwide troubles, conflicts and wars all the time. Such total destruction did not take place by hands of mankind because Allah has protected mankind throughout the world against such total destruction by way of this like safety mechanisms based upon his knowledge.

252] Therefore these are messages of Allah which We have revealed through you for setting rights and responsibilities for mankind to follow through properly as a mission for the set purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in a kingdom based upon our guidance because you are indeed of Our messengers.

253] Those were the human beings whom we sent as our messengers for the guidance of mankind, some of whom excelled above others in mindset, attitude and behaviour due to their own very hard works for learning sense of making proper sense of things and due to understanding our revealed knowledge and acting upon it faithfully, because from all of them Allah took a pledge to do so. That is how set up systems and laws of Allah raised some of them above others in ranks by degrees. Just as to Jesus son of community of Mary we gave our clear messages containing goals for his people to accomplish and guidelines to accomplish those goals by and that is how we backed him up with our purpose based perfect revelation. Had Allah found all of those people willingly following His plan for them after these messengers had come to them, they will not have divided and fought each other after clear goals and guidelines had come to them but due to their ignorance based arrogance some of them ignored our guidance completely and disputed with others instead. That is how some of them committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community but others of them rejected and opposed our advised way of life for them. Had Allah not given them ability to freely express their will then they will not have disputed and fought with each other but Allah does what he decides to do and he decided to give people freedom to think and do as they like along with his revelation and things to fulfil their own desires with.

254] So O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to guidance of Allah! Work your hardest to keep open for the benefit of whole of mankind ways and means of sustenance which We have provided for all of you the mankind as a proper human community before the arrival of such a social environment in due course due to you the mankind’s own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other during which such ways and means of production and distribution of provisions will no longer be possible, as there will not be any true friendship between people or any real intervention by any people for truly ensuring well being of any other people nor will there be any brotherhood based human community as none of the human populations will be working for establishing and maintaining a proper human community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah, because those who oppose and fight against rule of law based upon guidance of Allah will have regressed to such degree of cruelty and barbarity through inflicting harms and destructions upon each other.

255] Therefore remember always that it is guidance of Allah by which you all should live because there is no ruler in this universe other than Him, the ever existing sustainer of all the creation. He is neither prone to negligence nor can be over powered. To Him belongs, all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. Who is there who can interfere in His kingdom unless one participates therein according to His purpose based revealed plan? He made known to people what has already happened according to His plan before them and what is yet to happen according to His plan after them. However they cannot access any bit of His revealed knowledge unless they make real good effort for knowing it properly. His kingdom stretches over all the heavens as well as the earth yet preservation of all this vast kingdom fatigues Him not because He is supreme in His power.

256] So let none attribute deliberately what is harmful and destructive for humanity to My advised way of life for mankind. Surely that which can ensure well being of mankind has been made clearly distinct from that which can cause harm and destruction to mankind. Therefore whoever rejects and opposes harmful and destructive way of life based upon tyranny and brutality for personal gains at the expense of each other and instead commits to working for unity peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in a kingdom according to guidance of Allah has grasped such a firmly founded hand-hold that will never prove harmful and destructive for mankind because Allah advises mankind on basis of His comprehensive observation and understanding of all things.

257] Set up systems and laws of Allah are protectors and supporters of those human populations which commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as proper human communities according to his guidance in this world, because thereby Allah brings them out of the depths of darkness of all kinds of purpose related ignorance and thereby poverty of all kinds into the light of purpose based knowledge of all kinds whereby he leads them towards their brilliant future with help and full support of each other. On the contrary those human populations which reject and oppose the way of life based upon His guidance their protectors and supporters are people with harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour who lead them away from the way of life that offers them a brilliant future into ways of life that are full of darkness of all kinds of ignorance whereby they end up in chaos and confusions as well as in all kinds of harms and destructions by hands of each other. Such are the human populations that end up making their own lives a living hell and they remain stuck in that state of existence for as long as they live unless they repent and reform according to way of life advised for them by Allah.

258] So should I not draw your attention to consider the case of a person who argued with Abraham about the way of life advised for mankind by his creator and sustainer despite the fact that he let him manage a kingdom which was about to perish due to rivalries, animosities and infightings between its people? At the time Abraham said to him, the way of life advised by my creator and sustainer if understood properly and adopted faithfully by a people can raise them to a brilliant existence with help and full support of each other but if a people ignore it due to their ignorance based arrogance then it lets them fall into oblivion and perish by their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for their petty personal gains at each other’s expense. He replied, my way of life can also raise people to a brilliant future and if any do not accept and live by it then it too can cause them to perish. Abraham said, but for sure way of life advised by Allah can bring about for any people in any bad state of existence a brilliant future so if you are so sure about your way of life then bring these people in your kingdom who are fallen in a terrible poverty trap or living in a terrible state of existence a brilliant future thereby. Thus was confounded or rendered speechless by explanation of Abraham the rejecter and opponent of Allah’s advised way of life for mankind.

259] Or consider the case of a person who once upon a time lived through a kingdom for a long time which collapsed and ended up in ruins due to being torn apart by its own people because of harmful and destructive divisions and fights between themselves due to the way of life they had adopted which was based upon the idea of personal gains at the expense of each other? He said in his mind, how is Allah going to bring this kingdom back to blissful, dignified and secure existence as it previously was after it collapsed to this degree due to rifts and fights between its people? It is because Allah allowed freedom for mankind to freely think and do as they please so the people with harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour in the kingdom kept inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for their petty personal gains over a long period of time that which ruined the kingdom or brought it into a terrible state of existence where after set up systems and laws of Allah as well as his guidance and its proper following by the people of the kingdom caused it rise to a brilliant state of existence again. This old person from within the kingdom asked the young people of the kingdom, do you know for how long you people had lived in a terrible state of existence and why before your arriving at the current blissful, dignified and secure state of existence? They said to him, we think we people of the kingdom lived through that terrible state of existence for a generation or less or just for a very short while. He said to them, no, rather you the people of this kingdom had lived through a terrible state of existence for generations or over a very long period of time before reaching this current blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a proper human community. However In order to understand what had been happening during this terrible period of time look at your diet or food for thought upon which you people had been fed by your rulers, money lenders and priests as well as your learning institutions from which you had been made to take information about unjust law of the land which had disappeared leaving no trace by now. Moreover look at the ignorance based arrogant mindset, attitude and behaviour of your religious and secular leadership, we the people will make them an example for rest of mankind so that they do not think and do to their people what these people thought and did to their people. Also look carefully at the new ideology, society based upon it, its politics, its culture and its economic systems, structures, procedures and practices as to how we put the whole thing together and in due course implemented it to fulfil thereby its set out purpose which was to ensure well being of proper human community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. Then when all this was clearly explained to this young group of people it said, now we know that Allah indeed has set-up systems and laws for governing operations of all things so that they work properly as intended by Allah for ensuring well being of mankind as a proper human community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah.

260] And consider also a story about Abraham that once upon a time he requested his Creator and Sustainer! Saying, explain for me to understand things properly as to how You raise to heights of excellence the human populations that are devastated by divisions, rivalries and fights between themselves? He said to him, are you in any doubt that I can do that and that I have done it before as well? He said, no, not at all rather I also want to know the way to do it just like others who have done all this before me so that I too could learn the way of doing so and become fully confident about using it for the purpose it is fit for. He said, take some people from among the highly insightful, courageous and energetic people under your direct supervision and educate and train them properly as a group to be able to carry out your given set out missionary objectives then separate them into individuals and place them each upon each of the people of influence among the human populations near about you to educate and train them and then invite them all to abide by way of life advised for mankind by your creator and sustainer. They will accept your invitation and start working very hard on this project of building and maintaining a proper human community in a kingdom right away. That is how it will become obvious to you the human beings that set up systems and laws of Allah are firmly based upon His mighty wisdom in actual fact.

261] This is why likeness of those who use whatever they have gathered of His provisions with their hard works for the success of the mission of Allah is like that of a grain that sprouts into many ears, each bearing hundreds of grains. That is how Allah gives manifold increase to whoever shows this desire by working hard for it because Allah has comprehensive knowledge of all things because of which He is able to guide mankind properly.

262] They are such people as use whatever they have of His provisions due to their hard works for the success of the mission of Allah properly for sake of Allah and not as a personal favour to others as a charity for them and they never use thereafter whatever they have for harming and destroying or undermining the proper human community in a kingdom based upon His guidance. For such people their full reward on top of what they are given here rests with their creator and sustainer in hereafter. This is why they will have no fear or worry for their future nor any regrets for their past.

263] Advising each other to be or to do or to have or to use whatever ensures well being of proper human community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah is the proper choice of thoughts and actions for the members of the proper human community to remove and keep away all ills from the community and to continuously protect and maintain it than declaring commitment to this objective by words and failing to follow it through and instead inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for petty personal gains at each other’s expense. Even though Allah is free of dependence upon mankind for His existence yet He puts up with foolishness of mankind who do things against what he advises.

264] So O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to guidance of Allah! Do not make your contributions towards struggle for establishment of the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah invalid by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for your petty personal gains just like a people who only pretend they are participating in this struggle just for showing to other people to make fool of them because in actual fact they are not at all committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind for accomplish set goals set by Allah according to his provided guidelines for ensuring the brilliant future for mankind. Their example is like that of a hard barren rock covered with a thin layer of soil wherein nothing can grow because as rain falls upon it, it washes the soil off it leaving it just a bare stone. Such people do not enable themselves to gain anything useful for mankind out of what they think and do. That is why advised way of life by Allah benefits not such people as reject and fight against His guidance.

265] On the contrary the likeness of those who spend their energy and whatever fruit of their labour they have seeking full implementation of the way of life advised for mankind by Allah through strengthening their human brotherhood is like that of a garden on a highly fertile ground upon which if more rain falls it yields manifolds its normal produce and if no rain falls on it even a light moisture is sufficient for it to bring forth normal produce. That is how Allah helps you the members of proper human community see through the outcome of what you think and do for ensuring well being of each other for sake of Allah.

266] Will any of you like that his garden for which one has worked hard all his life when he was strong enough to maintain it for his blissful, dignified and secure existence that is full of palm trees, grape vines and many other fruits that is watered by him by running streams of fresh water or in which are all kinds of fruits be ruined by lack of care and maintenance at the time when one has become too old or too weak to work in it and his children are too young and unable to work therein to maintain it for their blissful, dignified and secure existence? That is how Allah makes clear for you the mankind His assigned rights and responsibilities towards each other so that you may think deeply and widely over them and do all that needs to be done appropriately to ensure well being of all members of proper human community be they young or old or strong or weak.

267] Therefore O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community according to guidance of Allah, use faithfully out of that for which you have worked hard properly according to His guidance as well as that which comes out of the land for you the mankind naturally for ensuring well being of each other and do not even think of using things to cause harm or destruction to others when you yourselves will not like to receive the same treatment by hands of others without having tears flowing down your eyes due to painful suffering due to that treatment. So be well aware of the fact that Allah enriches mankind only for the reason so that they use His ample provisions according to His wonderful guidance.

268] The harmful and destructive leadership or ruling elite, money lending elite and priestly elite invites you the masses to a way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other which can lead you to stagnation and regression thereby to terrible poverty and disease because through that way of life as a mechanism they can compel or manipulate you people to inflict harms and destructions upon each other for their petty personal gains at your expense which can turn your future into a terribly shameful humiliating existence. However Allah invites you to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in a kingdom based upon his guidance through His advised way of life based upon His all embracing mighty wisdom. That is how Allah shows you the mankind that His knowledge of things is vastly comprehensive.

269] He grants wisdom for bringing about and running the kingdom based upon His guidance successfully to whichever people work hard towards it, and any people who are granted that kind of wisdom for bringing about and running the kingdom based upon His guidance successfully are indeed given the key to the abundance of all that is good for ensuring well being of mankind, yet none reflect properly and act upon His guidance faithfully save individuals who have learned sense to make proper sense of things.

270] So you people produce and contribute or distribute nothing of your provided things for ensuring well being of each other for sake of Allah out of His provisions and you fulfil not a contract or constitutional or legal obligation based upon His program, goals and guidelines towards each other but Allah makes its results obvious for you people to see in form of a proper human community in a kingdom based upon His guidance, whereas those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for their petty personal gains at the expense of each other they have nothing to base themselves upon or to rely upon to help them live a blissful, dignified and secure life.

271] Your case is different from them because you have message of Allah to rely upon for your guidance that brings you support through mutual cooperation as a proper human community based upon His guidance therefore if you will prove true your contracts or constitutional and legal obligations to each other as the proper human community by fulfilling them publicly that will ensure your well being and likewise it will ensure your well being if you will fulfil your contracts or constitutional and legal obligations to each other as the proper human community in private as well because that will help you reach a stronger communal bonding or cohesion and that is how harms and destructions which you people could have inflicted upon each other for your petty personal gains at each other’s expense are kept away from you people due to being a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah. This is how Allah makes obvious to you the mankind that He is aware of what you people ought to be thinking and doing for ensuring well being of each other.

272] It was not possible for you the mankind to guide each other properly because you had no such deep and wide awareness and understanding of things whereby you could do so, however Allah does have such capability so Allah guides all people properly who show by their hard works they want to be guided by learning His guidance properly and acting upon it faithfully. Therefore whatever fruits of your labour you use for ensuring well being of each other for sake of Allah it is for ensuring well being of your own proper human community. However, you should never use fruits of your labour or your efforts but only and only for accomplishing goals assigned for you by Allah according to his provided guidelines. No matter what, you will not use any fruits of your labour for ensuring well being of each other as a proper human community based upon His guidance but its outcome will be delivered to you in full and you will not be inflicted with harms and destructions by each other for petty personal gains at the expense of each other.

273] As for the needs of the individuals who are stuck due to being fully engaged in furthering the mission of Allah the while there is no properly functioning community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah they need to be taken care of by those who can because they cannot move about in the land to work for their livelihood. Those unaware of this situation regarding such people think that these like people in need of support of others are self-sufficient. However, you the helpful human beings can recognize their this situation if you try due to the way they live even though due to their mindset, attitude and behaviour they do not like making forceful requests to others for help. The fact is, you do not ensure well being of such people with anything but set up systems and laws of Allah make it manifest through its results.

274] Those who freely use fruits of their hard works at all times out of provisions of their creator and sustainer for his cause or mission to help others privately and publicly, individually and collectively they will have their reward according to set-up systems and laws of their Creator and Sustainer in a form of blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in a kingdom based upon his guidance, wherein they will neither be anxious nor worried about their future and they will not regret their past efforts they made for bringing about such a community in such a kingdom.

275] Those who participate with each other on the basis of a way of life that is founded upon the idea of petty personal gains of some at the expense of the others they have no solid foundation to build their future upon as a proper human community in a kingdom because their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours are like those people who are inspired by the leadership or ruling elite, money lending elite and priestly elite that opposes the way of life that is based upon guidance of Allah. For that reason they take the idea of Allah’s ownership of the land and resources and means of production and distribution of things of need for serving the proper human community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah the same as the idea of their own private ownership of land and resources and means of production and distribution of things of need for their petty personal gains at the expense of each other. Their this idea they promote and propagate very forcefully including declaring wars on their opponents for it despite the fact that Allah has clearly declared his sole ownership of all things including land and resources as well as means of production and distribution of things of need and want for serving the proper human community in a kingdom based upon his guidance to ensure well being of its people through their own help and full support of each other and he has therefore declared his advised way of life as proper for mankind to live by because it is constructive and beneficial for all of them forever in this world, but he has declared their way of life false and unlawful forever in this world because it is harmful and destructive for mankind as individuals and as a whole human population. So any people who have received advice from their Creator and Sustainer and they have stopped going against His advised way of life by adopting it faithfully, for such people their past is in the past and their matter rests with Allah or there is no accountability for their past conduct of affairs in hereafter but their future mindset, attitude and behaviour in this world will have to be according to the guidance of Allah for ensuring well being of the proper human community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. If any people will yet turn their backs on guidance of Allah then such a people deserve to be among those who will be consumed by fire of hatred and animosity against each other in due course that is how they will go through severe anxiety, depression and worries for their future and they will have terrible regrets for their such like decisions of the past. That sort of people will remain in that state of existence constantly for as long as they will live their lives by their adopted way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
276] Because set up systems and laws of Allah in this universe are set up in such a way that they deprive any and every human population of blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in a kingdom who live by any way of life based upon the idea of personal gains at the expense of each other, however, due to that set up through way of life based upon His guidance He promises blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in a kingdom for those who use fruits of their hard labour for making sure well being or each other as a proper human community. So O mankind, be well aware that set up systems and laws of Allah do not work for ensuring well being of any people who reject and oppose His advised way of life for mankind because by doing so they slow down the process of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity as a whole.

277] Surely those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in a kingdom in this world and think and take appropriate actions to remove rifts and mend fractured relationships between people in order to establish a proper human community network based upon guidance of Allah and give their full support to the community to help its growth and develop to its full potential, to them will be delivered the promised outcome by universal set-up systems and laws of their Creator and Sustainer in due course in form of a kingdom based upon His guidance wherein they will have blissful, dignified and secure existence, so they will neither be anxious or worried in there for their future nor will they have any regrets for what they will have done in the past for bringing about such a kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

278] So O you who claim to be committed to working for unity peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah! Be fully consistent with guidance of Allah and each other to be a proper human community by giving up whatever remains of the way of life based upon personal gains at each other’s expense if you have truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in a kingdom.

279] However if you will not give up the idea of living by way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other completely then you are warned by Allah through His message via His messenger that fights and wars between you the mankind will never come to an end. However if you will stop living by way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other completely as a proper human community by reforming yourselves according to the way of life advised for mankind by Allah then for you is whatever of the provision is assign for you out of Our sustenance by the proper human community according to its constitutionally and legally set limits as individual members of the proper human community in the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. Therefore do not adopt way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of others in order to inflict harms and destructions upon others for your petty personal gains so that you are not inflicted with harms and destruction by others in return on the very same basis.

280] That is why if any individual or community among you is facing any difficulty or hardship of any sort then concentrate on such a person or community in a way to lead such an individual or a community to life of ease and comfort. This is how you should confirm to each other by your thoughts and actions the truth of your commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah because that is what can ensure your well being as individuals of the proper human community if you could bother to learn sense of making proper sense of all this information that you are provided with.

281] That is the way you should become consistent with guidance of Allah and with each other for bringing about the period of time when all of the mankind will completely and wholeheartedly turn towards guidance of Allah for ensuring well being of each other as a proper human community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. It is then that all individuals will start getting their full rewards for their proper efforts or thoughts and actions for ensuring well being of each other and they will not be harmed any more by each other for their petty personal gains at the expense of each other.

282] This is why O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah when you people assemble for deciding or dealing with matters of your mutual or common or community concerns and their related plans of actions for yourselves over a period of time then have them documented. Let an experienced contractual, constitutional or legal document writer write down the mutually agreed things between you the involved parties faithfully for keeping the record for future reference or referral. The scribe should not refuse to write down this document rather the scribe should write it down to the best of his Allah given abilities. Moreover let the party that has been given the rights or responsibilities or both dictate what it has agreed to, which needs to be documented but the party must remain consistent with guidance of Allah, its creator and sustainer as well as with parties involved in the agreement and it should not omit anything from or add anything to what is agreed upon while dictating to the scribe for it to be written down for ensuring well being of the proper human community. However if the representative of the party that is given the right to put forth its proposal proves inefficient or ineffective or cannot put forth its proposal properly then let its more able representative that looks after its affairs put forth its case or proposal faithfully. Moreover let two witnesses from among your official community administration or management witness the statement, but if two of the administration witnesses are not available or suitable then one from the administration and two of your own choice from among the managed community may witness the document so that if a party involved in the statement moves away from its statement by mistake then the other party could remind and correct it through help of this attested document. The witnesses must not distort information or go against their own freely agreed statement when they are called upon to give evidence as witnesses or be the witnesses to the statements in the document. Moreover you people must not be averse to writing down your contractual, constitutional or legal agreements or rights and responsibilities for any future period whether the agreement is about something of least importance or of most importance or for a short term or a long term. This course of action is proper for you according to guidance from Allah because it facilitates the establishment of evidence and it is the best way to remove all doubts and disputes about things later on. However if it is a matter that is concluded or dealt with satisfactorily on the spot and has no future implications between yourselves then there is no blame on you if you do not put it down in writing or do not use any witnesses. Regardless you should always have witnesses whenever you enter agreements regarding dealing with matters that concern future well being of yourselves as well as of your proper human community and you should not let any kind of harms come to the witnesses or the writers of the agreements by either or any of the parties involved in the contracts. But if you will try to inflict any harms or destructions upon them in any way then you will be guilty of contributing towards damage or destruction of your proper human community by going against your contractual, constitutional or legal obligations. So be consistent with guidance of Allah as well as with each other as a proper human community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah for ensuring well being of your own proper human community that is why Allah teaches you the mankind to conduct your affairs with each other properly because with Allah rests knowledge of all things.

283] However while you people are in a transitional period or on a journey working towards change of way of life from the way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other to the way of life advised for mankind by Allah therefore you do not have someone who could work out a document for a constitution and its legal framework to put it in place in a land yet to implement or install program of Allah for his set goals for mankind according to his provided guidelines then try to provide security for each other through whatever means you may have available as a group of people. So that when some of you entrust others with some responsibilities of the group then the ones entrusted with the responsibilities discharge their responsibilities faithfully that is how the group or party or community as a whole should prove its consistency with guidance of Allah its creator and sustainer as well as with each other. Therefore whatever you people agree upon and do as a group or party during this transitional phase, do not deliberately conceal our testimony for it in order to inflict harms and destructions upon each other for your petty personal gain and whoever will hide or distort the testimony deliberately to inflict harms and destructions upon others for his petty personal gains, no doubt his mind is bent upon hindering coming about or maintenance of proper human community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. However be aware that set up systems and laws of Allah are always monitoring all that you the human beings think and do and they will make your hidden motives obvious, in due course through results of your own thoughts and actions, for the rest of the people who truly want to be a part of a proper human community in a kingdom.

284] So keep in your minds always the fact that to Allah alone belongs ownership therefore sovereignty of all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth, so never hide this ultimate truth from anyone and do not claim ownership or sovereignty over anything at all for yourselves nor ever accept ownership or sovereignty claim of anyone else over anything at all. Remember always that you the mankind are only given right to manage things but even that only according to guidance of Allah. Regardless any of you the human populations make these truths obvious to your people or you hide them from your people set up systems and laws of Allah will deliver the outcomes of your thoughts and actions for or against each other, because Allah has set up systems and laws to govern operations of all things according to set measures. That is how Allah protects from harms and destructions any human population that desires to be protected through acting upon His guidance and likewise He lets a human population destroy themselves who refuse to accept and act according to His guidance.

285] This is why this messenger committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in a kingdom based upon the guidance that is revealed to him from his Creator and Sustainer along with all those who too have committed themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in a kingdom. All unity, peace, progress and prosperity loving people always committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as proper human communities in kingdoms to be consistent with guidance of Allah and to be consistent with His missionaries, His books and His messengers, and moreover such people always confirmed Our message saying, we saw no conflict in the message of any of His messengers and they also said, we hearken to Your advice so we fully devote ourselves for turning it into a reality so that thereby You our creator and sustainer protect and save us from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for our petty personal gains at each other’s expense. They said, for this reason towards Your assign purpose or goal for us we turn our efforts to fulfil it.

286] Through your explanations our creator and sustainer we have learned, Allah burdens not any human population with any tasks, rights and responsibilities but to help it grow and prosper because for each human population for its efforts is only that outcome towards which it works. Our creator and sustainer, our understanding of your message is that if we will work hard for accomplishing your set goals for us according to your provided guidelines then your guidance will not leave us to our limited understanding of things and to our actions based upon our incomplete or faulty thoughts. Our Creator and Sustainer! Our understanding of your message is that if we will work hard according to your guidance then your guidance will not let us fall under crushing burden of our self created problems as it let happen to those before us who neglected it due to their ignorance based arrogance. Our Creator and Sustainer! We understand from your message that if we the mankind will come to know your guidance properly and adopt it faithfully than your guidance will save us from burdening ourselves with crushing problems that will be beyond our capability of solving them. Therefore save and protect us from terribly destructive results of our unintentional wrong actions which can utterly destroy us human beings and make your guidance a blessing for us. You alone are our supporter through Your guidance so through that guidance help us win over the people who reject and oppose your advised way of life due to their ignorance based arrogance.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Surah 3 Aali-Imraan Family or household or progeny or community or society or association or organisation or circle or companionship or union or fellowship or party or supporters or group or faction or section or team or following or descendents or people or tribe of Imraan,

000] Proclaim this message in the name of Allah- who has provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind into a proper human community- that


002] Allah is he save whom there is no God. The ever living, sustainer of all that he brought to existence for a set purpose.

003] He sent the Quran for you the mankind as a proof of His own existence as well as, as a proof of the purpose for which he has created all things including mankind. It confirms all that was ever revealed by Him before it. Such as He revealed the Towraat as well as the Injeel

004] before it for the guidance of the mankind to be a proper human community in a kingdom to have a blissful, dignified and secure existence. Likewise He has sent this Quran for people of this final era as the sole criterion or standard for mankind to judge what is true and right and what is false and wrong in light of his set purpose for existence of mankind and his advised way of life for them to fulfil that purpose by. No doubt those human populations which will reject and oppose goals set by Allah for mankind to accomplish according to his provided guidelines for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in a kingdom, for them life will become a greatly painful suffering by hands of each other due to their adoption of harmful and destructive way of life based upon their petty personal gains at each other’s expense. It is because set up systems and laws of Allah are mighty powerful in delivering to mankind the outcomes of their own thoughts and actions for or against each other.

005] Certainly, for the set up systems and laws of Allah there is nothing hidden or secret in the earth nor in the heavens.

006] It is by means of his set up systems and laws he shapes you in the wombs of your mothers as you have to be as dictated by genes from your parents as well as the environment you are in. There is no God save him who controls all things according to his power and wisdom.

007] He it is who has revealed this book for you the mankind in which are set goals for you to accomplish according to provided guidelines which will give you solid foundation or anchorage or stability as a proper human community in a kingdom based upon his guidance. These goals and guidelines are the main purpose for revelation of this book for you the mankind. As for any other sets of goals and guidelines from any other than Allah they are utterly confusing and destabilising for mankind as they create conflicts and wars between them. However those in whose minds are harmful and destructive desires due to their ignorance based arrogance they take upon themselves to accomplish those harmful and destructive goals according to their own harmful and destructive guidelines in order to harm or destroy human population through conflicts and wars between their people for their petty personal gains at their expense. Due to their ignorance based arrogance they misinterpret and misrepresent our set goals and provided guidelines for ensuring well being of mankind. The fact is no one knows their proper interpretation save Allah and those who are well founded or well grounded in proper knowledge of things who say, we commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in a kingdom according to his guidance because all that which makes our existence beautiful is from our creator and sustainer. However, only such people learn from others and teach to others sense of making proper sense of things who are sensible enough themselves.

008] This is why they say, our creator and sustainer, since you have provided us with your guidance if we work hard to understand it properly and follow it faithfully then due to that do not let our minds wander off from your advised way of life instead thereby lead us to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in a kingdom. No doubt you have provided mankind with wonderful guidance as well as things to fulfil your set out purpose.

009] Our creator and sustainer, there is no doubt about it at all that on the basis of your guidance you are indeed going to bring mankind together during a period of time to be a proper human community in a kingdom. Of a surety you do not go back on your given word.

010] No doubt such people as rulers, money lenders and priests who due to their ignorance based arrogance reject and oppose our advised way of life for mankind for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in a kingdom their wealth and following will not be able to benefit them at all against the set up systems and law of Allah instead they will face the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others for their petty personal gains at their expense. This is why these like people are fuel of fire of hatred and animosity between mankind so mankind should become aware and remain alert regarding their thoughts and actions against them to remain safe from them.

011] Their example is like that of the people of Pharaoh and those before them. They rejected and opposed our set goals for mankind to accomplish according to our provided guidelines for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in a kingdom therefore set up systems and laws of Allah delivered to them the consequences for their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for their petty personal gains at each other’s expense. Be aware that set up systems and laws of Allah are very strict in going after such people in order to deliver them the consequences for their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

012] Therefore inform those who reject and oppose our advised way of life for mankind for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in a kingdom that they too will soon be dominated and undermined by each other and that way they will be rounded up by each other into a place which will be full of fire of hatred and animosity between these like people. So it will be a terrible place and a terrible state of existence for them to be in.

013] This is why Allah started sending his revelations for guidance of mankind to get them out of this like situations or to keep them out of this like situations due to which there came about a clear ideological dividing line or demarcation between mankind, which clearly separated them into two opposing factions as if arranged against each other in a battleground formation. Since then one side always strove for implementation of the way of life advised for mankind by Allah for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in a kingdom and the opposite side that rejected and opposed it due to its ignorance based arrogance. This separation took place only because the rejecters and opponents of the way of life advised by Allah saw his missionaries as if they were their enemies instead of seeing them as their well wishing brothers. However, set up systems and laws of Allah supported only those who desired their backing by doing things according to the standard that was set for them. No doubt in this is a lesson to learn for those who have learned sense of making proper sense of things.

014] The rejecters and opponents of the way of life advised for mankind by Allah do so because things for living in this world entice them and they choose to live only for fulfilling their own personal desires at the expense of each other by abusively using weaker people in society including children and by piling up gold and silver as well as by gathering fine horses and cattle and by taking possession of pieces of land by dispossessing each other by force. Of course, all these beautiful things can bring joy to mankind in this world but not the way they are managed and used by rejecters and opponents of the way of life advised for mankind by Allah instead the real happiness and joy for mankind rests with managing and using people and resources according to the beautiful way of life advised by Allah for fulfilling the purpose of life as told by him to mankind.

015] Say, should I not inform you the individuals who live only for yourselves at the expense of all others about yet more beautiful things for you the mankind than those which allure you in this world as individuals? They are for those who will be consistent with guidance of Allah in this world because due to them will come about kingdoms that are yet only in the knowledge of Allah in which will flow things of need and want for them like rivers wherein they will abide along with their fellow human beings with minds fully supportive of each other which will be free of hatred and animosity against each other. This is how they will earn approval of Allah by meeting his set standard. Set up systems and laws of Allah are constant and consistent in monitoring thoughts and actions of human creatures for and against each other in order to deliver them their appropriate outcomes respectively.

016] They are such people who make a promise in front of each other saying, our creator and sustainer we commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in a kingdom according to your guidance, so protect us because of that from thinking and acting against each other for our petty personal gains at each other’s expense and that way save us from fire of hatred and animosity between ourselves.

017] They are a people who are steadfast, who are fully ready to turn their promise into a reality, who are fully devoted for fulfilling the mission assigned for them by Allah, who fully spend fruits of their labours for the cause and sake of Allah, who fully protect themselves against being deceived or cheated by their opponents or enemies in any way.

018] All because Allah hereby testifies that there is no God save him and so bear witness to this fact his missionaries as well as those who have learned sense of making proper sense of things and on that basis of knowledge they take a just stand. So remember always, there is no owner and ruler of all that exists save Allah, the mighty the wise owner and ruler of whole of his creation.

019] This is why without any doubt whatsoever the way of life advised for mankind by Allah was, is and will always be AL-Islam, the only proper way of life which if understood properly and adopted faithfully by mankind then it will lead them to unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. Any people who were given any scripture by Allah some of them rejected and opposed it only after receiving it and that was due to their neglection of proper study of that scripture because of their ignorance based arrogance out of hatred and animosity between themselves which arose between themselves due to their following of the way of life based upon their petty personal gains at the expense of each other. Regardless whichever people reject and oppose goals set for mankind by Allah to accomplish according to his provided guidelines then the set up systems and laws of Allah are quick in delivering to such people outcomes of their thoughts and actions against each other.

020] So if any people including the people of the book argue with you over the issue of way of life advised by Allah and its assigned purpose by him then inform them all about these things and say to them, I and those who support this mission along with me, we have devoted ourselves fully to the fulfilment of the purpose or objective assigned for us mankind by Allah according to his provided guidelines as a mission. So ask them, the people of the book and those who follow none of our revealed scripture, do you also commit yourselves for making this mission successful? If they do then they too are on the right way of life that is advised by us but if they turn away from making such a commitment then your duty is only to deliver to them our message. So tell them, the set up systems and laws of Allah are monitoring all that which human creatures think and do for or against each other and they are there to deliver to them outcomes of their thoughts and action for or against each other.

O21] Surely those who reject and oppose goals set by Allah for mankind to accomplish according to his provided guidelines and they fight against our missionaries without any justified reason as well as they persecute and even kill such people from among mankind who tell them to think and do what ensures just and fair existence of mankind, give them bad news of terribly painful existence to come for them as a result of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for their petty personal gains at each other’s expense.

022] It is these like people whose harmful and destructive thoughts and actions bring nothing good for them to ensure their well being as an outcome in this world or in hereafter. This is why they will have none to help or support in the end.

023] Are you people not aware of those who have been provided with a share from our revelation earlier? They have been called upon to let guidance of Allah be basis for their way of life. Despite that some of them turned away from doing so distancing themselves from our scripture due to neglecting proper study of their scripture from us due to their ignorance based arrogance.

024] This is because they think they are a group of clever people so they can avoid or overcome consequences of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for their petty personal gains at the expense of each other therefore they say, the fire of hatred and animosity will never reach us people except for a very short period of time. This is how their way of life has deceived them and kept them away from our advised way of life by means of what they have invented or fabricated.

025] How will mankind fare when we will gather them all during a period of time in coming of which there is no doubt and at that time each and every person and human population will be delivered their full outcomes for their thoughts and actions for or against each other and they will not be wronged even in the least degree?

026] Therefore O mankind, declare openly this truth among yourselves that, O Allah! you alone are the owner and the sovereign of the whole of your kingdom of creation. You let any people gain and maintain the position of management of people and resources as well as means of production and distribution in your kingdom whichever people work for gaining and maintaining that position as well as you let any people lose that position of management of people and resources as well as means of production and distribution whichever people fail to work for gaining and maintaining that position. You let any people rise to your set standard for their blissful, dignified and secure existence who work for it and you let any people fall into humiliating state of existence or perish who fail to work for gaining and maintaining your set standard for their blissful, dignified and secure existence. It is because blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind as a proper human community in your kingdom rests only and only upon your revealed powerful guidance and their proper understanding of it as well as their faithful following of it. No doubt you have set up systems and laws for working of all things according to your set measures.

027] That is how through your set-up systems and laws as well as their hard works based upon your provided knowledge You turn dark period of existence of a people into their brilliant period of existence and you let turn their brilliant period of existence into their dark period of existence when they fail to maintain their brilliant state of existence by becoming ignorant and arrogant. Likewise you let a dead people become alive who rise to heights of excellence and you let a people at the heights of excellence fall into oblivion or perish or become a dead people who fail to meet or maintain the standard set for them for blissful, dignified and secure existence. On likewise basis You provide sustenance in abundance for a people who work hard for it according to Your guidance and Your set-up systems and laws.

028] This is why you the mankind should never join those people who reject and oppose our advised way of life for mankind instead of those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. So any people who will join the rejecters and opponents of way of life advised for mankind by Allah such people will gain no real benefits at all from the way of life advised by Allah. Nonetheless you can enter such agreements with them whereby you could remain safe from their tyranny and mischiefs. That is why you the mankind should become properly aware of way of life advised for mankind by Allah. It is because responsibility for setting a proper goal for mankind and advising a way for accomplishing it rest with Allah alone.

029] Say, regardless you the mankind conceal what is in your hearts and minds or you make it known to each other, it is all known to Allah, for he knows all that is in the heavens as well as all that is in the earth. Remember, it is Allah who has set up systems and laws for governing workings of all things according to his set measures.

030] There is a set period of time to come when each and every individual or group of people will find each and every thing it will have thought or done for or against each other. Such people who will have thought anything wrong against others or will have done anything wrong to others for their petty personal gains at their expense will wish there was a very long distance between their-selves and their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others for their petty personal gains at their expense. This is why Allah himself is informing mankind about all this in advance so that they think and do nothing against others to save themselves from the consequences of those deeds. This is why the way of life advised for human creatures by Allah is a very good one for ensuring their well being should they understand it properly and adopt it faithfully.

031] Say. If you the mankind love the way of life advised for you by Allah then back me up with your help and full support so that Allah too shows his love for you by leading you to a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in a kingdom based upon his guidance and thereby he prevents you from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for your petty personal gains at each other’s expense. That is how Allah protects human populations through his advised way of life which can lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in a kingdom if they understand it properly and follow it faithfully.

032] Say, if you truly want a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in a kingdom then be constantly consistent with message of Allah along with his messenger. However if they turn away from working for the idea of this kind of existence then way of life advised for mankind by Allah does not force people who reject and oppose it due to their ignorance based arrogance to adopt it.

033] Of a surety proper understanding and faithful following of the way of life advised by Allah distinguished people of Adam, Noah, Abraham and Imran in comparison to all other people in the human world at the time.

034] Some of them were successors of others. Allah tells you all this information because he is all hearing and all knowing.

035] Call to mind the time when the leadership of a team or section or circle or company or fellowship of people of Imran decided to stand up and make a promise or covenant with Allah by declaring, my creator and sustainer, for your sake I along with my supporters as a group freely without any compulsion take on the burden of responsibility for sorting out all the problems or tensions or disputes or rifts or fights that are within or between my body of people or community for uniting them as a proper human community in a kingdom based upon your guidance for furthering your assigned mission by dedicating all that is within my capacity for it, so let my efforts and plans for actions for this purpose be a success by accepting from me my this pledge. No doubt you are all hearing and all knowing and You observe peoples’ motives and make them obvious to each other through results of their own actions for or against each other.

036] At length when the leadership of a team of a section of community of Imraan brought forth a missionary team it said, my Creator and Sustainer, I could bring forth only a small party of people for the missionary task from the whole of BANI ISRAEL but Allah made evident for all of bani Israel to see what it had brought forth because no team or section or party of any human population was like that team in its commitment to his assigned mission. So leadership of team of community of Imraan said, I name or call this missionary team Mariam and I dedicate it and its future ideological supporters to work for protection of mankind according to your guidance from any such leadership that has distanced itself from your guidance due to its ignorance based arrogance because of its following of a way of life whereby it inflicts harms and destructions upon mankind for its petty personal gains at their expense.

037] So its creator and sustainer accepted and fulfilled its wish as a pledge and dedication because it was for furthering his beautiful purpose or assigned mission. That is why he let it develop and prosper to increase in its capability and capacity through a suitable education and training program and thereby into a beautiful team by giving it under the care or attention of Zachariah for its proper education and training according to his guidance. Each time Zachariah entered into its education and training place to educate and train it for carrying out its assigned mission, he found it ready with all its needed materials for its education and training. One day he asked it, O Mariam! From where did all this material come into your possession? It replied, it was offered by the wider community for the sake of the fulfilment of the mission of Allah. Surely set up systems and laws of Allah deliver to people whatever they need or want in abundance beyond measure if they work hard for them.

038] Thereupon Zachariah realised he is becoming old and he cannot continue his missionary work as it needed to be carried out so he called upon his creator and sustainer saying, my creator and sustainer, my wish is that you grant me a proper successor for carrying out your assigned mission, surely you are fulfiller of such wishes of mankind as are consistent with your purpose of creation of things including mankind.

039] At length when he was busy in the education and training camp or centre trying to educate and train people for striving for establishing a proper human community in a kingdom according to guidance of Allah, some missionaries called upon him saying, Allah gives you good news of a successor by name of Yahyah who will prove true this mission assigned by Allah by fulfilling it according to words of guidance from Allah and he will be a teacher and a trainer for this dedicated section of community because he will be an appointee of Allah from among those who mend fractured relationships between people that prevent them from becoming a proper human community in a kingdom.

40] He said, my Creator and Sustainer! From where will this person come who will be my successor because I surely am reaching my old age and my community is not that capable and productive just now to produce such a person? He said, it is so but set up systems and laws of Allah work according to His plan for fulfilling his set purpose for creating things including mankind.