
Skin disorders vary greatly in severity and symptoms. Sometimes, they can be permanent or temporary, and sometimes, may be painful or painless. Some have genetic while others may be the situational cause. a few skin conditions are life-threatening and other can be minor.
Some skin disorders indicate a more serious issue, while most are minor. Contact your doctor if you think, you have one of these typical skin problems.
Pictures of dissimilar skin disorders
There are many dissimilar types of skin disorders. Here is a list of some of them with pictures.
Warning: graphic images ahead.
Acne skin disorder

  • Commonly located on the neck, shoulders, face, chest and upper back
  • Breakouts on the skin composed of whiteheads, blackheads, pimples or deep, nodules and painful cysts
  • May leave darken or scars the skin if untreated
    Cold sore skin disorder


  • The painful, red, fluid-filled blister that appears near the lips and mouth
  • The affected area will often burn or tingle before the sore is visible
  • Outbreaks may also be accompanied by flu, mild- like symptoms such as body aches, low fever, and swollen lymph nodes
    Blister skin disorder

  • Characterized by clear, watery, fluid-filled area on the skin
  • Maybe larger than 1 cm(bulla) or smaller than 1 cm(vesicle) and occur in groups or alone
  • Can be found anywhere on your body

    Hives skin disorder

  • Itchy that occur after exposure to an allergy
  • Warm, red and painful to the touch
  • Can be large, randomly shaped and small, round and ring-shaped
    Actinic keratosis skin disorder

  • It could be less than 2 cm or almost the size of a pencil eraser
  • Scaly, thicky, or crusty skin patch
  • Mostly appears on hands, scalp, arms, face, and neck because these body parts receive a lot of sun exposure
  • Usually pink in color but can have a tan, brown, or a gray base
    Rosacea skin disorder


  • A chronic skin disease that goes through cycles of replase and fading
  • Relapses may be triggered by alcoholic beverages, spicy foods, intestinal bacteria, sunlight, and stress
  • There are four subtypes of rosacea symptoms
  • Common symptoms include raised, facial flushing, facial redness, red bumps, skin sensitivity, and skin dryness
    Carbuncle skin disorder


  • Painful, red, and irritated lump under the skin
  • May be accompanied by body aches, fever, and fatigue
  • Can cause oozing or skin crustiness
    Latex allergy skin disorder

  • This disease is considered a medical emergency. Serious care may be required.
  • A rash can occur within minutes or hours after exposure to latex products.
  • Itchy, warm, red wheals at the site of contact that may take to a crusted, dry appearance with repeated exposure to latex
  • Airborne latex particles may cause a runny nose, cough, sneezing and itchy, watery eyes
  • A severe allergy to latex can cause difficulty breathing and swelling
    Eczema skin disorder


  • White or yellow scaly patches that flake off
  • Affected areas may be oily, greasy, red or itchy
  • Hair loss could occur in the area with the rash
    Psoriasis skin disorder


  • Silvery, scaly, sharply defined skin patches
  • Commonly located on the elbows, knees, lower back and scalp
  • May be asymptomatic or itchy
    Cellulitis skin disorder


  • Caused by fungi or bacteria entering through a cut or crack in the skin
  • Painful, swollen, red skin with or without oozing which spreads quickly
  • Tender and hot to the touch
  • Chills, fever and red streaking from the rash might be a signal of serious infection
    Measles skin disorder


  • Symptoms include a sore throat, fever, red watery eyes, loss of appetite, runny nose and cough
  • The red rash spreads from the face down the body four to five days after first symptoms appear
  • With blue-white centers, tiny red spots appear inside the mouth
    Basal cell carcinoma skin disorder


  • A firm, raised and pale areas that may resemble a scar
  • Dome-like, red or pink, shiny and pearly areas that may have a sunk in the center like a crater
  • Oozing or easy bleeding wound that does not seem to heal

Give Treatment To your Skin Disorders

Learning about proper treatment for skin disorders and proper skin care can be very important for skin health. Some conditions you can address safely at home, while some required the attention of a doctor. You should learn about your conditions or symptoms and talk with your skin specialist doctor to determine the best treatment methods.


Senator (1k+ posts)
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