caption it guys.

umer amin

Minister (2k+ posts)


Voter (50+ posts)

I can't see any Noora suppoter here lol
They are sinking with there party.
No comment from Noora.
where are you Noora.
come out.


Minister (2k+ posts)
ان کے دل میں چور ہے۔
ایسے جا رہے ہیں جیسے ایک دوسرے کو جانتے ہی نہیں۔
لگتا ہے ملک کا خزانہ لوٹنے جا رہے ہیں۔


Voter (50+ posts)
When you give charity in masjid did anybody asked to molvi that where have they spend the money.

because you have trust in the masjid to use your money in good place.

Like if I give donation to masjid for children who study there but if they use this money in repairing some thing what's wrong in there but you ll get reward what have you given for.

simple is that but
making big fuss about it.

cheap tactics to gain popularity.

Sham on them.

They are playing with poor ppl life's.

Nawas sharif come out in public and regret on your statement.