Allama Jawad Naqvi Slams Ulama Doing Business By Promoting Sectarianism

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
First of all I called you simple not stupid. Simplistic is a positive trait. Secondly this person shared a list of scholars whom you term as majoosi and I am asking you a very simple question. Who made this list or if you don't know this where did you get it? Whats so illogical about that. The first thing in any logical discussion is to reference your sources. Ok one more time I ask you again. What is the source of this list ?

P.S: What have forefathers got to do with this? Forefathers of every Muslim today were non Muslims. This is your problem. You twist and turn every second !
آپ کو میں بتا چکا ہوں کہ کچھ لوگ ایرانی مسلمانوں کو مجوسی کہتے ہیں ان کو جواب دینے کے لئے ان مجوسی النسل لوگوں کی لسٹ دکھائی جاتی ہے کہ اگر ایرانی مجوسی ہیں تو یہ لوگ بھی اسی لاجک کے تحت مجوسی ہوئے
یعنی ان لوگوں کو آئینہ دکھانے کے لئے یہ لسٹ تیار کی گئی ہے
یعنی ٹرولنگ کا جواب ٹرولنگ
. . . . .
یہ بات بھی قابل غور ہے کہ آپ کی یہ انصاف پسندی پہلے جارجیت کرنے والوں کے خلاف نہیں جاگی اور ہمارے خلاف ہی انگڑیاں لی . اس کے علاوہ اوپر سٹیزن ایکس صاحبہ نے بھی ہمیں مجوسی کہا اور آپ نے ان سے پوچھنے کی زحمت نہیں کی کہ ایکس بہنا ایسا تمھیں کیسے پتا چلا


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
OK now someone has quoted The Quran. It is good that atleast you have started with the glorious Quran but you (or some unknown people) have made a lot of comments. I will try to make it clear to you what is already very clear. One of the ayah talks about replacing the Prophets (saw) wives with others because they have made a mistake if they do not repent. Now Allah does not hurl empty threats. He makes good on His promises. You made a claim that the wives did not repent (and also added things by your own imagination). So if they did not repent then why did Allah not fulfill His promise of replacing them? If your argument is right you are making a case against Allah (Nauzubillah) of not backing His promises (threats). Even a father loses respect and obedience who does not back up on what he says. Now I will be very careful not to make a statement referring to Daira e Islam but you can decide for yourself the consequence of what you are saying.

Also just as an aside Allah is Allah. He even admonishes The Prophet (saw) for an incident in the Quran.

I hope you are better off now. Let me know if you still have any doubts.
personal concocted logic, nothing but fluff; ifs and buts and full of 'what-ifs' assumptions. I expected some concrete answer from the Quran because I quoted the Quran....but how disappointing, not even one ayat, hence, all fluff, no substance. Please spare me your hogwash.

One worded answer to your rant is one of the names of Allah "Al-Adl" (the Utterly Just).

Now let me explain.

Allah was quick to 'shame and condemn' those 'two wives' in the Quran for the people (muslims and non-muslims) to read till the day of Resurrection. Him being 'Al-Adl' (The Utterly Just), why did he not reveal another ayat to let Rasool saww and people know of their (two wives') heartily repentance?...........because they never repented, but it is your eeman that they repented, right?

Now, there can only be two possibilities:

1- Those 'two wives' did not repent, thus, Allah did not reveal another ayat of their repentance; or
2- Those two wives repented from the core of their hearts but Allah concealed their repentance from Rasool saww and people till qayamat nor did He cancel the ayaats of Sura e Tahreem.

Now tell me, Allah being 'Al-Adl', which of the two possibilities actually occurred? soch samajh ker jawab dena.

If you still hold fast to your eeman that those two wives repented then you must show everyone on this forum the ayat/ayaat from the Quran where Allah was quick to accept the repentance of two wives, as he was quick to shame and condemn them in the first place in Sura e Tahreem. Again, Allah is 'Al-Adl' so he has to do justice; create balance. If there's no specific ayat of their repentance but you still believe they repented then you are accusing Allah of being unjust (muazallah) or you being munafiq.

Adl or Adalat is one of the Usool-e-Deen.
1- Tawheed
2- Adl
3- Nabuwat
4- Imamat (shia)
5- Qayamat

Iblees said to Allah the Almighty in Sura e Hijr[15:36]

and then [15:39-40]


Iblees's Usool-e-Deen as obvious from the ayaat above:
1- Tawheed
2- Nabuwat
3- Qayamat

Iblees does not believe in Allah's Adl and he clearly claims that in the ayat 39 above where he unjustly claims "Aye rab tu ne mujhay Gumrah kia...."

Now it is up to you to show Allah's Adl if He accepted those two wives' repentance, if they ever repented, otherwise, there is no difference between your usool e deen and iblees's.

Side Note: If the fathers of those two wives were not able to control their daughters and failed to do good upbringing, then imagine what those fathers could have done to Islam if they ever became khaleefa while having full authority over affairs of the religion. Aqal mando ke liye ishara kafi hai, lekin aqalmand hona zaroori hai. Im sure you won't understand.

Recommendation: Read Khutba-e-Shiqshiqya of Ameer-ul-Momineen Ali ibne Abi Talib (A.S.)

Either reply with Ayat from the Quran about their repentance or don't bother at all, because, you will be trying to lead others stray and at the same time wasting my time.....well! that's what iblees does ? I am sure you will try to do 'JUSTICE - ADL'
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The problem with you people is that you think the Prophet s.a.w ( nauzibilah ) was the worst judge of character ever, because ( according to you ) most of the women he married were ( nauzibillah ) ...lets just say not of good character His best friends some later turned into relatives and his closet companions ( nauzibillah ) were his worst enemies and apostates.

Nauzibillah nauzibillah nauzibillah, according to you he spent his entire Prophethood surrounded mostly by people of bad character, enemies and apostates and he was clueless of their realities.

This is the slander you lay against Allah s.w.t most beloved creation, the most perfect human being every created. A person who received divine revelation, a person who was through Allah's divine command given the knowledge of the unseen. But could not ( according to you) see through all the enemies and apostates that surrounded him pretending to be his friends and companions for decades.

If this is not slander of the highest degree against the Prophet s.a.w then I don't know what is. Remember what he said, telling a lie against me is not telling a like against any normal person. Anyone who willingly tells a lie against me his seat will be in the hellfire.
TSK! Pfft! what a waste of you go! once you are done reading Sura e Tawbah's verses 62-66 and still have some honor left in you (highly doubt) then you should go search the tanzeel of those ayaat, and if you are still zinda but not sherminda then go read Sura e Munafiqoon and stand in front of the mirror and do all nauzobillahs!

Surah At-Tawbah – Verse 62-66
يَحْلِفُونَ بِاللّهِ لَكُمْ لِيُرْضُوكُمْ وَاللّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ أَحَقُّ أَن يُرْضُوهُ إِن كَانُوا مُؤْمِنِينَ
62. “They swear to you by Allah, to please you; but Allah and His Messenger have a greater right that they should please Him if they are believers.”

أَلَمْ يَعْلَمُوا اَنَّهُ مَن يُحَادِدِ اللّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ فَاَنَّ لَهُ نَارَ جَهَنَّمَ خَالِداً فِيهَا ذَلِكَ الْخِزْيُ الْعَظِيمُ
63. “Do they not know that whoever opposes Allah and His Messenger verily for him is the fire of Hell to abide therein? That is the great abasement.”

يَحْذَرُ الْمُنَافِقُونَ اَن تُنَزَّلَ عَلَيْهِمْ سُورَةٌ تُنَبِّئُهُم بِمَا فِي قُلُوبِهِمْ قُلِ اسْتَهْزِءُوا إِنَّ اللّهَ مُخْرِجٌ مَاتَحْذَرُونَ
64. “The hypocrites fear lest a ‘Surah’ should be sent down against them apprising them of what is in their hearts. Say: ‘Mock on! Verily Allah will expose what you fear of ”

وَلَئِن سَاَلْتَهُمْ لَيَقُولُنَّ إِنَّمَا كُنَّا نَخُوضُ وَنَلْعَبُ قُلْ أَبِاللّهِ وءَايَاتِهِ وَرَسُولِهِ كُنتُمْ تَسْتَهْزِءُونَ
65. “And if you question them (regarding their mockery), they will certainly say: ‘We were only discoursing and sporting.’ Say: “Were you mocking Allah, His signs, and His Messenger?”

لاتَعْتَذِرُوا قَدْ كَفَرْتُم بَعْدَ إِيمَانِكُمْ إِن نَعْفُ عَن طَآئِفَةٍ مِنكُمْ نُعَذِّبْ طَآئِفَةً بِاَنَّهُمْ كَانُوا مُجْرِمِينَ
66. “Do not make excuses. You have disbelieved after your believing. If We forgive a party of you (because of repentance), We will chastise (another) party for that they have been sinners.”
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

تم لسٹ مانگنے پر مصر ہو شائد سمجھتے ہو کے شیعہ بھی تم لوگوں کی طرح خیانت کے مرتکب ہوتے ہیں تو ایسا ہرگز نہیں ہے صرف ایک مثال دیتا ہوں امام اسماعیل بخاری وہ شخص ہے جس کی کتاب کو سنیوں کے نزدیک قران سے بھی بالاتر نعوذ بااللہ سمجھا جاتا ہے پڑھ کر آپ کو بھی حیرت ہو گی کے وہ بھی مجوسی النسل تھا یعنی کے آپ کا مذھب کی اساس بنیاد رکھنے والا جس کی احادیث گھڑی جو گائی ہیں ان پر آپ کے مذھب کا ڈھانچہ کھڑا ہے وہ ہی مجوسی النسل ہے تو پھر تو آپ تو تہرے ہی مجوسیوں کے پیروکار اسی طرح ابو حنیفہ بھی ایرانی النسل مجوسی تھا مسلمشریف والے امام مسلم نشہ پوری وہ بھی مجوسی کیا کیا نام لکھوں
اس کے برعکس ایک بھی شیعہ امام کوئی دکھلا دے کے ان بارہ میں سے ایک بھی مجوسی ہو تو ہم اپنا مذھب ہی چھوڑ کر گمراہ مذھب قبول کر لیں گے

By that token, you and me and everyone living in the Indian subcontinent is a Hindu and everyone in Iran today is a Majoosi. What has happened to you guys. You should be able to do better than that.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
personal concocted logic, nothing but fluff; ifs and buts and full of 'what-ifs' assumptions. I expected some concrete answer from the Quran because I quoted the Quran....but how disappointing, not even one ayat, hence, all fluff, no substance. Please spare me your hogwash.

One worded answer to your rant is one of the names of Allah "Al-Adl" (the Utterly Just).

Now let me explain.

Allah was quick to 'shame and condemn' those 'two wives' in the Quran for the people (muslims and non-muslims) to read till the day of Resurrection. Him being 'Al-Adl' (The Utterly Just), why did he not reveal another ayat to let Rasool saww and people know of their (two wives') heartily repentance?...........because they never repented, but it is your eeman that they repented, right?

Now, there can only be two possibilities:

1- Those 'two wives' did not repent, thus, Allah did not reveal another ayat of their repentance; or
2- Those two wives repented from the core of their hearts but Allah concealed their repentance from Rasool saww and people till qayamat nor did He cancel the ayaats of Sura e Tahreem.

Now tell me, Allah being 'Al-Adl', which of the two possibilities actually occurred? soch samajh ker jawab dena.

If you still hold fast to your eeman that those two wives repented then you must show everyone on this forum the ayat/ayaat from the Quran where Allah was quick to accept the repentance of two wives, as he was quick to shame and condemn them in the first place in Sura e Tahreem. Again, Allah is 'Al-Adl' so he has to do justice; create balance. If there's no specific ayat of their repentance but you still believe they repented then you are accusing Allah of being unjust (muazallah) or you being munafiq.

Adl or Adalat is one of the Usool-e-Deen.
1- Tawheed
2- Adl
3- Nabuwat
4- Imamat (shia)
5- Qayamat

Iblees said to Allah the Almighty in Sura e Hijr[15:36]

and then [15:39-40]


Iblees's Usool-e-Deen as obvious from the ayaat above:
1- Tawheed
2- Nabuwat
3- Qayamat

Iblees does not believe in Allah's Adl and he clearly claims that in the ayat 39 above where he unjustly claims "Aye rab tu ne mujhay Gumrah kia...."

Now it is up to you to show Allah's Adl if He accepted those two wives' repentance, if they ever repented, otherwise, there is no difference between your usool e deen and iblees's.

Side Note: If the fathers of those two wives were not able to control their daughters and failed to do good upbringing, then imagine what those fathers could have done to Islam if they ever became khaleefa while having full authority over affairs of the religion. Aqal mando ke liye ishara kafi hai.

Recommendation: Read Khutba-e-Shiqshiqya of Ameer-ul-Momineed Ali ibne Abi Talib (A.S.)

Either reply with Ayat from the Quran about their repentance or don't bother at all, because, you will be trying to lead others stray and at the same time wasting my time.....well! that's what iblees does ? I am sure you will try to do 'JUSTICE - ADL'

Come on guys. All the structure you have built is coming down like a pack of cards at the hands of someone like me who has very little religious knowledge. I'm dismayed, really I am. I asked you a simple question. If the wives did not correct their mistake Why did Allah not fulfill on His promise? The problem I am having with you guys is that you twist and turn instead of logically dealing with the argument. We will go nowhere like this. The only way to have a good debate is where both parties think that the other may know something they don't. I know you will now divert somewhere else so I will let readers decide on this. I must however say that a good way is to be truthful to yourself and ask Allah for guidance if you are sincere.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Come on guys. All the structure you have built is coming down like a pack of cards at the hands of someone like me who has very little religious knowledge. I'm dismayed, really I am. I asked you a simple question. If the wives did not correct their mistake Why did Allah not fulfill on His promise? The problem I am having with you guys is that you twist and turn instead of logically dealing with the argument. We will go nowhere like this. The only way to have a good debate is where both parties think that the other may know something they don't. I know you will now divert somewhere else so I will let readers decide on this. I must however say that a good way is to be truthful to yourself and ask Allah for guidance if you are sincere.
Again fluff! Prove from the Quran that Allah accepted their repentance, if they ever repented, like Allah denounced their actions PUBLICLY to all eternity. It is quite evident from your reply that you don't believe in Allah' Adl, hence follow iblees's usool e deen.

Btw! Allah permitted Rasool Allah saww to divorce those two disobedient wives, if Rasool Allah wished. However, him being Rasool did not commit Tark e Ola. Rasool Allah saww was their husband not Allah, so how could Allah fulfill the promise that was contingent on a certain action of Rasool Allah saww? Have you no sense? Do I have to read Sura e Ikhlas to you now?

In this argument, logic without Quranic backing is as useless as 99.9% muslims who participated in Ghazwa e Uhud.

Don't reply if you don't have an ayat in support of your argument.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

آپ کو میں بتا چکا ہوں کہ کچھ لوگ ایرانی مسلمانوں کو مجوسی کہتے ہیں ان کو جواب دینے کے لئے ان مجوسی النسل لوگوں کی لسٹ دکھائی جاتی ہے کہ اگر ایرانی مجوسی ہیں تو یہ لوگ بھی اسی لاجک کے تحت مجوسی ہوئے
یعنی ان لوگوں کو آئینہ دکھانے کے لئے یہ لسٹ تیار کی گئی ہے
یعنی ٹرولنگ کا جواب ٹرولنگ
. . . . .
یہ بات بھی قابل غور ہے کہ آپ کی یہ انصاف پسندی پہلے جارجیت کرنے والوں کے خلاف نہیں جاگی اور ہمارے خلاف ہی انگڑیاں لی . اس کے علاوہ اوپر سٹیزن ایکس صاحبہ نے بھی ہمیں مجوسی کہا اور آپ نے ان سے پوچھنے کی زحمت نہیں کی کہ ایکس بہنا ایسا تمھیں کیسے پتا چلا

As I said you are a good man and a simple person. People like us who are just Muslims not shia, sunni, deobandi, brelvi have no time for this hair splitiing BS. We have a career as opposed to a job and family that takes most of our time. I am not even able to properly perform the basic tasks ordained for Muslims (which everyone agrees upon). I for one am not prepared to be a pawn in the battle of self serving Mullahs or dirty games played by Iran and Saudi. As the long drawn war between protestants and catholics is coming to an end with its last battle in Ireland its imperative for common muslims to get out of the yoke of stupid Mullahs and idiotic zakirs and go back to the basics of the religion. This will be verified by the character of the Muslims which everybody would be able to attest to. Thank you.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Again fluff! Prove from the Quran that Allah accepted their repentance, if they ever repented, like Allah denounced their actions PUBLICLY to all eternity. It is quite evident from your reply that you don't believe in Allah' Adl, hence follow iblees's usool e deen.

Btw! Allah permitted Rasool Allah saww to divorce those two disobedient wives, if Rasool Allah wished. However, him being Rasool did not commit Tark e Ola.

In this argument, logic without Quranic backing is as useless as 99.9% muslims who participated in Ghazwa e Uhud.

Don't reply if you don't have an ayat in support of your argument.

The promise (threat) was made by Allah not The Prophet (saw) and Allah does not go back on His word.
I rest my case !
Adious amigo.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The promise (threat) was made by Allah not The Prophet (saw) and Allah does not go back on His word.
I rest my case !
Adious amigo.
Allah was not their husband, but Rasool Allah was. Allah gave Rasool Allah an option that was not the best course of action. Hence no Tark e Ola was commited. Do you even know what Tark e Ola is? Total lack of common sense and islamic knowledge is pretty evident in your utterly senseless replies.

Don't try to debate about islam when you have zero knowledge what islam is about.

There is only 1

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
As I said you are a good man and a simple person. People like us who are just Muslims not shia, sunni, deobandi, brelvi have no time for this hair splitiing BS. We have a career as opposed to a job and family that takes most of our time. I am not even able to properly perform the basic tasks ordained for Muslims (which everyone agrees upon). I for one am not prepared to be a pawn in the battle of self serving Mullahs or dirty games played by Iran and Saudi. As the long drawn war between protestants and catholics is coming to an end with its last battle in Ireland its imperative for common muslims to get out of the yoke of stupid Mullahs and idiotic zakirs and go back to the basics of the religion. This will be verified by the character of the Muslims which everybody would be able to attest to. Thank you.
Believe me, being a good shia is easier than being neutral.
As there are many false religions in the world and they have nothing to do with one true religion Islam. Same is the case with sects. We have to carefully study all the sects and chose the righteous one.
Good luck!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Believe me, being a good shia is easier than being neutral.
As there are many false religions in the world and they have nothing to do with one true religion Islam. Same is the case with sects. We have to carefully study all the sects and chose the righteous one.
Good luck!
I was absolutely flabbergasted at that person's lame logic and idiotic questions about why Allah didn't fulfill the promise? What promise? Of new better, obedient, god-fearing, devout worshipping and fasting wives? That promise was contingent on Rasool Allah's decision, but Rasool Allah didn't opt tark e ola. Sheesh! And they come here and talk about religion as if they were born conversant in it.

I was about to read Sura e Ikhlas to him/her.

...and they wish to decide who Ahlulbait s.a. are! Lanat ho Allah ki in per aur Allah rehem karay Islam pe. Yahan to munafiqon ne jitna Islam ko qatl kia hai utna kafir ne kabhi khwab mai bhi nahi dekha hoga.
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There is only 1

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I was absolutely flabbergasted at that person's lame logic and idiotic questions about why Allah didn't fulfill the promise? What promise? Of new better, obedient, god-fearing, devout worshipping and fasting wives? That promise was contingent on Rasool Allah's decision, but Rasool Allah didn't opt tark e ola. Sheesh! And they come here and talk about religion as if they were born conversant in it.

I was about to read Sura e Ikhlas to him/her.

...and they wish to decide who Ahlulbait s.a. are! Lanat ho Allah ki in per aur Allah rehem karay Islam pe. Yahan to munafiqon ne jitna Islam ko qatl kia hai utna kafir ne kabhi khwab mai bhi nahi dekha hoga.
I agree that we have to start right from the basics i.e
1- Tawheed
2- Adl
3- Nabuwat
4- Imamat (shia)
5- Qayamat
Jtni bhi debates hui hain un mein inn logon ke ksi na ksi asool e deen ka ghalt concept dekhne ko mla hai.
Once a persons presented a nasbi-logic that Hzrat Haroon PBUH was responsible for bad things in that ummat and so Hazrat Ali A.S should not be the successor of Prophet Muhammad PBUH as he is also like Haroon to our Prophet PBUH.
Aesi logics sun kr insan kya kre?
Take a look at this 10 minutes video. You will love it.
Nabowat mein shak krne walon ka anjam.

Citizen X

President (40k+ posts)
TSK! Pfft! what a waste of you go! once you are done reading Sura e Tawbah's verses 62-66 and still have some honor left in you (highly doubt) then you should go search the tanzeel of those ayaat, and if you are still zinda but not sherminda then go read Sura e Munafiqoon and stand in front of the mirror and do all nauzobillahs!

Surah At-Tawbah – Verse 62-66

62. “They swear to you by Allah, to please you; but Allah and His Messenger have a greater right that they should please Him if they are believers.”

63. “Do they not know that whoever opposes Allah and His Messenger verily for him is the fire of Hell to abide therein? That is the great abasement.”

64. “The hypocrites fear lest a ‘Surah’ should be sent down against them apprising them of what is in their hearts. Say: ‘Mock on! Verily Allah will expose what you fear of ”

65. “And if you question them (regarding their mockery), they will certainly say: ‘We were only discoursing and sporting.’ Say: “Were you mocking Allah, His signs, and His Messenger?”

66. “Do not make excuses. You have disbelieved after your believing. If We forgive a party of you (because of repentance), We will chastise (another) party for that they have been sinners.”
And nothing that you have quoted or said addresses the slander you people lay against our beloved Prophet s.a.w as mentioned in my previous post. But then again dodging the subject or derailing the debate by further asking pointless questions has been your SOP from the start. So no surprises there.

What would be surprising though that you lot for a change actually stuck to the subject or posted relevant answers instead of your regular trickery.

Citizen X

President (40k+ posts)
I agree that we have to start right from the basics i.e
1- Tawheed
2- Adl
3- Nabuwat
4- Imamat (shia)
5- Qayamat

Yes please do prove number 4 - Imamat from the Quran please. 1,2,3 and 5 are clearly and repeatedly mentioned in the Quran. But for the life of me I could not find imamat in the Quran as you people claim.

And please do me, the readers and yourself and not qoute ayahs like 2:124. or 32:24 because they have nothing to do with the Imamat you preach.

If Allah s.w.t was so clear and vivid of 1,2,3 and 5 I am sure there must be clear verses like O Muhammad after you there will be multiple imams from your leaders and O you believing men you must follow them etc etc etc.

I'm sorry for the life of me I could not find anything even remotely similar where this concept of Imamat as you people preach is mentioned.

If you can be so kind as to point me to them, and if they prove your imamat I will also convert into Shia today.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I agree that we have to start right from the basics i.e
1- Tawheed
2- Adl
3- Nabuwat
4- Imamat (shia)
5- Qayamat
Jtni bhi debates hui hain un mein inn logon ke ksi na ksi asool e deen ka ghalt concept dekhne ko mla hai.
Once a persons presented a nasbi-logic that Hzrat Haroon PBUH was responsible for bad things in that ummat and so Hazrat Ali A.S should not be the successor of Prophet Muhammad PBUH as he is also like Haroon to our Prophet PBUH.
Aesi logics sun kr insan kya kre?
Take a look at this 10 minutes video. You will love it.
Nabowat mein shak krne walon ka anjam.
Wah wah! Subhanallah! Maza aagaya.? I like his majalis although I'm not a punjabi speaking. I'm a big time listener of Asif Raza Alvi.

Yahan bhi buhton ka mola garma garam piping ? honay wala hai?


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
There is only 1


Brothers, we Muslims only debate with Qadiyanies on finality of prophet Mohammad pbuh.
Rest of the differences among Muslims have nothing to do with Qadiyanies.

Dr. Adam Qadiyani & his wife CitizemX are notorious Qadiyani couple, kick their butts as much as you can but no debate with them on any topic other than Khatam-e-Nabuwwah.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
And nothing that you have quoted or said addresses the slander you people lay against our beloved Prophet s.a.w as mentioned in my previous post. But then again dodging the subject or derailing the debate by further asking pointless questions has been your SOP from the start. So no surprises there.

What would be surprising though that you lot for a change actually stuck to the subject or posted relevant answers instead of your regular trickery.
Quran Ishara deta hai...naam khol khol ke nahi batata...ab har koi abu lahab nahi hai aur na hi hamatal hatab. Naam inshallah qabr mai jakay pata chalengay buhat jald. Kuch ko naam pata hi nahi hongay aur kuch bolengay hum ko bataye gaye thay hum ne jhutla dia.

Quran ke isharay tum samjhogi bhi nahi. Kiyun ke Quran bolta nahi hai. Aur jo bolta nahi hai uske isharay sirf uske ghar walay hi samajhtay hain. Isliye Quran ko sirf Alhulbait s.a. ke ilawa koi nahi samajhta....especially dushman to bilkul nahi samajhtay. Woh Quran hi kia jiske isharay dushman samajh jayen.?

Btw! Sura e Tahreem ki woh 2 biwian kon hain? Unke naam bhi Quran ne nahi bataye aur na hi unke baapon ke naam. Aur kuch ishara chahiye?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
There is only 1


Brothers, we Muslims only debate with Qadiyanies on finality of prophet Mohammad.
Rest of the differences among Muslims have nothing to do with Qadiyanies.

Dr. Adam Qadiyani & his wife CitizemX are notorious Qadiyani couple, kick their butts as much as you can but no debate with them on any topic other than Khatam-e-Nabuwwah.
Na ker mere bhai, Yeh citizen X Dr. Evil ki katto hai????

There is only 1

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
There is only 1


Brothers, we Muslims only debate with Qadiyanies on finality of prophet Mohammad pbuh.
Rest of the differences among Muslims have nothing to do with Qadiyanies.

Dr. Adam Qadiyani & his wife CitizemX are notorious Qadiyani couple, kick their butts as much as you can but no debate with them on any topic other than Khatam-e-Nabuwwah.
سٹیزن ایکس صاحبہ منکر حدیث ہیں ، اس لئے میں ان سے اسلام کے کسی بھی موضوع پر بات نہیں کرتا
فکر ناٹ
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